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Everything posted by mona

  1. mona

    xml writing and project

    I'm searching for ideas about an xml webpage, and how can I do it? (by what languages). only a certain idea about a webpage that can be done simply by xml to be as final project of my courseAlso I want o know if I can make xml, xsl or xslt with databases or notif yes, how?
  2. hi every one, I'm new in xml. Actually I'm taking an xml course and I should make a writing and a programming project about xml.I need your help to choose my writing title and a project suggestions, in a way that they'll be related to each other.for example, if I choose my writing as "xml and database", I make the project in xml with mysql.Actually I know how to write xml files, and I know database carefully and also php and I can learn java if it is needed but the problem is that I don't know what kind of project can I do and what languages I should use, and wht is simpler to me as new in xml.please can any one give me a suggestion and help me choosing my project ?
  3. thank u actually may be u r right I'll try it coz javascript functions are case sensitive as I think.
  4. I tried what u said nothing happened, as I told before may be the problem in the arrays , can u check up if there is an error in declairing those arrays
  5. hi can u help me to pass php values to javascript array,actually I have many drop down boxesI need onchange of one of them to change the values of the others according to the value of the first oneand since I dont need to submit the form to take the values and use them in php , I tried at the first of my program to put all the data in javascript arrays and then onchange I use javascript function to search for my values. this is a logical solution but it is not working with me, can u find the problemthis is my program:search.php<?php$db = mysql_connect('localhost','root', 'memo1982');mysql_select_db ("collab1",$db);$sql=mysql_query("select * from student",$db);?><script language='javascript'>function lolo(){p=0;var id=new array();var fname=new array();var lname=new array();var gender=new array();var level=new array();var type=new array();<?$sql1=mysql_query("select * from sanction s, student st, officer o where s.Id=st.Id and s.Oid=o.Oid",$db);while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1, MYSQL_NUM)){?>id[p]=<?=$row["Id"]?>;p=p+1;<?}?>document.write(p); //i made this one only to see if the function is working but it is not working}</script>it is not even understand the arrays, can u help me work with arrays and solve my problem?
  6. hi can u help me to pass php values to javascript array,actually I have many drop down boxesI need onchange of one of them to change the values of the others according to the value of the first oneand since I dont need to submit the form to take the values and use them in php , I tried at the first of my program to put all the data in javascript arrays and then onchange I use javascript function to search for my values. this is a logical solution but it is not working with me, can u find the problemthis is my program:search.php<?php$db = mysql_connect('localhost','root', 'memo1982');mysql_select_db ("collab1",$db);$sql=mysql_query("select * from student",$db);?><script language='javascript'>function lolo(){p=0;var id=new array();var fname=new array();var lname=new array();var gender=new array();var level=new array();var type=new array();<?$sql1=mysql_query("select * from sanction s, student st, officer o where s.Id=st.Id and s.Oid=o.Oid",$db);while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1, MYSQL_NUM)){?>id[p]=<?=$row["Id"]?>;p=p+1;<?}?>document.write(p); //i made this one only to see if the function is working but it is not working}</script><html><head><title>Disciplinary Sanctions Search</title><img src='ltu.bmp' width="974" height="72"/><Style TYPE="text/css">.boldtable, .boldtable TD, .boldtable TH{font-size:12pt;color:#000066;}</style></head><body background='bg.jpg'><h1><font color="#000080">Search<hr></font></h1><form name='search' method='post' action='search2.php'><table class='boldtable'><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Student ID:</td><td><select name='sid' class='boldtable' onchange="lolo()"><option value='All'>All<?while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_NUM)) {?><option value='<?= $row[0]?>'><?= $row[0]?><? }?></select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>First Name:</td><td><select name='fn' class='boldtable'><option value='All'>All<?$sql=mysql_query("select * from student",$db);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_NUM)) {?><option value='<?= $row[1]?>'><?= $row[1]?><? }?></select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Last Name:</td><td><select name='ln' class='boldtable'><option value='All'>All<?$sql=mysql_query("select * from student",$db);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql,MYSQL_NUM)) {?><option value='<?= $row[2]?>'><?= $row[2]?><? }?></select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Gender:</td><td><select name='######' size='3' class='boldtable'><option value='All' selected>All<option value='M'>Male<option value='F'>Female</select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Level:</td><td><select name='level' size='6' class='boldtable'><option value='All' selected>All<option value='G'>G-Grad<option value='Sr'>Sr-Senior<option value='J'>J-Junior<option value='S'>S-Soph<option value='F'>F-Fresh</select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Date From:</td><td>Month:<select name='monthf' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select>Day:<select name='dayf' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select>Year:<select name='yearf' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1990;$i<=2010;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Date To:</td><td>Month:<select name='monthto' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select>Day:<select name='dayto' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select>Year:<select name='yearto' class='boldtable'><option value='0'><?for ($i=1990;$i<=2010;$i++) {?><option value='<?= $i?>'><?= $i?><? }?></select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Student Conduct Officer:</td><td><select name='officer' class='boldtable'><option value='All'>All<?$sql1=mysql_query("select * from officer",$db);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1, MYSQL_NUM)) {?><option value='<?= $row[0]?>'><?= $row[1]." ".$row[2]?><? }?><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Violation Type:</td><td><select name='type' class='boldtable'><option value='All' selected>All<option value='DW'>DW-Warning<option value='DP'>DP-Probation<option value='LP'>LP-Loss Privileges<option value='LAC'>LAC-Loss Acad Credit<option value='F'>F-Fines<option value='RES'>RES-Restitution<option value='DS'>DS-Sanction<option value='US'>US-Univ. Suspend<option value='UE'>UE-Univ. Expel<option value='IS'>IS-Interim Suspend<option value='ISH'>ISH-Interim Suspend Housing<option value='TR'>TR-Temp Reassign<option value='TRP'>TRP-Temp Restrict-Personic Contact<option value='WDP'>WDP-Withdraw Prior to Disposition</select></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='99cccc'>Section:</td><td><input type='text' name='section'/></td></tr></table><br><input type='hidden' name='page' value='search1'/><input type="submit" value="Search"/><input type="reset" value="Reset"/></body></html>
  7. mona

