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Posts posted by amitamberker

  1. Hi justsomeguy, CodeName, thescientist, and So CalledI am totally and absolutely confused. JUST DON'T KNOW what to do now. I am literally blind now. Just not able to decide how to resolve this concern :(Could someone PLEASE provide me an EASY and SIMPLE solution? I thought dsonesuk would pop-up here but he hasn't........... Maybe I think dsonesuk doesn't want to help me anymore.

  2. What I meant is that I think they will ignore your request. I'll be surprised if you get anything other than some form reply.
    Hi So Called, Oh! Okie. Gotch you. Currently there is NO OPTION in this thread (or other related thread) to Filter-Out only Your Messages (or other specific member’s) replies. Hopefully they might consider my request if I show them the Screenshot File and if I could convenience them to implement it. By the way did you see the attached “Proposed Design To Incorporate.png” file in #1?
  3. No, window.open is a function. You pass window.open the URL you want to open, which in this case is inside the href attribute that the existing code is already getting. https://developer.mo...DOM/window.open
    Hi justsomeguy, I think (maybe) I understood a little bit now. So, it should be something like this?
    if (imageinfo.$link){window.location=imageinfo.$link.attr('href')windowObjectReference = window.open("http://www.w3schools.com/",)}
  4. This is the part that loads the link: if (imageinfo.$link){window.location=imageinfo.$link.attr('href')} You need to replace that with a call to window.open if you want to open it in a new window, or have it auto-detect the target attribute and act accordingly if you want to be able to specify the target attribute.
    Hi justsomeguy, Thanks for your reply. So, instead of this:
    if (imageinfo.$link){ window.location=imageinfo.$link.attr('href') }
    Should I make it like this?
    if (imageinfo.$link){ window.open=imageinfo.$link.attr('href="http://www.w3schools.com/"') }
  5. Yes.
    Hi justsomeguy, But you NEVER EVER told me that during our Back and Forth Discussion?... Well - NO WAY. I do not want to ReName all those pages from .html to .php I want to Call Footer Segment from a Single File to Several HTML Web Pages. As per your recommendation I made the Footer File as .php ... So, how do I get that into HTML file?
  6. blah… blah… blah… I think you're just wasting time if you want to have the forum software changed. However it's your time to waste. blah… blah… blah… blah… blah… blah… I think you're wasting your time.
    Hi So Called, NO. I am not wasting my time. I am trying to “MAKE A DIFFERENCE”. I am trying to “HELP”. I am trying to “CONTRUBUTE” my point of views.
    There's still this email if you want to contact the owners: (Email ID's Image File)
    Hi boen_robot, Thank you.
    It sounds like the OP wants Invizion to fix the forum software. Good luck with that.
    Hi So Called,Thank you...
  7. I did not download it, coz i use mobile phone@present. The example i gave, should work.
    Hi CodeName, May I request you to Download those 2 Files to understand my Concern and also to see that Special Effect? Please CodeName? The example you gave me is NOT working as per my requirement. See, I am pleading you. Normally I don't plead to anybody. But I am pleading you. Because, I feel maybe you can HELP ME to resolve my issue.
  8. What special effect are you talking about? Note that i never downloaded the file you uploaded, i only used the example you posted, to answer your question. Like i said earlier, the 'target' attr is deprecated, and should be removed. Apart from that, that should work!
    Hi CodeName, Why you did not download those 2 files? :( Anyways... I am talking (referring) about following Special Effect: jquery.imageWarp.js
    /* imageWarp jQuery plugin v1.01* Last updated: June 29th, 2009. This notice must stay intact for usage* Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code*/jQuery.noConflict()jQuery.imageWarp={dsettings: { warpfactor: 1.5, //default increase factor of enlarged image duration: 1000, //default duration of animation, in millisec imgopacity: [0.5, 1], warpopacity: [0.1, 0.5] },warpshells: [],refreshoffsets:function($target, warpshell){ var $offsets=$target.offset() warpshell.attrs.x=$offsets.left //update x position of original image relative to page warpshell.attrs.y=$offsets.top warpshell.newattrs.x=warpshell.attrs.x-((warpshell.newattrs.w-warpshell.attrs.w)/2) //update x position of final warped image relative to page warpshell.newattrs.y=warpshell.attrs.y-((warpshell.newattrs.h-warpshell.attrs.h)/2)},addEffect:function($, $target, options){ var setting={} //create blank object to store combined settings var setting=jQuery.extend(setting, this.dsettings, options) var effectpos=this.warpshells.length var attrs={w:$target.outerWidth(), h:$target.outerHeight()} var newattrs={w:Math.round(attrs.w*setting.warpfactor), h:Math.round(attrs.h*setting.warpfactor)} var $clone=$target.clone().css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0, visibility:'hidden', border:'1px solid gray'}).appendTo(document.body) $target.add($clone).data('pos', effectpos) //save position of image var $targetlink=$target.parents('a').eq(0) this.warpshells.push({$clone:$clone, attrs:attrs, newattrs:newattrs, $link:($targetlink.length==1)? $targetlink : null}) //remember info about this warp image instance $target.click(function(e){ var $this=$(this).css({opacity:setting.imgopacity[0]}) var imageinfo=jQuery.imageWarp.warpshells[$(this).data('pos')] jQuery.imageWarp.refreshoffsets($this, imageinfo) //refresh offset positions of original and warped images if (imageinfo.$link){ e.preventDefault() } var $clone=imageinfo.$clone $clone.stop().css({left:imageinfo.attrs.x, top:imageinfo.attrs.y, width:imageinfo.attrs.w, height:imageinfo.attrs.h, opacity:setting.warpopacity[0], visibility:'visible'}) .animate({opacity:setting.warpopacity[1], left:imageinfo.newattrs.x, top:imageinfo.newattrs.y, width:imageinfo.newattrs.w, height:imageinfo.newattrs.h}, setting.duration, function(){ //callback function after warping is complete $clone.css({left:0, top:0, visibility:'hidden'}) $this.css({opacity:setting.imgopacity[1]}) if (imageinfo.$link){ window.location=imageinfo.$link.attr('href') } }) //end animate }) //end click}};jQuery.fn.imageWarp=function(options){var $=jQueryreturn this.each(function(){ //return jQuery obj var $imgref=$(this) if (this.tagName!="IMG") return true //skip to next matched element if (parseInt($imgref.css('width'))>0 && parseInt($imgref.css('height'))>0){ //if image has explicit width/height attrs defined jQuery.imageWarp.addEffect($, $imgref, options) } else if (this.complete){ //account for IE not firing image.onload jQuery.imageWarp.addEffect($, $imgref, options) } else{ $(this).bind('load', function(){ jQuery.imageWarp.addEffect($, $imgref, options) }) }})};
    Okie, removed target="_blank"
    <div><a href="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.w3schools.com/')" class="imagewarp"><img src="http://www.jurassicp...na_jolie_13.jpg" width="300" class="noborder imagewarp" /></a></div>
  9. Hi CodeName, Now the whole thing looks like this:

