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Posts posted by bbr

  1. Doesn't internet explorer grab the image from the source file twice anyway, so preloading in the browser doesn't really have much effect?  I could be wrong.

    Could be, but if the mouseover image is loaded by javascript. IE doesn't know it exists until you actually move your cursor there.
  2. when you say mac, I assume you're refering to safari. I wouldn't try to develop for safari simply because even the people who made it have said they know it wasn't ready to be released. They haven't finished it yet and the only reason they released it is because microsoft said they were going to stop making IE for the mac.My suggestion is to tell anyone using a mac to get firefox.

    well my safari is 1.3.1 right now, ( doesnt say beta )and works for most things.IE and Safari have the same issue on mac.*goes on to try firefox*
  3. i've tried, and failed :) i can make the mouse cursor change when you hover it over a table cell, so it looks like you can click the cell.i'd like to make the table cell, act like it was a plain a href.but.. i cant seem to include the "target" frame.http://blackrune.atspace.com/in the left navigation panel, i started with just plain straightforward images in the table.ofcourse this loads wayyyy too slow, and it's not very versatile if you need new buttons.Now i got a table, with each cell showing a single image background, and the text on top of it, centered as a plain html link. (works good enough for now)i'd like to change it so that when you mouseover the cell, the link becomes active and turns red, and when you click the link or the cell, the main frame gets updated apropiately.i got some code lying around that sort of allowed this,, but when you click the cell, there was no way i could get the " target=main " to pass trough, and only when you clicked the actual link did it work properly.(reminds himself to post the code)and,, go figure,, the Links dont highlight red on the Mac unless you visit them at least once... :)

  4. Currently using this for the script :its a for loop so it's easy to expand. (saw the example on another site)

    var imagenames=new Array('../pics/fullshot_small2.gif');var images=new Array();function loadimages(){  for(n=0;n<imagenames.length;n++)  {    images[n]=new Image();    images[n].src=imagenames[n];    setTimeout('checkload('+n+')' ,n*100);  }}function checkload(index){  (images[index].complete)? dispbars() : setTimeout('checkload('+index+')', 100);}function dispbars(){}window.onload=loadimages;

    Which is loaded into the page like this :

    <a href="fullshot.htm" onmouseover="document.images['b1'].src='../pics/fullshot_small2.gif'" onmouseout="document.images['b1'].src='../pics/fullshot_small.gif'"><img name="b1" src="../pics/fullshot_small.gif" border="0" width="250" height="330" alt=""></a>

    It seems to work fairly good so far.but i'm just curious how other people preload their images.Any better or faster alternatives?

  5. I got a weird issue.http://blackrune.atspace.com/html/weaponsim.htmlooks fine, and runs fine on windows.but, on Macintosh the fields next to stamina, as well as tactics bonus, str bonus, anat bonus, and lumberjack bonus, are somehow "edit fields"... while they are simply display-only fields on windows...now this wouldnt be a big problem if the text color in the Stamina fields wasn't "white"and thus unreadable on macintosh unless you select and copy it elsewhere.--So now the question.Is there a way to make a specific CSS for the Mac, or some quick hack ( though that's less preferred ofcourse ) to make the text in that field turn black when looking at the page on the Mac ?---Another issue on the same page,the "text" next to the pictures on special moves does not change on the mac, while the pictures do.it all works fine on windows. :)

  6. inserting this in the body of your CSS will cause them to turn a nice red. scrollbar-arrow-color: #000; scrollbar-face-color: #A00; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #F66; scrollbar-highlight-color: #000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #822; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000; scrollbar-track-color: #222;it however does not seem to conform with the CSS validator that is available on this site.i presume this is because the scrollbar coloring is an "IE" only attribute ?

  7. PerlCGIC++Pascal,, though that last one can probably be skipped.anyway,, Java is partly C++, i'd still like to see it added in there :)also, a "general area" for all the rest and other nonsense would be a wise thing to add.. it attracts people,, builds somewhat of a small community, which might be useful for any other random questions that dont fit anywhere else. (edit: egads you guys are fast)and.. a "site testing / feedback" forum might be nice. so people can show off their work and ask for feedback. :)

  8. ok. i'm looking for some feedback on this:http://blackrune.atspace.com/html/weaponsim.htmThe original version was created by a kind japanese gentleman named Suihac.i'm helping him test and improve the development of this simulator, so please dont say i'm Stealing his code :)i keep him up to date on any improvements i make.the script is included by: <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="../scripts/weaponsim.js" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>this is the script :http://blackrune.atspace.com/scripts/weaponsim.jsi'm looking for some feedback, perhaps ideas how to make it faster, less code, cleaner.any suggestsions are welcome :)

  9. example listed here : http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...able_backgroundbut not here :http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_table.aspalso,, the w3 validator lists it as being unaccepble for a html 4.01 encoded page.Are there alternatives for writing using a table background, or should a different encoding be used?backgrounds appear to work fine,, so... what's the big "reason" (as ive yet to see it being listed) to making sure the page is 4.01 transitional.btw. looks like the forums are pretty new :>

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