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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. what errors are you getting? you looking for error checking for errors, right? I see a syntax error, in that there is no comma after you the closing curly brace for your data object
  2. thescientist


    send an email and include the error message as the body
  3. Don't use <div>, it's a block level element and will force a line break. Use an inline element like <span>
  4. You could do it in the query using LIMIT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1252673/how-can-i-select-rows-in-mysql-starting-at-a-given-row-number
  5. The example he gave used echo. That would not be part of email sending code. edit: possibly it was meant as a generic example. That could have been a poor interpretation on my part then
  6. You may never, but a lot of other websites do. Data storage is not necessarily a one size fits all solution. Different types of data benefit from different types of databases.
  7. The OP is asking how to bold text in an email
  8. Row count http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.rowcount.php
  9. There's no harm in telling a user the input they entered doesn't fit a valid criteria. (length restriction, number restriction, etc). Lot's application show inline messaging in order to assist users as they fill out a form. However, a best practice for a login form is not to tell them if their username or password is wrong. Only tell them that their login is incorrect, or else hackers will use that as clue to determine if they maybe got one of the two right. What's not safe is to not expect a hacker to try malicious things and not anticipate that. Things like prepared statements aim to make using user supplied data less risky, for example.
  10. It sounds like you are actually making a GET request then. What would help is the form / code that generates the URL
  11. Some browser may automatically submit a form if enter is pressed while focused inside of an element inside a <form>. However, I would never remove the Submit button.
  12. please provide code in your post. It's hard to even see that.
  13. there's even a demo on the phpmyadmin site http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/master-config/#PMAURL-0:index.php?db=&table=&server=2&target=&lang=en&collation_connection=utf8mb4_unicode_ci&token=9960badedb9d13689215dbd182f32e57 Second tab is SQL
  14. Yes. But you're not paying attention to what I am saying. I am saying text / language / etc I prefer to keep in the front end / UI realm. Not in the backend API, where there is nothing to know other than business logic. Did it fail? Yes / No. and What failed. boom done. Leave the UI / messaging to the front end. That is just a suggestion, and an technical decision you need to decide.
  15. what do you have so far? The issue would knowing when to insert a dot, since any value could be 1, 2 or 3 characters.
  16. No, that's not what I am saying. What I am saying is the actual messaging, i.e. sending text back from the server like that. It may be preferable to keep that all in the UI layer, and the back end only deals with basic logic / error handling and responding.
  17. If you have phpMyAdmin, then you need to start making tables so you can run queries on them. Following the SQL tutorials all the way through will show all the basic commands. Try that first.
  18. Why didn't you just change these lines like was suggested (to point to something other than the same thing as for $name, $path, etc), to be whatever the second image in your form was? That's exactly what JSG said $name1 = $_FILES['image']['name'] ;$path1 = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] ;$name1 = $_FILES['image']['name'] ;$type1 = $_FILES['image']['type'] ;$caption1 = $_POST['caption'] ; Doesn't sound like the solution was better then the original problem.
  19. That's the developer job to establish and standardize the contract between front and back ends. Consider using a standardized error response that is easy to check on the front end { "success": false, "field": "password" "message: "The password you provided was incorrect"} It's optional if you want your front end messaging to be tied to your backend (ie. returning an error message). If you are strictly doing a RESTful API, you may just want to provide more generic response objects. In this case, the field maps to the POST or GET param, which should make it easy to find the element on the page with the corresponding name
  20. review his comment, the answer is right there
  21. Did you look on their site? There are a ton of links https://www.meteor.com/learn
  22. Azure is cloud computing platform by Microsoft (think like AWS). Technically you could develop a PHP application that does not deal with any HTML / CSS in cases like a (RESTful) API running cron job / tasks networking / filesystem utilities for the server Aside from 1, most of these are very limited and narrow in scope. I personally prefer to decouple the front and the back end as much as possible, so for my apps the two (PHP and HTML/CSS) will never co-mingle. The front end application will make Ajax requests to the back end API and let the UI handle the presentation requirements.
  23. no. functions take arguments / parameters. (like the references explain)
  24. As suggested in another post of your, I would highly recommend reading up on the function related tutorials http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp
  25. thescientist


    is an empty string is a string with a space is whatever the value of document.firstname.participator.value is at the time the script is executed (represented as a string)
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