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Weldon MacDonald

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Everything posted by Weldon MacDonald

  1. I was using the width and height tags from the start. The layout is correct, but the way they come in is terrible. The header isn't really a background, but nothing ever appears on top of it. Putting it in as a background of a div by CSS means it starts to load when the CSS file is loaded. This may be an ugly workaround, but it makes the page look better.Is there another way to gain some control of the load sequence?
  2. I'll try making the images css backgrounds. Thanks
  3. I have 15 or 20 pages that represent the faculty of a school. The pages are almost identical, except for obvious content changes. I used css for the formating, but load the jpeg header in from the individual files. The darn thing is only 13k, but it's often rendered much later than the other content (2 other images and some text), which is pretty ugly. This is just a glaring example of one of my peeves. Many pages download in a sequence all their own and it can be unsightly, which brings me to my question.Is there a way to control the load sequence of an xhtml page? Weldon
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