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Posts posted by rain13

  1. Hello.


    I have problem with syntax highlighter - it doesn't break lines. If your browser window is too narrow the lines will go out of window and cause horizontal scrollbars to appear which I don't want.Here's my problematic post:http://autoit.net.ee/pub/?id=152 (pay attention to 39th line)I have no ideas what to try next. I want to break lines but none of what I've tried so far works.

    .syntaxhighlighter table td.code .line {    white-space: pre-wrap !important;    word-wrap: break-word !important;    white-space: pre-wrap;       /* css-3 */    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */    white-space: -pre-wrap;      /* Opera 4-6 */    white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    /* Opera 7 */    word-wrap: break-word;       /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */}

    it way too plain, i think you can add some feeling to it. bring it alive alittle

    Can you explain a little what you mean by that?



    But you can improve it via adding flat look and elegant style.

    flat means not shadows and borders?Also what's elegant style?On the site you linked I saw only 2 screenshots.

  3. disable one link to avoid having two links highlighted simultaneously.

    What do you mean? The category you are currently in is already black.



    Do you manage the back end your self?

    Yes, I wrote that site from scratch.


    Help me create an account on your site then send me the login details as private message.

    What stops you from creating it?Details PM-ed

  4. For the navigation in the header, make it less descriptive. You should have only the main categories of your site there, i.e programming and photography.

    But where should I show Articles in that case? If I keep it in sidebar then 2 things would be separated.If I go by side navigation, how should I then show the path? Wouldn't it be the same that I already have?Edit: What do you think of this design?Capture4.png

  5. The categories are not displayed on mobile views.

    You mean the navigation bar on left? it should display show button (>>). Shall it be something else?


    For the navigation, try listing the parent category as bolded text and the child categories as normal, indented text below it.

    Like that? It doesn't look quite good.Capture.png

    The thing is that I need to show path somewhere


    But then I would display articles twice:Capture2.png

  6. The 'login' and 'registration' links are duplicated on the registration page when opened -- you already have those links at the top.

    It is because I use the same code as for UCP, MCP and ACP. Login and Register are just UCP modules, meaning that they're tbeing treated like every other UCP module which is why I have those links on tabs. I use the same header file for whole site which is why they are also at the top.

    Add categories for photography and programming, as your site entails, and make comprehensive navigation.

    They are already in categories:

    Navigation:Currently viewing: ProgrammingOther categories:PrivatePhotos

    Do you have any suggestions on how I should or could redesign it (Navigation quoted above)? I know that the navigation may not be visually/intuitively the best but that's the best idea what I came up with, therefore I am longing to hear other's thoughts on how navigation should be designed.

    Would you like to make it a blog or forum?

    Currently I see no reason to have forum unless I get enough large audience. However once I upload it's sourcecode to sourcefore or github I might add support forum to it.

    Wouldn't it be fun to search and add some info about those organisms?

    I have not thought of it but I've thought about adding photo tips to those photos such as what what aperture, exposure, ISO to use. For example under clouds I could write something like "Slightly underexposure the clouds to bring out more detail" or under thunder photo I could write "Use f/5.6 to make thunder look slightly bigger" or under landscape "Use f/8 to get everything sharp" and so on. I have came up with this design but now the question is: If user visits "Articles" then how should I make it clear that the Photography is it's parent category?Untitled.pngIf user clicks on "Articles" it should appear on upper bar and the child categories of "Articles" should appear on lower bar. What would be the good way to display path to indicate that "Articles" is child of "Photography"?

  7. Hello.I am trying to specify title, description and image for facebook but my meta tags doesnt work. Any ideas?

    <!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#"><head><title>My site</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta name="title" property="og:title" content="Sample Title" /><meta property="og:description" content="Sample description"><meta name="image" property="og:image" content="http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/u/fQYSUbVfts-T7pS2VP2wnKyN8wxywmXtY0-Fwsgxpi9nxv4XgGwfeKJsnYs5NUij4X_IUIoAtrPnX5kIWmikYF2fp9MR1wTT8DH1JuGe8-qJ4ViHJFrUagMIMF1Fwhe5fbvmiGNAeW2Xike1jpziMjSlaHgOb0zmJoVaIURenAHffRuupC4qC0yZ0BDe54LdFPEmracDkoMviXxV/" /><!--main.html--></head><body>content</body></html>
  8. Hello.



