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Posts posted by [dx]

  1. Hi, I want to try something using PHP sockets, and it will use a large amount of sockets. So I need quick and stable connection to other side where socket is connected. So I'm asking, is it socket good for this, or is there some alternative way.

  2. Hi, Let me back to this topic again. I understood now what means siblings, but what I'm interested in is if there's posibility to get only siblings as children of some element. Like in example:

    <div id="num1">     <div id="num11">    <div id="num12">    <div id="num13"></div><div id="num2">    <div id="num21">    <div id="num22">    <div id="num23"></div>

    So, siblings are numX in one group, and numXX in other group. So I need get ony siblings from one element, so like: $('#num11').siblings_somehow to get only num12, and num13. Regards

  3. Hello, I'm trying to make my own vertical slider instead of using browsers default one. So, I have .header which is fixed at top, and .footer which is fixed at bottom. Between those, it's my div.main which has overflow and possible scrolling. My question is, can I get only visible area of .main with height() or innerHeight, or whatever, or, it's only solution to use: $(window).innerHeight() - $('.header').innerHeight() - $('.footer').innerHeight I'm trying avoid these calculations and only get visible currently visible area of my .main Best regards

  4. Well, it's just including file with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] Maybe it's unnecessary but whatever.. I have avoided functions func_controller and func_template so I only use func_require..and there's no need to do global $something; but still returns null

  5. Hi, I have issue with this code. In my included php file there's var $something = 'x'; and in tpl file there's <?php echo $something; ?> But variable seems not to be defined.

    $page = (isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 'site'); $option = (isset($_GET['option']) ? $_GET['option'] : 'main'); $allowed_pages = array('admin', 'site'); function func_controller($allowed_pages, $page = NULL, $option = NULL) {  if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {    func_require('/controller/'.$page.'/'.$option.'.php');  }}function func_template($allowed_pages, $page = NULL, $option = NULL) {  if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {    func_require('/view/default/'.$page.'/'.$option.'.tpl');  }} func_controller($allowed_pages, $page, $option);func_template($allowed_pages, $page, $option); var_dump(get_included_files());var_dump(get_defined_vars());

    Best regards.

  6. Hi, I have some script, and part of it is encoded (I guess it's hex) So I need extract script to user readable. When I search some function with windows grep, it finds in one file, but when I open it, I just see variable which is encoded. So how properly decode it. Format is: $var='94CD76CD371C5A7BC70C186E779C293B9B49BACA5A781A6';

  7. This is my HTML script:

    <div class="member_content" style="display: block; "><h2>Edit user</h2><span class="darkred">* Click on user you want edit</span> <table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" class="edit_user_list" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; display: block">...</table><table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" class="edit_user_list" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; display: none">...</table><table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" class="edit_user_list" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; display: none">...</table> <span class="edit_user_pages" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 3px; margin: 2px">1</span><span class="edit_user_pages" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 3px; margin: 2px">2</span><span class="edit_user_pages" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 3px; margin: 2px">3</span></div>

    I've just removed content of tables(s) So when I click on pagination below, those spans, and h2, and span above hides.

  8. Hi, I stuck with this script:

    $('.edit_user_pages').click(function() {  var n = $('.edit_user_pages').index($(this));  $(this).css('background', '#fafafa').siblings().css('background', '#fdfdfd');  $('.edit_user_list').animate({opacity:0}, 300, 'linear', function() {    $('.edit_user_list').eq(n).css({display: 'block'}).siblings().css({display: 'none'});  }).animate({opacity:1}, 500);}); 

    So let me explain. I have pagination numbers with class edit_user_pages, also I have tables with class edit_user_list, so when I click on first pagination number it checks index and shows first user_list. So it works fine.. Also, above those table(s) I have some text, something like select user.. etc.And below table(s) are pagination number. So this script works as I want, table is changed etc., except text (above) and pagination (below) disapears. Those elements doesn't have same class name. If I try this:

    $('.edit_user_list').eq(n).css({display: 'block'});

    elements doesn't hide, so error is there.. Regards

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