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Posts posted by ~Shinta

  1. Visual Basic is a bad programming language. It is expensive and not even good. It is also not multi platform. I use Python and Ruby instead. Learning VB wll give 0 programming skill. If you want to learn drag and drop text boxes and forms, then get VS Studio. If you want to learn to program, look for perl or python. Simple as that.

  2. The problem is you would need to have an html only version of your page for browsers with no flash support and, blind users. I dont know how you'd make a flash page asssible.

  3. Hi. I've been having a problem converting my site to php. First off, my html files use the xml declaration on all teh pages. When I run it through the php parser it picks up the xml declaration (which ofcourse has has <? in it) and generates an error. I need a way to fix this. I tried to fix it with the ascii code for ?, but then the browser doesn't pick up the declaration tag at all. I want to remain valid xhtml 1.1 and use php. Also, I want to use ssi includes <!--#include--> in php document. It isn't really a big deal, but I want something so my site will still operate during the conversion (when I use the include() object instead.)

  4. Validity is my number one problem with <marquee>, but my 2nd is that it just plain old looks bad. IMHO if you want things moving all over your page you should reconsider what you are doing.

  5. Also a div is more precise because the sidebar/content/copyright maybe/banner/left sidebar are all divisions of the page. I'm not saying tables should be killed forever, they should just be used for what they were originally intended to do. BTW I use XHTML (1.1) not html.

  6. Well I guess by w3c definition tables are used to arrange data... But they also say that they present a problem to non-visual media (like screen readers and braile I guess). The reason I switched a long time ago was because tables are complicated to edit so when you want to switch to a new layout it'll take a long time to edit every tag in the table code.

  7. Why do you need Dream Weaver or FP if you know html?? I've never used an editor, I don't see why any one else should have to eaither. And knowing php isn't required to be a good webmaster. It just restricts you a bit more to what you can and can't do.

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