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  1. Hi thanx padmapraveen_vasili for ur valuable suggestion.I need one more help from u.My team mate told that the first way u told is better implement.In that case he is telling to get the image link from the database we need to add flash script.Is it like that?(i think u r ving exp in this field)If so can u give some useful hints r materials to implement this idea in my project.Thanx a lot in advance
  2. HI, In my project i want to do the slide show of the uploaded photos.Im saved the image links in the database and tried to pass those values to the slide show array.But it s not working properlyIm using the following javascript and jsp codings: <%@ page import="java.sql.*,java.io.*,java.util.*,java.util.Date" %><HTML><HEAD><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">var browserName = navigator.appName;var browserVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);var browserOK = (((browserName == "Netscape") && (browserVer >= 3)) || ((browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (browserVer >= 4)));var slideURL;var slideDelay = 2000;var curSlide = -1;var curTimeout;function showSlide1(name1) {slideURL = Array(name1);showSlide();}function showSlide() { if (browserOK) { curSlide = ((curSlide + 1) % slideURL.length); document.images["slideImg"].src = slideURL[curSlide]; curTimeout = setTimeout("showSlide()", slideDelay); } else { alert("This page requires Netscape 3.0+ or IE 4.0+"); }}function goNext() { if (browserOK) { clearTimeout(curTimeout); showSlide(); }}function goPrev() { if (browserOK) { clearTimeout(curTimeout); curSlide = (((curSlide - 2) + slideURL.length) % slideURL.length); showSlide(); }}</SCRIPT></HEAD> String name=(String)(session.getAttribute("theName")); Connection con=null; Statement st=null; String sql=null; ResultSet rs=null; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:foto");st=con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); sql="select * from album_bookmark where username='"+name+"'"; rs=st.executeQuery(sql); while(rs.next()) { //out.println(rs.getString(2)); } }catch(Exception ert){out.println(ert.toString());}*/%><BODY ONLOAD="java script:showSlide1('rs.getString(2)');"><CENTER><IMG NAME="slideImg" SRC="" width="150" height="150"><BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="<< Previous Slide" onClick="goPrev()"><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Next Slide >>" onClick="goNext()"></CENTER></BODY></HTML> Can u tell how to do this and where im did mistake?thanx in advance
  3. HI, I want to Parse XMLData's using ASP.I checked with one sample XML file.It s working fine that xml file is there in my localserver.But i want to do is to parse the xml data frm the external serverI used SERver.MapPath("filename.xml")here i tried using the server link where the xml datas r stored but tis throwing errorcan anyone tell me how to do thisthanx a lot
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