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  1. But there is an easier way (at least I think it's easier) to create random images:1. You create a Math.random variable This will generate a number.2. Create a simple if...else...if that will put one image for each result of the rdm variable, so, if you want 10 possible images it will be something like that: Simple, isn't it? To other number of variables just divide 1 for the numbers of images you want and keep increasing the result when defining the if condition.Sorry for any gramatical errors.
  2. I have readed the cookies tutorial on w3schools and I noticed some didatical flaws. To somebody that never created a cookie before (like, for exemple, me), the tutorial (http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp) is completly ununderstandble. It uses comands I have never heard of (indexOf, length, what the ###### are these?!?!) as well as unexplaned lines of codes. In some moments, the tutorial text even says what means some piece of code, but not why or how it was made.I'd like if somebody gave me a hand, explaining, for a newbe, how to make a JS cookie and what means the stuff of the exemple (http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_cookie_username)Thanks.
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