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Everything posted by Zanno

  1. Hmm, never mind. I started from scratch because I wasn't happy with the layout and visuals - and all of a sudden everything works without the extra .html.
  2. I'm running Apache 2.4 on Synology. I can't find .htaccess. Or do I have to be logged in as root for that?
  3. I've ran in to a weird issue. I have a website that's hosted on my own server for some time now, and today I got another domain which I host on the same server. For the first website I host I can point to subpages simply by using "https://mywebsite.com/info" but with my new website I have to format links like this "https://myotherwebsite.com/info.html" I can't figure out why. The structures are the same for both websites. The first website has a root folder in which both index.html and info.html is placed. The second website has a different root folder in which both index.html and info.html are placed. Not that it's a huge isse, I just don't like that the html part shows in the address field for visitors.
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