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Posts posted by LJP

  1. I was using your example script from page 1 of this, that you had said "I'll do this when I get home". 

    Yes I agree about the line breaks. I have tried adding them in hopefully the correct places but still the same error. I've posted the code here with line breaks re-added. 

    Would you mind please either checking this below, or else re-posting your original one please? Thank you

    $now = time(); 
    // current time
    $mailbox = '{your-mailserver-here/imap/novalidate-cert}INBOX'; 
    // see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-open.php 
    $mbox = imap_open($mailbox, 'email-address-here', 'password-here'); 
    // log in to mail server
    if (!$mbox)  echo ('Failed opening mailbox<br>' . print_r(imap_errors(), true)); 
    // remove the print_r for production use
    else{  $box = imap_check($mbox); 
    	 // get the inbox  
    	 for ($imap_idx = 1; $imap_idx <= $box->Nmsgs; $imap_idx++) 
    	 // loop through the messages  
    	 {    $headers = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $imap_idx); 
    	  // http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-headerinfo.php    
    	  $raw_headers = imap_fetchheader($mbox, $imap_idx); 
    	  // http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-fetchheader.php    
    	  $selected_headers = '';    $text_part = '';    $html_part = '';    
    	  $original_message = imap_body($mbox, $imap_idx); 
    	  // save the copy of the entire thing, attachments and all    
    	  // build selected headers string    
    	  for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($headers->from); $ii++)      $selected_headers .= 'From: ' . $headers->from[$ii]->mailbox . '@' . $headers->from[$ii]->host . "\n";    for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($headers->to); $ii++)      $selected_headers .= 'To: ' . $headers->to[$ii]->mailbox . '@' . $headers->to[$ii]->host . "\n";    for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($headers->cc); $ii++)      $selected_headers .= 'Cc: ' . $headers->cc[$ii]->mailbox . '@' . $headers->cc[$ii]->host . "\n";    for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($headers->bcc); $ii++)      $selected_headers .= 'Bcc: ' . $headers->bcc[$ii]->mailbox . '@' . $headers->bcc[$ii]->host . "\n";    if (!empty($headers->date))      $selected_headers .= 'Date: ' . $headers->date . "\n";    if (!empty($headers->subject))      $selected_headers .= 'Subject: ' . $headers->subject . "\n";    
    	  // see below; getMsg uses global variables    
    	  getMsg($mbox, $imap_idx);    $text_part = $plainmsg; 
    	  // text portion of the email    
    	  $html_part = $htmlmsg; 
    	  // html portion of the email    
    	  // check for text portion first    
    	  $msg_text = trim(strip_tags($plainmsg, '<a>'));    
    	  if ($msg_text == '')    {      
    		  // text portion is empty, check html portion      
    		  $msg_text = trim($htmlmsg);      
    		  if ($msg_text == '')      {        
    			  // no text or html portion auto-detected, check manually        
    			  $msg_text = imap_body($mbox, $imap_idx); 
    			  // get the entire raw message        
    			  // check for quoted-printable encoding with possible boundary markers and headers at the top        
    			  $chunks = explode("\n", trim($msg_text));        
    			  if (count($chunks) > 1) 
    				  // if there are multiple lines        
    			  {          $quoted_printable = false;          if (strpos($chunks[0], '--') === 0) 
    				  // if the first line is a boundary marker (starts with '--')          
    			  {                        array_shift($chunks); 
    			   // remove the first line            
    			   if (strpos($chunks[count($chunks) - 1], '--') === 0) 
    				   // check the last line            
    			   {              array_pop($chunks); 
    				// remove that too            
    			   }          }          if (strpos(strtolower($chunks[0]), 'content-type') === 0)            array_shift($chunks); 
    			   // remove the first line if it's a content-type header          
    			   if (strpos(strtolower($chunks[0]), 'content-transfer-encoding') === 0)          {            if (strpos(strtolower($chunks[0]), 'quoted-printable'))              $quoted_printable = true; 
    																								// this email was sent using quoted-printable encoding            
    																								// remove the content-transfer-encoding header          
    																							   }          $msg_text = implode("\n", $chunks); 
    			   // put the remaining lines back together          
    			   if ($quoted_printable) $msg_text = quoted_printable_decode($msg_text);          $msg_text = utf8_decode($msg_text);        }      }    }    $from = trim($headers->from[0]->mailbox . '@' . $headers->from[0]->host);    $msgId = isset($headers->message_id) ? trim($headers->message_id) : '';    $time = strtotime($headers->date);    if ($time == 0)      $time = $now;        