    <div><a target="_blank" href="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.w3schools.com/')" class="imagewarp"><img src="http://www.jurassicp...na_jolie_13.jpg" width="300" class="noborder imagewarp" /></a></div>
    But now, that Special Effect does not display and upon clicking the Image (link), HTML file gets blank? Please find the attached "Test-02.html" file for your reference. Remember, this attached file needs to detect "jquery.imageWarp.js" file which I had sent it earlier...
  10. You only said its not working properly, but you did not say what you got, when you tryd it.
    <a href="#" onClick="">Link</a>

    Hope you included the href attri, with the value of 'hash'(#).

    Hi CodeName,Oh! Nope. I did not include href="#" earlier. Let me try it yet once again. Please hold on.
  11. Sorry, I've been dealing with power problems/clean up after the big storm we had a week ago.... According to your screen shot, your Apache server isn't running because of a port conflict.I would suggest going to the EasyPHP forum and asking how to change which port is being used. I didn't have to change anything to make it work on my Vista machine, but I remember someone asking about it on their forum. Once you solve the port problem, see this page to get up and running... I hope this helps.....
    Hi scout1idf,Okie, I would visit EasyPHP's forum and ask how to change which port is being used. Thanks for your response.Hope your power is back and you are done with your cleaning stuff. Take care. By the way are you available on Skype? Just in-case if I need your help :)
  12. Hey, Well business has been getting SUPER busy. And I just dont have the time to code all my web sites anymore. I am looking for someone that is skilled in coding html and css. HTML5/CCS3 would be a great benefit but not required. I need someone to be able to help me take the load off my shoulders so I can just focus on the designing aspect of the websites, then have someone code them so I can get moving onto the next one. The coding work is usually pretty simple. Here are SOME of my works.www.freddy-todd.comwww.kushminded.comwww.mindsmatterclothing.comwww.jasperbass.comwww.grassrootscalifornia.com Who ever is interested. If the price is right...I will have a steady flow of work for you for the next year or so! Contact me!
    Hi JRoberto,Greetings!I am IN. :good: So, how can I help you? Perhaps we could meet on Skype to discuss further.
  13. They probably support only paid customers. In other words you will probably have to convince the owner of this forum to contact them on your behalf.
    Hi So Called,Makes sense... Alrighty, pointed noted. But let me try to to contact them from their - http://www.invisionpower.com/company/contact.php . Just thinking whom should I reach among Sales Department or Billing Department? Perhaps they might direct my Query to their concerned Department. By the way who is the Owner of this Forum? I have no idea if I would be successful in convincing the owner of this forum to contact them on my behalf BUT I can try to do it.
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