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Everything posted by Kovo

  1. It is flash. ITs free also heres a link http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/Enjoy.So every theme works good now?
  2. Ive seen this effect on many websites now and Im wondering what technology is being used for it. Its not flash.http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx#ie7searchRight under the Introducing IE7 there are tabs and if you put ur mouse over them it changes info and pictures and even fades in.So what is being used? I figured its nifty javascript.
  3. Hmm, well everything should be working fine now. I even added a music player. Let me know if everything loads good. Thanks for everything guys.
  4. OMGIt worked!!!! THANK YOU!
  5. Wow thank you.So say I want someone to click a link on the page, how would I call this script and how would it know what file to go to.Say its left.txt and I want someone to click a link so it changes to right.txt. How would that look? Im a noob at this, and so far youve been a great help to me.
  6. Is there a way to use javascript (or other languages) to change live content on a web page? Let me be much more specific.Loo at this code snippet: <div class="threecolbox_1E87CDB"><img src="images/image_01.jpg" width="172" height="172" style="position: relative; top:0px;" alt="topleft"/><br/><div class="nav1"> <br/><!--#include virtual="left.txt" --></div> </div> This is part of a large code here www.kovo.ca/1/homeb.shtmlIs there a way to change the "left.txt" say by clicking a link on the same page?This way I dont have to resort to frames....And of course if it does change the page automatically updates the content
  7. I have the same FF version as you and it works good.... but that depends on whats not working lol
  8. I seemed to have fixed it. By giving the body and html tags a background, I can extend that same image down the page and contrict the center content. It worked, but if someone with IE7 and FF can confirm it on thier owns pcs that would be great.
  9. i did it, now look at it
  10. Hmm yes, I did it, but now its even worse. I changed the file to a TXT and removed all body,head,html tags. I also added a dtd<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">Now look at www.kovo.ca/1/homeb.shtml
  11. I dont see the duplicate entry...
  12. www.kovo.ca/1/homeb.shtmlScroll down and you notice that in FF the side columns stop eventually. while in IE the columns contiue all the way down the screen. Any thoughts as to why?
  13. Hey, check out www.kovo.ca/1/index.shtmlIf I put the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">in, the columns stop like they do there and dont extend all the way down the page. Once I remove the doc type its fine again.Do I treuly need the doc type?
  14. Kovo

    Im here again

    you did it again you sob! thank you so much, it works now perfectly. love it!!!
  15. Kovo

    Im here again

    Well yes. The right text column goes over the background which is an image. I dont know how to align it to the right as nothing works. The left column is aligned right in IE but in FF the text is not perfectly aligned between the browsers left side and the right border which is also an image. What I find wierd is that FF seems to ignore the 1 and 2 classes. Any changes I make in them are ignored. I dont know why.I tried the min-width and the text still disapears. But thats ok since no one has a a screen resolution below 800x600.
  16. Kovo

    Im here again

    Hey, check out this code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive" /> <title>Untitled Page</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen"><!-- body {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;} .threecolcont_1E87CDB {width:100%; height:100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;}.threecolbox_1E87CDB {width:172px; height:100%; float:left; background-image: url('images/image_07.jpg'); margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;}.threecolbox_1E87CDB2 {width: auto; height:100%; background-image: url('images/image_02.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color:#ffffff; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;}.threecolbox_1E87CDB3 {width:172px; height:100%; float:right; background-image: url('images/image_10.jpg'); background-position: right; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;}.text {margin: 15px; text-align: left;}.1 {width: 141px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt;}.2 {width: 141px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: right;}--></style> </head> <body> <div class="threecolcont_1E87CDB"> <div class="threecolbox_1E87CDB"><img src="images/image_01.jpg" width="172" height="172" style="position: relative; top:0px;"/><br/><div class="1"> <center>-- Personal --<br/><br/>Bio<br/>Interests<br/>The Room<br/>Stuff<br/><br/>-- Various --<br/><br/>Essays<br/>Downloads<br/>Portfolio<br/><br/>-- Top 10 --<br/><br/>Women<br/>Cars<br/>Songs<br/>Movies<br/>Websites<br/>Programs<br/>Games<br/>Wallpapers<br/> </center></div> </div> <div class="threecolbox_1E87CDB3"><img src="images/image_05.jpg" width="172" height="172" style="position: relative; top:0px;"/><br/> <div class="2" align="right"> <div align="center"> -- PC Support --<br/> <br/> Speed Tips 1<br/> Speed Tips 2<br/> Speed Tips 3<br/> Cooling Tips 1<br/> Cooling Tips 2<br/> <br/> -- Other Projects --<br/> <br/> The Kovo Experiment<br/> Kevork`s Portfolio<br/> Kevmedia<br/> <br/> -- Contacting Me --<br/> <br/> strat.kev@sympatico.ca<br/> (514) 261-7143<br/> myspace.com/kovo88<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="threecolbox_1E87CDB2"><center><img src="images/image_03.jpg" width="506" height="154" border="0"/></center><br/> <div class="text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris rutrum, dolor vel aliquam pretium, felis ligula tempor ipsum, lacinia imperdiet erat turpis ac eros. Integer sit amet nibh. Nulla imperdiet vehicula risus. Curabitur mauris dolor, eleifend vel, semper sit amet, euismod vitae, urna. Duis rutrum tellus eu pede. Nulla aliquet augue id lectus. Nunc venenatis auctor urna. Phasellus vestibulum, nunc eu vulputate dictum, est ante venenatis enim, ac ullamcorper eros orci quis diam. Nunc pharetra mattis metus. Mauris sodales mollis ante. Vestibulum lobortis sem a massa. Ut vitae nisi. Ut id nisl.Sed porttitor porttitor metus. Duis sagittis, orci quis venenatis ornare, ligula urna cursus felis, ut adipiscing metus tortor ac eros. Ut urna. Vivamus porta rutrum urna. Curabitur eget sapien varius magna suscipit tempor. Etiam facilisis, est eget imperdiet scelerisque, risus massa placerat lacus, vitae eleifend diam magna a ante. Suspendisse eu purus. Vestibulum risus. Aenean a metus eu lacus dapibus fringilla. Integer vel sapien.</div> </div> </div> </body></html> Or visit www.kovo.ca/1/index.shtmlI can get the left and right columsn to align properly and stay within the set columns. Im so frustrated (as usual) if someone could help me please. The left column works perfectly in IE6 but not in firefox. The right column doesnt work in any.Also, In IE6, if you make the browser window smaller, the middle picture (banner) disapears. Any ideas?Thanks a lot.
  17. U truely are amazing, again, u have helped me (remember xslt?)Thank you VERY much.
  18. Hmm, well I think Im almost there. It works in IE right now which is a first since my sites by default work in FF and not in IE loli tried applying a strict dtd and nothing happened. any suggestions?
  19. Hmm, well if my markup u mean what it looks like now then it still dosnt work lol
  20. Thanks, but now I get this http://www.kevmedia.ca/home.shtml
  21. If someone could tell me why the right column content floods under the end of the left column content Id be happy.http://www.kevmedia.ca/home.shtmlI want the right column content to stay on the right and not contiune under the left column content.Please help me out. Thanks.
  22. I cant get this html to look right in bot IE and firefox.Althoughj i can tolerate minor differences, the way the code folds out in IE is horrible and baffling.This is the page im troubled overwww.mjf88.com/kev/kee/index.shtml
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