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Posts posted by coco243

  1. Hi!


    Why if I set a div as floating:right it goes out from it's container div.

    I will put the code:

    <html><body><div> <!--  CONTENT --><div style="background-color:red">  <!-- UPPER --><div style="float:left;">  <!-- FLOAT DIV --><p> gogu  </p></div> <!-- END FLOAT DIV --></div> <!-- END UPPER --><div style="background-color:green"> <!-- DOWN --><p> cucu </p></div> <!-- END DOWN --></div>  <!-- END CONTENT --></body></html>

    The "gogu" paragraph it's getting out from the UPPER div. It hasn't have red background color. Why that? How I fix?


    Thank you.

  2. You say that your page from your server is right there, but how you have been accesed it , not from a link? it has it's address anyway, isn't it so?


    PS: And this google api search method cost money or is free?

  3. Many sites have search forms integrated, inclusive w3schools, what is the most used method? google API? Because I thing is pretty dificult to register all site in a database, at least for the momment is hard to think about impementing that. Also I had saw this example http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_livesearch.asp, but I didn't covered all the subject, because it needs AJAX, JAVASCRIPT, languages that I don't know to use. But if needed... I will learn them, but I want to take the right, simpliest and reliable path. Thank you.

  4. Hi, I had made a web site with html, css and php. I'm not so experienced but I am working to that path. I had installed mysql once to this computer and I suceeded to create and to connect with database, I had modified fields, e.t.c.If I try, I think I can to do this again. My big question is: What I have to learn or to do next to be able to put a functional search box on my site? A search box that will search trough my site content and to dysplay results. Thank you.

  5. I have a similary problem with the image of a shoping chart, that is displayed with a unwanted background in IE6.If fou can help me I would be gratefull because I have absolutely no ideea about resolving this problem. I will attach the code. The .php:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clothes.css" > </head> <body> <div class="big"> <div id="antet"> <!-- ****************here is the image with the problem********************************* --> <div style="float:right;margin:0px 10px;"> <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"> <img src="clothespicture/shopping_chart.jpg" width="20" style="padding-right:5px;margin-top:4px;"> <span style="vertical-align:top"> cucurigu </span></a> </div> <!-- ****************here is the image with the problem********************************* --> <div style="float:left"> <span id="firma"> AB </span> </div><div style="float:left;padding-top:16px;background-color:red">AB FASHION </p> </div> </div> <!-- end antet --> <div id="top"> <ul id="menu"> <li> <a href="#"> HOME </a> <ul> <li> <a href="#"> abc </a> </li> <li> <a href="#"> abc </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#"> COLLECTIONS </a> </li> <li> <a href="#"> BLOG </a> </li> <li> <a href="#"> ABOUT US </a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- end top --> <div id="content"> <p> asd </p> </div> <!-- end content --> </div> <!-- end big --> </body> </html>
    and the .css
    *{ margin: 0px; padding:0px; } html,body { background-color:pink } .big { margin: 10% 20% 20% 20%; background-color:FFFFF; } #menu { list-style:none; height:15px;/*border-style:solid; */ /* in caz ca se doreste ca border-ul sa contina doar lista ul */display:inline-block; /* ca sa faca un fel de container, sa nu iasa elementele din border *//*margin-bottom:0;*//* display:inline-block; *//* padding-bottom:20px; */ /* sau ii putem da acestei clase, respectiv listei ul la care ii asociem aceasta clasa width:Xpx; height:Ypx; se pare ca listele nu sunt continute in border */ } #menu li { position:relative; /* se pune pentru ca lista dropdown sa fie aliniata vertical cu elementele parinte */margin-left:10px;float:left; } #menu ul li { float:none; /* ca sa anuleze float:left-ul precizat in #menu li, care s-ar fi rasfrant si asupra acestor elemente */list-style:none;margin-left:0; } #menu ul { /* ascunde lista drop down */ position:absolute;left:-9999px;margin:0; } #menu li a { padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px; } #menu li:hover ul { /* afisaza link-urile dropdown */ left:0; } #menu a:hover{ /* culoarea backgroundului elementului in momentul in care treci cu mouse-ul peste ele */ background-color:white;color:black; } #menu ul li a{ /* padding-ul pentru elementele din dropdown */ background-color:blue;padding: 0px 20px; } #menu a { /* scoate underlineurile din toate linkurile din clasa menu */ text-decoration:none; } #content { background-color:green; } #top { background-color:#FFFFFF; /* la codurile astea trebuie neaparat pus in fata # */border-style:dotted;border-width:1.5px;border-right-color:#ffffff;border-left-color:#ffffff; } #antet { background-color:#ffffff;height:90px;padding-top:10px; } #antet a:hover { color:red;padding:0px; } a { padding:0px; } #firma {font-size:250%;background-color:black;color:white;margin: 0px 10px; } Thank you.
  6. Thank you for your attention.I supposed that a container element ( a div in this case ) modifies his dimensions in concordance with his contained elements. But now I realize that I was rong. P.S.: Can you please tell me a good practice for floating on horisontal, text (elements) inside of a div without going out from this div?

