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Everything posted by dgorur

  1. Thanks, I'll use that. I guess I can also change the ID name to navbar or something. However, I don't quite see how ID names are part of content - in most examples I've seen they refer to presentation.Dev
  2. Hi,Newbie question: On the `pinned' CSS tutorial, it says here that one can refer to a rule pertaining to an element with a certain id this way:a#leftcol{color:red}I'm using an external stylesheet, and I do have an id called leftcol, and many properties such as text color, etc, are defined there, and they work fine. However, the above link definition refuses to work when invoked as follows. <div id="leftcol"><a href="http://www.stanford.edu/%7Edgorur"> Home</a><br><br></div>If I instead saya{color:red}it works. What am I doing wrong?Thanks,Dev
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