    need help

    Iam working with my project and i had no timeIam working with a php, mysql program, In this program I have combobox for student_id I need onchange of this combo to execute another select statement (for example select name from student where studentid=...) and put the name in a text boxmy problem is as follows:onchange I need to call a javascript function and inside it run a php that selects from table where studentid=(the value of the combo). how can I do that, that is passing javascript variables or values to php I tried to make submit to the same form but it is not working this is my php file:add1.php <?php$db = mysql_connect('localhost','root', 'password');mysql_select_db ("collab1",$db);$sql=mysql_query("select Id from student",$db);?><html><title>New Violation</title><body><form name='form1' method='post' action='add1.php'>Student Id:<select name='sid' onchange='getname()'><?while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_NUM)) {?><option value='<?= $row[0]?>'><?= $row[0]?><? }?></select><br>Name:<input name='sname' type='text'/><input type='submit' value='Add New Violation'/></form><script language='javascript'>function getname(){{ form1.submit(); <?if(isset($_POST["sid"])){$sql=mysql_query("select * fom student where student_id=".$_POST["sid"],$db);$row=mysql_fetch_row($sql);}?>form1.sname.value=<?=$row["sname"]?>;}</script></html> [edit] wrapped code in tags - skemcin[/i]
  8. mona

    dyanamic combo box

    Iam new here and need your help please!Iam working with a php, mysql program, In this program I have let's say 3 combo box (select tags)one for student_id , one for first name and the other for last name,I already got data from mysql using( select * from student) and put them in these combos, but I need onchange of each one to execute another select statement (for example if we change first name select * from student where firstname=....), so I need to clear the other combos and refill them again according to the new query. so, I'll obtain all the students whose first name=...here we need to call a function that makes combo clear using javascript (form1.fn.options.length=0) and also execute a new query(select * from student where fn=..) and refill combos again(new option(....))my questions are:1. do I need to call php function or javascript function onchange of select tag and if php how can i do that?2.how can we take form variables (value of select) and put them in sql statement?if any have idea about this please help me because I am lost and I dont know what to do.
  9. mona

    datagrid in html

    hi I did something like that but know i'm facing a problem.under if(isset($delete)){//delete stuff}if I want to delete this stuff I should take the value of record01 and record02how can I do this in php and put them in variables such as $r1,$r2 to delete or update, knowing that I need to stay on the same page.
  10. mona

    listbox in html

    yes I'm already working with phpwith apache2 and mysql all of them are working carefully, so how to do what I need using these languages.
  11. I have a table called officer that contains the names of officers. I want to make a page that lists these officers and when I click on a certain officer I can delete or update this officer, also there is a button called add so when i click add and insert a certain officer I want the name to be added directly to the old list. how can I make this in html please let me know the tools and if any one can gave me a simple example he will be more than welcome. knowing that I know how to do the sql statements i only wants to know the html tools like list box or something like that.
  12. I'm doing a project using html, php and mysql. I want to make something like a form in vb but i want to use html. i used form tag but inside this form i need to show a list of records , I can use a table to show them but the problem is that I need the user to click on a certain record and be able to change it , or delete it, also i need when I add another record it is added below in the list. In vb we can use a datagrid Is there anything in html similar to this, or if u have any other ideas for how to do theseplease help me. knowing that the only problem is that the tool, whereas the queries and everything is simple to me.
  13. mona

    php set focus

  14. mona

    php set focus

    Iam using php and html I don't want to use javascriptcan u give me a function in php that set a focus to a certain input text.I know how to write it in java script, I need it in php, please give example.
  15. mona

    connect to mysql

    thank u it works
  16. mona

    connect to mysql

    I want to connect from php to mysql, I saw an example in the tutorials for access database using ODBC I tried it for mysql they asked me about host name and user name and passwordi don't know what hostname should i put knowing that when i run mysql i only enter a password and it works so I don't have username in mysqlwhat should i do and can i make it without odbc
  17. i want a function that adds a backspace in php coz I have for loop in php and I want to leave a space at the begining if i<10 but i tried the following it doesn't workif ($i<10) echo " ";echo "<font color='red'>". $i ."</font>
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