    I am stuck with sql. I want to insert row if it does not exist. This sql worked on localhost but does not work on other server. Any ideas?

    INSERT INTO hashtags SELECT DISTINCT 'test','2','1' FROM hashtags WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM hashtags  WHERE  Tag='test' AND ForumID = '2')

    For the corn field i used multiple color lookups (crisp warm, candlelight, late sunset, drop blues)

    Sorry, I am not so goog at PP so I am not sure how I should understand this.What does it mean? That you just tried different temperatures from blue to yellow til you found wahat works best? or something else?



    used a different sky then the original picture and some tweaking with layer masks.

    You took sky from an other photo or just used different settings for sky than for field?

  10. Nice clean design.Btw just few random questions:http://andreaslorer.de/assets/images/_IGP9619.jpgDid you use any post processing to get those colors nice? If yes the what did you do? Shot from tripod?Same questions for this one:http://andreaslorer.de/assets/images/IMGP9130.jpgIt looks clean and has nice metallic feeling.I am just like you cs students and I love taking photos, except I have not yet created my own site.

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks, now with divs, as niche suggested I have next problem:the green area around 2nd picture is few px taller that the rest of these. See that since image is exactly 240px high then this image should collide with red area but it doesnt, it has few px green area between image and red area.

    I know it comes from

    display: table-cell;

    but if I remove this property then I am no longer able to vertically align other images middle. I want to keep other images vertically aligned to the middle.


    And now (probably because of divs) dsonesuk's owerflow: hidden doesnt work. But at least it's aligning nicely now.

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><head><style>.thumb{    width: 240px;    height: 320px;    margin: 3px;    background: #ff0000;	float: left;}.thumb_container{    display: table-cell;    width: 240px;    height: 240px;    min-height: 240px;    min-width:  240px;    background: #00ff00;    text-align: center;	vertical-align: middle;}</style></head></head><body><div><div class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi5<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag1</a> </div><div class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4037/4515188795_f75ec8b223_m.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi5<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag2</a> </div><div class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi3<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag3</a> </div><div class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi2<br> </div><div class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi1<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag5</a> </div></div></body></html>
  12. Because I want display some text under each photo as you can see from screenshot. Sorry for not explaining what I want to to enough at first place, I'll edit it now to make it clear that picture and this little text alone must be together and that text must be below the image and next image with it's text should be next to it.

  13. Hello.


    I rand into problem that I dont know how to solve myself, I dont even know what might cause it or what I should google for.


    My intention is to create gallery where images are next to each other. I am awere of float property, but the reason for using spans is that I also need to have some text below the image (as the screenshot attached demonstrates you). I know that I could also use table but, I want it to work well with every screen width so making 4 cols wide table would be too wide for phones and too thin for widescreen while spans would automatically oppupy next rows as needed.


    The issue I am having for is:1) that vertical image is causing the span tag to go upper than others (pecture of singer);2) missing hastag causes image to go lower than others (4th from left)


    Image attached:



    Why does this 2nd image go upper then others and 4th image go lower than others?

    Could anyone be so nice to me and help me to fix this?

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><head><style>.thumb{    display: inline-block;    width: 240px;    height: 320px;    margin: 3px;    background: #ff0000;}.thumb_container{    display: table-cell;    width: 240px;    height: 240px;    min-height: 240px;    min-width:  240px;    background: #00ff00;    text-align: center;	vertical-align: middle;}</style></head></head><body><span class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi5<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag</a> </span><span class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4037/4515188795_f75ec8b223_m.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi5<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag</a> </span><span class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi3<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag</a> </span><span class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi2<br> </span><span class="thumb"><span class="post_time"><span class="thumb_container"><a href="#"><img src="http://radified.com/gfx7/cascade2.jpg" ></a></span>text</span><br>gi1<br><a class="hashtag" href="http://url">#tag</a> </span></body></html>
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