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Everything posted by reallysick

  1. thank you ill tryim working on asp.net 2.0 and I know know there are templates for menus but no one fits with what I wantI want an horizontal sub-menu like thisMENU 1 MENU 2 MENU3 MENU4 submenu1 submenu1 submenu1and the only way I found was to use a table ans jsthanks again
  2. sorry, the count function looks like this (without the clear timeout) function count(){ var t = 0; t=setTimeout('document.getElementById("submenu").style.visibility = "hidden"',5000);} need help
  3. Hi,I have a menu with a submenu that I want to hide after 5 seconds.The submenu is a string that I hide and show on mouseOver and mouseOut.In mouseOver: var submenustring=""; for(i=0; i<AbsoluteArray[id-1].length; i++) { var x=document.getElementById('submenu').rows[0].cells; x[0].style.padding="0px 0px 0px "+px+"px"; submenustring = submenustring + AbsoluteArray[id-1][i]; if(i<AbsoluteArray[id-1].length-1) { submenustring = submenustring + " | "; } } x[0].innerHTML= submenustring; document.getElementById("submenu").style.visibility = "visible"; count(); In my count() function, I call the setTimeOut javascript function to hide my submenu after 5 seconds function count(){ var t = 0; t=setTimeout('document.getElementById("submenu").style.visibility = "hidden"',5000); clearTimeout(t);} The problem is that the "timer" doesn't start at 0 on eachmouse over so the submenu disapears before the 5 seconds is completed. I want to have a 5 seconds submenu on each mouse overThanks !
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