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Everything posted by Spunky

  1. Spunky

    RSS Help

    Hey all, I'm trying to figure out how to use RSS. I've read the sticky and checked the links located there to see if they were helpful already. As with any code, I like to test before I make go completely live. Also right now I don't have anything I want live, I just want to learn how to do RSS feeds. I've read the tutorials on W3Schools. I would just like to take a simple feed code, and get it working, and then make adjustments as I learn how it works. Trouble is, I am unsure how to get it set up. In both the W3 tutorials as well as another one I am reading, they get to steps of publishing, "letting the world know" about the RSS feed. Well, I don't want the world to know. I just want a nice quiet place to test my feed. What exactly do I have to do to simply publish what I need to publish to get a working feed? Even ultimately I don't want the feed available to the world, just trying to get specific content feeding to a webpage.
  2. Spunky


    Oh cool! Thank you for this. I've been doing Google searches on scrollbars and that solution was the best thing I could come up with. I never thought to include JQuery as one of my search words to come up with this stuff haha.
  3. Spunky


    Dang, so this code is going to be harder to use than expected. It's so perfect though! I did wonder though if I needed that js file they have and copied and pasted it into another file and it didn't seem to do anything. Hmm.
  4. Spunky


    I am attempting to use JavaScript to make a customizable scrollbar rather than trying to customize the browser scrollbar. I found an awesome site that seemingly explains very well how this can be done but I must be missing something as I cannot get it to work. Here is the site: http://livepipe.net/control/scrollbar I copied and pasted the code as it shows on the site. I even have the page linked to my jquery.js file as it seems to be using JQuery. I am getting an error, however: Uncaught ReferenceError: Control is not defined scrollbar.js:3 It is referring to this line: var scrollbar = new Control.ScrollBar('scrollbar_content','scrollbar_track'); So I tried to dig deeper into the problem. Well, first of all, that link you see on the top right of the page, scrollbar.js, is broken. So I right-clicked and viewed the source of the page. There's no actual file it uses called scrollbar.js but you can clearly see the code is used in script tags. Also there is an additional line: document.observe('dom:loaded',function(){ So I tried to add that and I get a new error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDocument> has no method 'observe' scrollbar.js:2 (anonymous function) So, it seems that I am missing something, maybe this code doesn't come from the JQuery library? Maybe I need whatever is behind that broken link? Any suggestions? This solution is exactly what I need, maybe there is a similar one out there someone knows of?
  5. Oh it targets the button it huh. Well, with my example above, if you open the bottom panel then it expands the height of the div it is in. When it opens, you can't see what is inside until you scroll down the added space from opening the panel. I'm just trying to get it so it scrolls down when the div height is increased or when the panel is clicked to be open or something. I'm just not sure what sort of properties go with this element to deduce how to accomplish this. Like, how to decrement.
  6. Yea, I realize it is not the best option to use. But I enjoy learning all things CSS so would still like to figure it out. I just can't find examples how to use it anywhere!
  7. First of all, why isn't there any information about customizing scroll bars using CSS on the w3schools website?? Well anyway, I was trying to figure out how to customize scroll bars and when I Googled it I thought for sure the only way was going to be by using JavaScript, to my pleasant surprise the top of the search was a way using CSS. Although I am aware it is not supported in all browsers. Well, the article I found is from a beloved site: http://css-tricks.com/custom-scrollbars-in-webkit/ and I think one of the states it shows is what I need but I am confused how to use it. What I am trying to do is: I have panels that open and close (using JQuery), these panels are inside a div that is too small for it so I have a scroll bar. When I open the bottom panel, you can't see the panel open because it is hidden by the bottom of the div, you have to then scroll down to view it. I think that using the :decrement state would solve this problem if used correctly but I am confused how it would be used. I've tried Googling further examples but this seems to be a very new unused concept. Could anyone help me solve my problem?
  8. Spunky

    CSS Keyframes

    Ok I guess generally what I am asking is exactly what the keyframes are doing? I could get rid of all but the first cycle and the thing will still 'cycle' 5 times before returning to the first image. Im having a hard time understanding what causes that and how it knows to return to the first image.
  9. Spunky

    CSS Keyframes

    Hey guys, so I recently decided to dive into the use of keyframes for CSS3. I first looked at the tutorial on w3schools and I find it to be very simple to understand, I love it. Only problem is, I found a CSS Slider that uses keyframes and for some reason I can't understand how to edit it to reduce or even add how many images it holds. I swear I got rid of everything that even mentions a fifth cycle and it still cycles through it even though it is blank. I just need a little help understanding keyframes I suppose. #slider li.firstanimation {-moz-animation:cycle 20s linear infinite;-webkit-animation:cycle 20s linear infinite;}#slider li.secondanimation {-webkit-animation:cycletwo 20s linear infinite;}#slider li.thirdanimation {-webkit-animation:cyclethree 20s linear infinite;}#slider li.fourthanimation {-webkit-animation:cyclefour 20s linear infinite;}/*#slider li.fifthanimation {-webkit-animation:cyclefive 20s linear infinite;}*/ @-webkit-keyframes cycle {0% { left:0px; }4% { left:0px; }16% { left:0px; opacity:1; z-index:0; }20% { left:482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }21% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }50% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }92% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }96% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }100%{ left:0px; opacity:1; } }@-webkit-keyframes cycletwo {0% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }16% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }20% { left:0px; opacity:1; }24% { left:0px; opacity:1; }36% { left:0px; opacity:1; z-index:0; }40% { left:482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }41% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }100%{ left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }}@-webkit-keyframes cyclethree {0% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }36% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }40% { left:0px; opacity:1; }44% { left:0px; opacity:1; }56% { left:0px; opacity:1; z-index:0; }60% { left:482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }61% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }100%{ left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }}@-webkit-keyframes cyclefour {0% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }56% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }60% { left:0px; opacity:1; }64% { left:0px; opacity:1; }76% { left:0px; opacity:1; z-index:0; }80% { left:482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }81% { left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }100%{ left:-482px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }}/*@-webkit-keyframes cyclefive {0% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }76% { left:-482px; opacity:0; }80% { left:0px; opacity:1; }84% { left:0px; opacity:1; }96% { left:0px; opacity:1; z-index:0; }100%{ left:482px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }}*/ *Only showing -webkit- so this is as short as possible. I even reduced the length from 25 seconds to 20 seconds because each image is supposedly 5 seconds in length. The full code and explanation of it is located here: http://coding.smashi...ling-slideshow/ I've also found code that reuses the keyframes code for each cycle, maybe more efficient, but I want to understand this code first. If I can't figure it out by editing I might just try to build it from scratch, it seems simple enough. That's the problem though, it seems simple, I just must be missing something small.
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