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Posts posted by Nudua

  1. I have though about buying a webbuilding book, but I`m not sure if it`s necesery. Is it just as good to learn things from the internett? But with books you don`t have to be on the computer, but you can read all the time. But it`s impossible to copy codes ofcourse. But maybe that`s a good thing cause then you learn more. Well anyway, is it smart to buy a book, and if I buy a book, then which CSS-book should I buy?


    Yes thanks, now it works...I only needed to change the td#link {background-color: white} to table#link {background-color: white}


    Well, I hadn`t time to test it before now, and now I realise that the backgroundcolor doesn`t shange to white before the mouse has been over it. Is it possible that the background always is white exept on hover?

    Sorry, stupid question :) . It`s just to write in the CSS: td#link {background-color:white}


    Where there's a problem there's a JavaScript solution :) The code below should explain itself.
    <table border="1" width="50%"><tr><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="red"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Red</td><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="blue"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Blue</td></tr><tr><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="green"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Green</td><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="yellow"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Yellow</td></tr></table>

    Well, I hadn`t time to test it before now, and now I realise that the backgroundcolor doesn`t shange to white before the mouse has been over it. Is it possible that the background always is white exept on hover?
  2. i came across this site this evening... around 6 pm central time. it is now 2:45 am. I have been on it ever since! THE longest i have Ever sat in front of the computer in one sittinng. The w3school is awesome. and i thought i liked what i was doing on blogging sites.... i have a new passion and it is learning everything about html and eventually developing a web site!  I now know alot more about html than i did 8 hours ago (ha ha) and Thanks for helping me find something i enjoy learning and enjoy putting to use! i'll be around!

    I`m agree. W3schools.com is fantastic!


    The code is the same as with the links(exept for the selector of course). The only problem is that IE doesn't support :hover on anything else besides links. Sorry.

    Why doesnt IE support that? It`s the biggest browser after all...
    Where there's a problem there's a JavaScript solution :) The code below should explain itself.
    <table border="1" width="50%"><tr><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="red"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Red</td><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="blue"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Blue</td></tr><tr><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="green"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Green</td><td onmouseover='this.bgColor="yellow"' onmouseout='this.bgColor="white"'>Yellow</td></tr></table>

    Thank you!


    Hello.Is it possible to make a td in a table shange color when you hold the mouse over/hover or something. I have made it with links, but I didn`t make it with tables. Can somebody please send the code for it?

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