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Posts posted by vijay

  1. Hi,:) Yes I can, but this is not of any use What ever u want that is no of useFro that typeLike if A=1Then u want to Store in A="A=1"That is naaaaYa it is Simple but From this What u want to Do man?Tell me What u want Exactly with ur req :)

  2. Hi, :) Or Refer Site"http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.require-once.php"require_once()The require_once() statement includes and evaluates the specified file during the execution of the script. This is a behavior similar to the require() statement, with the only difference being that if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again. See the documentation for require() for more information on how this statement works. require_once() should be used in cases where the same file might be included and evaluated more than once during a particular execution of a script, and you want to be sure that it is included exactly once to avoid problems with function redefinitions, variable value reassignments, etc. For examples on using require_once() and include_once(), look at the PEAR code included in the latest PHP source code distributions. Vijay

  3. Hi, :) For that whatever U r using in that there is functionalityto get records in limit likewise if I am using CF in that Component having query has facilities of attribute like maxrow,startrow,endrowLikewise whatever u r using in that there is such facilitiesAnd Otherwise Acording To that According to ur Requirement u have to wright query and select only first 10 row with the help of view and all those thing.Best LuckVijay

  4. Hi, :)For that u will have to Create Systenm DSNAnd that Using that System DSNAs Simple What ever u write in Sql like that U can wite and use with csv alsoI did not try Otherwise Using DTS U can Store that CSV to Some Table in MDB(Access)Or SQL Sever TableAnd U can use itOk?And By Directly U can get the Solution From CSV and U will get the output then plz message me by PM(Personal Messanger)ThanxVijay

  5. Hi, :) Try with Limit keywordORI can tell it another way but its not properIn whatever order u want like asc ,descthen take first 10 rowSo easyyyyyyyy

  6. Hi, :) I can tell u LogicFirst u get that Date what ever u wantUse date Add Function According to ur requirementAnd Write query according to ur RequirementIn Every language there is lots of functions related to datesSo...

  7. Hi, :) yesWe can maintain For that we have to use List or Array And By looping we can search particular Item in Array or ListBut Why?Everything s Possible.Vijay

  8. Hi, :) For that I want to give u one suggestion that isDefine Role in database in accesslike admin,wise admin, normal useraccording to ur relavent acceess wheevr we open particular page at that time it check srole first and then system make enter to that user otherwise it will give particular msg to user access denied like that .U can Do this easily :)

  9. I want to list the students who select courses that somebody selectstable:student(id,name),course(id,name),student_course(studentid,courseid)thank you![color=blueBy this what u want to ask>?Specify What u wnat to select ?

  10. Message Forwarded From butiI am trying to replace this file from in red  and bold ( with the one down there in Blue)<?phpdefined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );global $_VERSION;?><div align="center"><img src="files/cyberdesigns.jpg"></div><div align="center">2005 © <a href="files/copy.html" target="_blank">Copyright Kokstadonline</a> | <a href="files/term_condition.html" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> | <a href="files/disclaimer.html.html" target="_blank">Disclaimer</a> | <a href="files/policy.html.html" target="_blank">Policy</a></div><div align="center"><a href="http://www.cyberdesigns.co.za">Website Designed By : Cyber Designs</a></div>with this banner_rotator.html -- the whole of this file <html><title>Banner Rotator Test</title><head><script language="JavaScript">/*  Banner Rotator v1.0 Created by: Ben K. (ben@webhostreview.biz) Website: http://www.webhostreview.biz/ Download this and other great scripts from: http://www.webhostreview.biz/scripts.php Instructions: 1)Place all the JavaScript code located between the <script> tags inside the <script> tags on your web page or into your .js file.  2)Place all the CSS code located between the <STYLE> tags inside the <STYLE> tags on your web page or into your .css file. 3)Modify the speed, displayTime, wait, bannerLocations, and bannerURLs variables according to you needs. 4)Place the JavaScript call for the initVar() and moveBanner() functions in the onLoad attribute of the <BODY> tags of your web page. 5)Insert the HTML code for <DIV> layer "addbox" into a location in the body of your web page where you want the banners to appear. */var displayTime, speed, wait, banner1, banner2, bannerIndex, bannerLocations;function initVar() { displayTime = 10; // The amount of time each banner will be displayed in seconds. speed = 5; // The speed at which the banners is moved (1 - 10, anything above 5 is not recommended). wait = true; banner1 = document.getElementById("banner1"); banner2 = document.getElementById("banner2"); banner1.style.left = 0; banner2.style.left = 500; bannerIndex = 1; /*  Important: In order for this script to work properly, please make sure that the banner graphic and the   URL associated with it have the same index in both, the bannerLocations and bannerURLs arrays.  Duplicate URLs are permitted. */   // Enter the location of the banner graphics in the array below. bannerLocations = new Array("D:\Documents and Settings\dogle\My Documents\My Pictures\News.gif", "http://www.webhostreview.biz/banner3.gif"); // Enter the URL's to which the banners will link to in the array below. bannerURLs = new Array("http://www.webhostreview.biz","http://www.webhostreview.biz");}function moveBanner(){ if(!wait){    banner1.style.left = parseInt(banner1.style.left) -  (speed * 5);  banner2.style.left = parseInt(banner2.style.left) - (speed * 5);      if(parseInt(banner1.style.left) <= -500){  banner1.style.left = 500;  bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0;  banner1.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex];  link1.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex];  wait = true;  }    if(parseInt(banner2.style.left) <= -500){  banner2.style.left = 500;  bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0;  banner2.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex];  link2.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex];  wait = true;  }  setTimeout("moveBanner()",100);  } else {  wait = false;  setTimeout("moveBanner()", displayTime * 1000); }}</script><style>#addbox { position: relative; width: 500px; height: 70 px; clip: rect(0px, 500px, 0px, 70px); overflow: hidden; }#banner1 { position: relative; width: 480px; height: 60px; left: 0; top: 5px; }#banner2 { position: relative; width: 480px; height: 60px; left: 500px; top: -55px !important; top:-58px; }</style></head><body onLoad="initVar(); moveBanner()"><div align="center"><div name="addbox" id="addbox"><a name="link1" id="link1" href="http://www.webhostreview.biz"><img border="0" name="banner1" id="banner1" src="http://www.webhostreview.biz/banner1.gif"></a><a name="link2" id="link2" href="http://www.webhostreview.biz"><img border="0" name="banner2" id="banner2" src="http://www.webhostreview.biz/banner3.gif"></a></div></div></body></html>
  11. Hi :) Try with this QRY:select top 10 sum(d.price), e.Title, d.dvd_id from dvd_rental d, dvd_details e where ORDER_DATE between '4-NOV-04' and '04-NOV-05' and e.dvd_id = d.dvd_id group by d.dvd_id, e.title order by sum(d.price) desc :)

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