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Everything posted by rizwansyed

  1. Hi Funce When I try It goes to other page saying enter the name. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  2. Hi Dsonesuk Now it works fine.Now only issue here am facing is that using two divs "option1" and "select option1" appears top and bottom (as shown in attached image) Instead I require it side by side with a small gap. I tried using <br> <div>, it does not work
  3. Hi Dsonesuk Thanks for the reply. I can able to submit by keeping a single form. with some modifications, i can able to hide the disabled element from submitting. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed submit form1.txt
  4. Hi I have two options like option1 and option2 from a drop down list. When i select option1,it shows option1A and option1B When i select option2,it shows option2A and option2B. Its like either of one selection.After selecting, how can i submit the form. where to call the submit button , so that both my selected values gets submitted. Attached is the file Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed submit form.txt
  5. Thank you Dsonesuk It works fine
  6. Hi I need to get a selected data from drop down list and then use it in other tab. For example , If i have 2 tabs and in tab 1 if i select "SI units" then in other tab only "A" should be visible and "B" should be hidden or disabled if i select "US units" then in other tab only "B" should be visible and "A" should be hidden or disabled. I have attached a text file for this Please suggest Thanks In advance accessing different tab content.txt
  7. Hi We need HTML only, as customer dont need any other language except HTML I have found https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_button_formtarget which uses target="_blank" and posts it in other page. but is any alternative , so that we can avoid going to other page also....just submit and be in same page
  8. Hi Dsonesuk Am trying to do it in HTML.Am not getting it. How to use localstorage in html.I tried like below code . https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_tabs <script> function openCity(evt, cityName) { var i, tabcontent, tablinks,temp; tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent.style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks.className = tablinks.className.replace(" active", ""); if (tablinks === cityName) { tablinks.className = "active"; localStorage.activeLI = i; } document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; } </script> Please suggest with this, how to proceed. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  9. Hi Dsonesuk Any example you have to read the stored info. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  10. Hi Funce Thanks for the reply. I have a dynamic data which keeps on updating.So i need a refresh. Do you have any java script for this implementation. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  11. Hi Am using <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5"> for page refresh for every 5 seconds in HTML. I have 6 to 7 tabs in my page. If am in 5th tab , after refresh it goes to default page. How can i stay in 5th tab only even after refresh in HTML. Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  12. Hi I have a board reneses synergy s7g2 board. Please find the attached Submit button file in html which has a html snippet. I have a list of languages which can be selected from drop down list and then i press submit button so that i can receive the selected language on my board. I have a code in my c file in renesas baord with else if ((NX_HTTP_SERVER_POST_REQUEST == request_type) && (0 == strcmp(resource, "/language"))) It compares with my Html file code like <form action="/language" method="post"> So whenever i press submit button, it goes to other page like i want to avoid going to next page . My requirement is, when ever i submit, it should be in same page or if it goes to other page , i need a workaround like automatically coming back to default page with in a second. Please suggest Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed submit buttton code.txt
  13. Hi Whenever i click on submit button,It goes to other page as shown in attached figure. Is there any option to automatically press back button of browser or the back option after 1 second as shown in the attached image. Please suggest Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  14. Hi Dsoneusk Thanks for the reply.It was helpful I tried the below example https://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_form_radio It prints the value whichever radio button is selected, Is it possible to send the selected radio button to my micro controller board (without using a submit button,just by clicking a radio button) Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  15. Thanks Dsonesuk. One more clarification, As shown in the below figure. Just by selecting a radio button (without using a submit button) , Is it possible to send a value to my board saying that particular radio button is selected Please select your favorite season: Spring Summer Fall Winter Please suggest Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  16. Hi Ingolme, I didnt get what you have mentioned.Please can you mention it clearly for getting the dynamic value instead of static Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  17. Hi I need to create a horizontal tab and then inside each tab i need a vertical tab. But am getting both as horizontal. I have attached my html text file Please suggest Thanks and Regards Syed horizaontal and vertical tabs issue.txt
  18. Hi I am working on radio buttons.How can i get a selected radio button value to be displayed in text box. 1.I have a following snippet code. When ever i try to write radVal value in text box,it writes radVal and not the value. <form id="mainForm" name="mainForm"> <input type="radio" name="rads" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="rads" value="2" /> <input type="radio" name="rads" value="3" /> <input type="radio" name="rads" value="4" /> </form> <span id="result"></span> <script> document.mainForm.onclick = function(){ var radVal = document.mainForm.rads.value; result.innerHTML = 'You selected: '+radVal; } </script> <input type="text" name="firstname" value=radVal> <br> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed Please suggest how to proceed
  19. Hi Am working on nested tabs, but level 1 tabs work fine but all the level 2 tabs displays data at once. I have attached a source code . For example, with attached code when i click on London->open Collapsible That time internal 3 tabs data in "open collapsible" are visible at once. How can i hide it? Please suggest Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed test.txt
  20. Hi Is there any code available to make collapsible display on the right
  21. Hi Dsonesuk I have already checked this site , it expands downwards. I need it to expand on right side. Please suggest how to proceed with this Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
  22. Hi 1. https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_collapsible In the above link, if we click on open section 1 , open section 2 etc.It expands the data downwards. Is it possible to expand the same data towards right side 2.Am working on nested tabs, but level 1 tabs work fine but all the level 2 tabs displays data at once. Please suggest how to proceed Thanks and Regards Rizwan Syed
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