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Posts posted by Kasdraven

  1. I'm very, very sorry for the delay. I will try to start writing the tutorial monday, but i'm working on a final project in school for the year and I have very little free time. For now you should go to w3schools tutorials on motion tweening and of course you can use the help files that come with flash. Beleive me that tweening is not hard to get the hang of. I promise i'll do my best to work on that tutorials friday.

  2. I don't think it's hard at all. If you have any experience with JavaScript at all I think it makes it easier for ActionScript, only because JS helps you understand the syntax of ActionScript, but it would be just as easy to learn AS if you started new. Either way i htink you need some web language experience (HTML and CSS maybe), but animation isn't hard either. I think you'll do fine if you can make and run a web page. Go for it and have fun!

  3. OK i'm at home now so i can;t work on the tutorial but I will tell you what you will need to know to make this animation. The first and biggest thing you'll need to know are Motion Tweens and Shape Tweens. You'll probably need to know how to use layers, witch is easy. Also, what you are referring to by a round is a circle I beleive. For furure reference these are called stick figures. A good thing to do is study other peoples stick figure animations to know how thay make them look when they walk and do other stuff. I will suggest a site to you but you need to know that it is violent, sometimes racist, and generally offensive to most people if you don't have a good sense of humor. The only reason I suggest this site to you though, is because it is a site for stick figures, and you can find a wealth of references here. www.stickdeath.comI warn you because I don';t know you or know what you find funny, so please don't get angry with me if you find this site offending or derrogatory. Thanks, talk to you tomorrow.

  4. OK two things. 1. Could you tell me your experience in flash and how well you know it?And 2. Do you want to make a realistic animation of a person walking? Such as a 3d model? Because if you are i'd look into programs such as 3d studio max or autodesk viz, however, both are quite expensive. That turoial should be done soon by the way.Also don't mean to butt in on your business, just so i'm understanding you correctly when you say someone who is special to you, do you mean a lover or family member or close freind? You don't need to specify i'm just trying to see if I understand what you're saying.

  5. You see, this depends greatly on HOW YOU WANT IT TO LOOK. If you want it all to repeat endlessly, just make it one movieclip and make sure you have the last frame look almost the same as the first frame and then put the actionscript in the same way I told you to in the other tutorial. Now. If your problem is you don't know how to animate the person running or jumping, I can do my best to help you with a simple tutorial with pictures. I apologize for the misunderstanding and I want to help you as best as I can. We'll get there with patience. And thank YOU for YOUR patience. It has to be irritating with someone who just deosn't get the point. I am going to go and work on a walking animation tutorial.

  6. I'd also like to remind you that flash has awsome help files and all you have to do is access them with the F1 button. I use them all the time now that I found out about them.

  7. OK so here is the deal. I'm making a college portfolio and I need to be able to load different movie clips onto a certain part of the stage. The movie clip depends on the button clicked. One, how do I make the movie clip load? And two, how do I make it load at a certain spot on the stage? Thanks in advance for any help.

  8. First off, if I were you I wouldn't waste any money. I've never spent a dime on flash and I can already animate and code my own games and cartoons with flash. Just keep on forums like this and flashkit.com and you will be fine, without needing money. And I don't know what that is anyways. Is it euro? Sorry, i'm ignorant to foreign monetary symbols.