    	  /******************************************************    At this point:      $headers: the object returned from imap_headerinfo      $selected_headers: text of some headers to display to a user checking mail (subject, from, etc)      $text_part: the text portion, if found      $html_part: the html portion, if found      $msg_text: either the text part, html part, or manually-decoded part (this is the variable to use as email body)      $original_message: the entire unprocessed email body, includingall parts and any attachments      $from: From address      $msgId: message ID from the headers      $time: email delivery time, as a Unix timestamp      $attachments: array of attachments (see below)    ******************************************************/    
    	  // process attachments    
    	  foreach ($attachments as $filename => $data)    {      
    		  // e.g. 
    		  file_put_contents('attachments/' . $filename, $data);     }    
    	  // flag the email for deletion    
    	  imap_delete($mbox, $imap_idx);  }  
    	 // delete emails and close the mailbox  
    	 imap_expunge($mbox);  imap_close($mbox);}function getMsg($mbox,$mid) {  
    	// input 
    	$mbox = IMAP stream, $mid = message id  
    		// output all the following:  
    		global $htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$charset,$attachments;  
    	// the message may in $htmlmsg, $plainmsg, or both  
    	$htmlmsg = $plainmsg = $charset = '';  $attachments = array();  
    	// HEADER  
    	$h = imap_header($mbox,$mid);  
    	// add code here to get date, from, to, cc, subject...  
    	// BODY  
    	$s = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$mid);  if (empty($s->parts))  
    		// not multipart    
    	// no part-number, so pass 0  
    	else {  
    		// multipart: iterate through each part    
    		foreach ($s->parts as $partno0=>$p)      getMsgPart($mbox,$mid,$p,$partno0+1);  }}function getMsgPart($mbox,$mid,$p,$partno) {  
    	// $partno = '1', '2', '2.1', '2.1.3', etc if multipart, 0 if not multipart  
    	global $htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$charset,$attachments;  
    	// DECODE DATA  
    	$data = ($partno)?    imap_fetchbody($mbox,$mid,$partno):  
    	// multipart    
    	// not multipart  
    	// Any part may be encoded, even plain text messages, so check everything.  
    	if ($p->encoding==4)    $data = quoted_printable_decode($data);  elseif ($p->encoding==3)    $data = base64_decode($data);  
    	// no need to decode 7-bit, 8-bit, or binary  
    	// PARAMETERS  
    	// get all parameters, like charset, filenames of attachments, etc.  
    	$params = array();  if ($p->ifparameters)    foreach ($p->parameters as $x)      $params[ strtolower( $x->attribute ) ] = $x->value;  if ($p->ifdparameters)    foreach ($p->dparameters as $x)      $params[ strtolower( $x->attribute ) ] = $x->value;  
    		// ATTACHMENT  
    		// Any part with a filename is an attachment,  
    		// so an attached text file (type 0) is not mistaken as the message.  
    		if (!empty($params['filename']) || !empty($params['name'])) {    
    		// filename may be given as 'Filename' or 'Name' or both    
    		$filename = (!empty($params['filename']))? $params['filename'] : $params['name'];    
    		// filename may be encoded, so see imap_mime_header_decode()    $attachments[$filename] = $data;  
    		// this is a problem if two files have same name  
    	// TEXT  
    	elseif ($p->type==0 && $data) {    
    		// Messages may be split in different parts because of inline attachments,    
    		// so append parts together with blank row.    
    		if ($p->ifsubtype && strtolower($p->subtype)=='plain')      $plainmsg .= trim($data) ."\n\n";    else      $htmlmsg .= $data ."<br><br>";    $charset = $params['charset'];  
    		// assume all parts are same charset  }  
    		// Many bounce notifications embed the original message as type 2,  
    		// but AOL uses type 1 (multipart), which is not handled here.  
    		// There are no PHP functions to parse embedded messages,  
    		// so this just appends the raw source to the main message.  
    		elseif ($p->type==2 && $data) {    $plainmsg .= trim($data) ."\n\n";  }  
    		if (!empty($p->parts)) {    foreach ($p->parts as $partno0=>$p2)      getMsgPart($mbox,$mid,$p2,$partno.'.'.($partno0+1));  
    								// 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.  


  2. Thanks very much @justsomeguy this post explains exactly what I want to do. However when i pasted in the full example script it seemed to be an invalid file (HTTP error 500).

    I had filled in the imap login details correctly. 

    What else would I need to do to make it work, are there any other variable names I should fill in in the script or anything?

    Thanks Lyndon

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