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Posts posted by brian47374

  1. When I included the <> ' ' clause, I got two results. Both of which I know are valid. However, when I added the clause, I got NULL in the last two columns without column names. I find that strange. I would think that I would at least get a column name. Did I do something wrong?

    Here is my updated statement: 

    SELECT TABLE1.`handle`, TABLE1.`Variant SKU`, TABLE1.`Variant Barcode`, TABLE2.`Variant SKU`, `TABLE2`.`Variant Barcode` 


    inner JOIN TABLE2 on TABLE1.`Variant SKU` = TABLE2.`Variant SKU` 

    and TABLE1.`Variant SKU` <> ' ' 

    and TABLE2.`Variant SKU` <> ' ' 

    and TABLE1.`Variant Barcode` <> TABLE2.`Variant Barcode`



  2. Quote

    Whose fault is what?  Are you going to make several non-sequitor posts and eventually follow that up by adding some spam links in your signature?

    What the ???? I have no idea what you are talking about. I am here to solve a problem. Why in the world would you even bring up SPAM links in my signature. Obviously I am not a pro like you, and that is WHY I am here. It has been years since I done anything with SQL. And when I did, about 10 years ago, it was on the IBM AS400 platform. I wish I would have kept my notes. If I would have, I wouldn't be here. ;) 

    I appreciate any and all help that I can get. Maybe one day it will all come back to me. Sorry to be a burden by asking questions. 

  3. Alright, I got the (‘) removed from all of the files. So, I have the same fields in both tables now. In Table 1 there are 46 columns, and in Table 2 there are 4 columns.

    ·         Handle (Product name) (Table 1 & Table 2)

    ·         Vendor (Table 1 & Table 2)

    ·         Variant SKU (Table 1 & Table 2)

    ·         Variant Barcode (Table 1 & Table 2)


    Table 1 has 867 records (see screenshot)

    Table 2 has 552 records  (see screenshot)

    However, when I use the following statement, I got I get 17172 results which I have no idea how that is possible.


    SELECT TABLE1.`handle`, TABLE1.`Variant SKU`, TABLE1.`Variant Barcode`, TABLE2.`Variant SKU`, `TABLE2`.`Variant Barcode` FROM TABLE1 inner JOIN TABLE2 on TABLE1.`Variant SKU` = TABLE2.`Variant SKU` and TABLE1.`Variant Barcode` <> TABLE2.`Variant Barcode`


    There are no unique fields.

    Why am I getting this many results?

    Then, when I join and leave out the barcodes, I get closer to what I am looking for in screenshot Join 2 (not allowed to upload). But again, I get FAR more results than I should!

    I am wanting to see where the Variant SKU matches and the Barcode doesn’t. Also, where the SKU doesn’t and the barcodes do. They don’t have to be in the same query, but it would be nice if they do.



    table 2.PNG

    table 1 query.PNG

  4. I have no control over the ' being inserted. It is exported from our system in that manner for whatever reason. I have researched this issue and it seems to be a common issue with Excel and CSV files. Not a single one of the proposed solutions works for removing the '. Is there a way to truncate the ' out? 

  5. I have provided a couple of screen shots. Hopefully this is what you are looking for as far as data. Also, how do I remove the ‘ from the beginning of the SKU’s and the Barcodes? I imported a CSV file and for some reason it tends to do that when it feels like it, but not all the time. Table 1 is first and then Table 2.

    table 1.PNG

    table 2.PNG

  6. I am trying to do a JOIN on two tables. 

    Table 1 has these fields:

    -          Handle

    -          Variant SKU

    -          Variant Barcode

    Table 2 has these fields:

    -          SKU

    -          Barcode

    -          Brand

    -          Description

    SELECT TABLE1.`handle`, TABLE1.`Variant SKU`, TABLE1.`Variant Barcode`, TABLE2.`SKU`, TABLE2.Barcode FROM TABLE1 inner JOIN TABLE2

    When I run the statement above, I get the same Variant SKU for every result while the SKU from Table 2 is unique as it should be. Not only that, but the handle (which is the product name) repeats itself for every result and it should not as there are about 550 different products.See 5045.PNG file attached. The VARIANT SKU should be different such as the SKU as should the HANDLE and the VARIANT BARCODE. 

    And then I execute this statement below, not only do I get the same repeated handle (product), but the Variat SKU, Variant Barcode, and SKU data is blank. Only the handle and barcode are showing up. Attachment REPEAT.PNG

    SELECT TABLE1.`handle`, TABLE1.`Variant SKU`, TABLE1.`Variant Barcode`, TABLE2.`SKU`, TABLE2.Barcode 


    inner JOIN TABLE2 

    on TABLE1.`Variant SKU` = TABLE2.`SKU` and TABLE1.`Variant Barcode` <> TABLE2.`Barcode`

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



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