  7. I have the impression that the code at #6 just enlarging the menu height background and overlapping with the list elements and I have a suspicion that the list elements aren't included in the div "big". I am right?

  8. I think that is a real deal to know what colors to use and make nice layouts. But still I don't have a clear image about the unordered list <ul>. Why the <ul>is not wraped in in the div named "big". Or with other words, why the <ul> doesn't respect that the div named "big" is the parent div for it. I observed that fact , because the background of the <ul> wasn't the same with the background of the div "big", in the momment that the list was exceeded the border limits.

  9. Thank you, it resolved my problem. But I have a question. Why <ul> was not contained in the div "big"? Because when I wasn't had height and width at the ".menu" class, the blue background was not appeared.The <ul> <li> aren't wrapped in nothing?

  10. Hi, I have a problem with list elements that don't want to stay within a border. The problem apears when I add the float:leftto the <li> elements, because I want that the list elements to be arranged horisontaly, I attach and the code. The .php code:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="border.css" > </head> <body> <div class="big"> <ul id="menu"><li> <a href="#"> abc </a> </li><li> <a href="#"> abc </a> </li> </ul>  </div>  </body>  </html>

    the .css code:

    *{margin: 0px;padding:0px;} html,body {background-color:pink} .big {margin: 10% 20% 20% 20%;background-color:blue;} #menu {list-style:none;border-style:solid; }#menu li {float:left;}

    Thank you in advance :)

  11. I tested this page on 3 computers, and the result is the same, my "big" div is extentded to the bottom of the web browser page, it doesn't respect my 20% bottom margin of that div. It is a technical problem, but I don't know how to resolve this problem. I want that my "big" div, that I use it as a container for my page content to be separated from the bottom of the page. I want to place this div how I want, at precise coorodonates, to be fixed how I want to be. How I can achieve that? Thanks.

  12. As I said and at the subject of this topic, my problem is that my " big" div doesn't respect the bottom margin who is set at value of 20%. I want space under this principal div, space that it is not respected. I need advice on this problem.Thank you.

  13. I am trying to arrange a web site with divs. I had decided to make a div named "big", and that div to be the page container div, the container for all other divs. But I have problems. The "big" div doesn't respect the margins setted by me. In special, the div is to long, it is not respecting the bottom margine. I will place the code here: The CSS file

    *{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;} html,body {height: 100%;background-color:rgb(238,233,233);} .big {  /* div wich contains top, content and down divs */margin: 10% 20% 20% 20%;min-height:70%;height:auto;background-color:rgb(185,194,177);}.top {min-height:10%;background-color:red;}.down {position:relative;bottom:0%;min-height:5%;background-color:red;}.content {min-height:60%;height:auto;background-color:green;}

    And the php file:

    <html><head>   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clothes.css"/> <body> <div class="big"> <div class="top"><p>  MENU </p></div><div class="content"><p>  CLOTHES [32] But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing of a pleasure and praising pain wasborn and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the[32] cpleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.</p></div> <div class="down"><p> cucu </p></div> </div></body></html> 

    And the URL: http://clothes.net84.net/clothes.php Please if you can help me with my issue. Thank you.

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