  9. If you need help making the animation of the girls hair swing don't even bother reading all of this. Tell me and I will do my best to walk you through a guide to making a girls hair swing. I'm working on a tutorial now for that.OK. I don't know your experience in flash so I am going to explain like I am explaing it step by step. Please don't assume I think you are dumb but sometimes, even with me, it's the simple stuff I miss that messes me up.Here are the things I am assuming you know. What the timeline is and how to know what frame you are on. How to use motion tweens. How to use hotkeys (such as control+s for saving) when I tell you to.I'm sure if you can use flash you know these things, but I figured i'd let you know anyways, just in case.Press F8. A window will pop up called Convert to Symbol. If your F8 button deosn't work this way then at the menus at the top of the screen choose Modify > Convert to SymbolIn this window, There will be three options you can choose from, Movie Clip, Button, and Graphic. Choose the Movie Clip option, name it what you please in the text box called Name: and STOP! You will see something called registration next to these along with 9 small white squares in 3 rows. One square will be black. Make sure the black square is the middle one, and if it isn't, click on the middle square to make it so. Now press OK. Now you are in the movie clip. Now a simple explenation of a movie clip. Basically a movie clip is an animation with it's own timeline. Meaning it deosn't depend on the main timeline to work or play. It is a timeline itself, used for animations such as making an animation repeat while things on the main timeline still move and change. Now, make the animation of the girls hair swinging on the timeline. If you don't know how to do this reply and tell me so and i will write a small tutorial for you to make that. Now that you've made the animation. Now remember! The last frame in the timeline should be almost exactly the same as the first so that when we reach the last frame in the movie and it reverts back to the first, it will look consistent and the hair won't be on one side of her head then magically on theer side. Now, click on the very last frame of your animation i nthe time line and MAKE SURE THE FRAME IS SELECTED. Now, press F9 or chooseWindow > Actions A panel at the bottom of the screen titled Actions will open. In the actions panel type the following or copy and paste mine.gotoAndPlay(1)Now, above your timeline you will see something that says Scene 1 and then a wierd little image and next to the image, the name you gave your movie clip (if you didn't name your movie clip it will just be called symbol 1) Click on the words Scene 1. You are now in the main timeline. Press control+L or chooseWindow > Library if your library isn't open. In your library, click on the name of the movie clip you just made and drag it out onto the white part called the stage. Now press control+enter or choose Control > Test Movie.There is your swinging hair! Hope this helped.

  10. OK this is a little wierd. This also might be a stupid question. I've created a navigation menu using multiple movie clips and now I want to put this drop down menu, witch is consisted of several different movie clips, into one movie clip so that I can make it draggable. It's draggable, that's OK. But here is the problem. Say the navigation menu is is inside of a single movie clip with the instance name of mc_nav. This works, but since the navigation manu is inside of mc_nav it doesn't work. There isn't anything wrong with it, but because of it being inside mc_nav it's like it's got an invisible barrier over it and when you roll over any of the navigation bars in the menu it deosn't work. How do I make it one movie clip and still keep it working?

  11. Well i'm not sure about the ul and li, but I don't think you can put the link identifiers together like that. Someitmes optimization isn't best. If I were you i'd leave it the same or put them into a pseudo class and use the pseudo class for all the other identifiers. Also, it's up to you, but I wouldn't use the a: active property at al. It's always acted rather "volatile" for me. Like one time I used it and no matter what hex I put in it turn the text on my entire page white and reversed the background image. Don't know how or why but it did that on three different browsers including IE and FireFox Mozilla. When I deleted it everything went back to normal.

  12. Well there are as funkyjunky said alot of links on google. I don't know your web experience but you are embarking on a daunting task my freind. ActionScript, animation including tweens and transforms, you'll need the pictures and graphics to put into flash because God knows you don't want to try and make it all in Flash. I'd suggest Photoshop CS2 for that, but that is also pretty advanced, but you could get it with some practice. LEARN THE BACKEND OF FLASH! If you're going to be making server freindly sites with Flash you HAVE GGOT TO KNOW BACKEND! I believe that best site i've seen in my experience is www.flashkit.com It has everytthing with thousands of tutorials and examples, aswell as a very active forum that is free to register with. You can also PM me anytime for help with ActionScript, Photoshop and tweening and other animations, I check this site daily so I will get it within a day and reply as best I can. DON'T DROP THIS FORUM EITHER! I have received some of the best help on the web from this forum. Good luck!

  13. Well I can't see the movie but are you asking how to make a girls hair swing from left to right and have it keep doing that, without stopping? If so I can help with that. Just tell me if that's what you want to do. Also, I would suggest ALWAYS using mp3 files for sound because from my experience .wav files have destroyed loading time on a movie and make it very slow to play. However, sometimes .mp3 files will come out of place in a movie and the sound won't match the movie, so test it and edit the movie where you need to in order to make it fit with the sound. That's what I do usually to make sure it doesn't look like bad lip syncing.

  14. So here is my problem. I need to make a line and bend it. None of the transform tools work the way I need. I've done this before, I just can't remember how in the crap I did it. Could anybody point me in the right direction?

  15. I would have trouble starting a flash app from scratch but I worked on a very conplex app while on my college work term...I learned alot btu doubt I could reproduce it.From that answer I just looked on the Macromedia site...hehe :)

    App? An application? Like?
  16. I figured it out!You were right. It's the MovieClip.onPress event. But used like this.b1.MovieClip.onPress = getURL('http://www.w3schools.com');

    OK maybe not. It gets the URL but only when the flash movie is loaded. It deosn't do the onPress event. Hm.
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