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Everything posted by david1972

  1. My question: Why does the inner query need a table alias? Q: Use a correlated subquery to return one row per vendor representing the vendor's largest invoice. Each row should include vendor_id, vendor_name, invoice_total, and invoice_date. Order by invoice_totol in DESC. ______________________________________________________________________ SELECT v.vendor_id, vendor_name, invoice_total, invoice_date FROM vendors v JOIN invoices i ON v.vendor_id = i.vendor_id WHERE invoice_total = ( SELECT MAX(invoice_total) FROM invoices WHERE vendor_id = v.vendor_id ) ORDER BY invoice_total DESC; -- 41 vs he got 36.
  2. JS is slowly sinking in. If you can handle event listeners, the DOM, get and set values, then you can do most things? querySelector const $ = selector => document.querySelector(selector); using querySelector's const score = parseInt($("#score").value); arrow function example const addScore =()=> { code lines }; .value function get input const variableName = parseInt($("#id").value); .value function set input $("#id").value = ""; DOMContentLoaded document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ()=> {function calls} ); addEventListener to button $("#id").addEventListener("click", functionName);
  3. "use strict"; const scores = []; // const $ = function(selector) { //from $90 to arrow function below // return document.querySelector(selector); const $ = selector => document.querySelector(selector); //const addScore = function(selector) { // function expression to change. const addScore =()=> { // function now arrow function. const score = parseInt($("#score").value); if (score >= 0 && score <= 100) { scores[scores.length] = score; $("#score").value = ""; $("#average").value = calculateAverage(); } else { alert("Score must be a valid number from 0 through 100"); } $("#score").focus(); }; const calculateAverage = () => { // now Arrow function let total = 0; for (let val of scores) { total = total + val; } return parseInt(total / scores.length); }; // const processDOM =()=> { // changed: removed function // $("#add").addEventListener("click", addScore); // $("#score").focus(); // } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ()=> { // changed: removed function $("#add").addEventListener("click", addScore); $("#score").focus(); } );
  4. const $ = selector => document.querySelector(selector); const processEntry = () => { let userEntry = parseInt($("#cents").value); if (userEntry <0 || userEntry >99){ alert("only 0-99 please"); } else { makeChange(userEntry); $("#cents").focus(); } } const makeChange = (userEntry) => { //CHANGE let c = 0 //left over let p = userEntry let quarters = p / 25; c = p % 25 $("#quarters").value = Math.floor(quarters); // calculations on left over with floor function. let dimes = c / 10; c = c % 10 $("#dimes").value = Math.floor(dimes); let nickels = c / 5; c = c % 5 $("#nickels").value = Math.floor(nickels); let pennies = c / 1; c = c % 1 $("#pennies").value = Math.floor(pennies); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { $("#calculate").addEventListener("click", processEntry); //$("#userEntry").focus(); });
  5. //Assignment 3 "use strict"; const $ = selector => document.querySelector(selector); const processEntry = () => { const income = parseFloat($('#income').value); if (isNaN(income) || income <= 0){ alert("Income error."); //correct alert. original bug. focusAndSelect("#income"); } else { calculatetax(income) console.log("firt if / else loop made else for >0"); } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // add event handlers $("#calculate").addEventListener("click", processEntry); }); const calculatetax = (income) => { if(income <= 9875){ income = (income*0.10).toFixed(2); }else if(income >=9876 && income <=40125) { income = ((income - 9875)*0.12 + 987.50).toFixed(2); }else if(income >=40126 && income <=85525){ income = ((income - 40125)*0.22 + 4617.50).toFixed(2); }else if(income >=85526 && income <=163300){ income = ((income - 85525)*0.24 + 14605.50).toFixed(2); }else if(income >=163301 && income <=207350){ income = ((income - 163300)*0.32 + 33271.50).toFixed(2); }else if(income >=207350 && income <=518400){ income = ((income - 207350)*0.35 + 47367.50).toFixed(2); }else if(income >518401 && income <=10000000){ income = ((income - 518400)*0.37 + 156235.00).toFixed(2); }; $("#tax").value = income }
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