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Posts posted by Adje

  1. YES it works perfectly  (I did'nt read the using instructions :wub: )

    (there are some little strange codes but that's no problem.

    But Now I have the sourcefile reconstructed so I can study on that and maybe improve it for the system.

    After that I wonder if I have to encode it again ??

    Thanks a lot

  2. Further inquirys give the following results:

    When the programs are running (the total system), and I change the filename of Calculations.js  (say to Calculations_test.js) the folowing happen's:

    The program keeps running good as long as I dont change the view (or refresh the page)

    When I press F5 (refresh) then there comes an alarm message " ScripFault"  (the picture is in Dutch)

    meaning "the value of the item covertValue null or not defined and no function" 

    This should mean ( as far as my knowledge go's) that the script in Calculations.js is putting a little program with an name of "convertValue" in the computer and run it ??


  3. Hello people

    Can You help me with an Jave script ( it is unreadable and I think its also compiled or something like that )

    I have try'd to look at it with an DeCompiler but it keeps unreadable

    It is used for calculations in another part of de system ( XML scripts )

    The system (soft- and hard-ware) is made by an company that is not able to get service of this product.

    Because of problems with the system I'm trying to figure out how the software works.

    But this script is the part that is not possible to see what is going on in it.

    Filename = Calculations.js

    Note: It is running on an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40 GHz With Windows 7 Ultimate" system

    When someone can get the file more readable much thanks.


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