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Julie Indi

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Everything posted by Julie Indi

  1. Help? x_X;;This is the code I have currently, I just need to know how to change it from one word at a time to paragraphs, without having exact paragraphs -- <script language="JavaScript"><!--;function asd(word){document.f1.sWord.value= word}function translate(){var e= document.f1.eWord.value;e= new String(e);e= e.toLowerCase();switch (e) .. . . please? @_@
  2. I've managed to find a code to create a basic one-word translator for a language I created, but I'm trying to figure out a way to translate paragraphs .. is there any way that I can do this, using a simple translation code? I tried searching on Google and even looking at source code for translation sites, and I'm confused. I'm not that great with JavaScript; I can manipulate it to my liking, but I can't code it .. help? ; Thanks in advance.
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