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Posts posted by Flameguthix

  1. My default open of the file is Textpad, but I can't do it unless I'm directly in Textpad, then click open.The thing I'm worried about is that Firefox is somehow tampering with the file. If so, my favorite browser is now corrupted... *sigh*Although, Windows Explorer is the problem. I'll try it, but the source of the file is my flashdrive, and I open it when I'm at school too.I tried copying the code and pasting it in a new file, then saving over it, but the same thing happens. I'm in such disarray with a webpage behind schedule! =/

  2. Recently, I've been revamping my webpage. Although, I've only been experimenting with the HTML tag iframe. I've researched it many times to come up short of what keeps happening.Every time I select the file in Windows, my Windows Explorer 'has encountered an error and must close.' So, everything disappears and reappears. That's fine, but I cannot edit that particular file at my house (which I spend most of my time on).There is some JavaScript within the file (code enclosed at the end), but it works on any other computer I've tested it on. I really hope that it's not the reason, as JavaScript shouldn't be that powerful.Anyway, the problem is that I can view other iframe documents quite well without damage. Here's the code...

    <!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>	<title>Aeon's Rants</title><style type="text/css">body{	background-color: #3A3A3A;	}a{	border: 0px;	}a:visited{	border: 0px;	}a:active{	border: 0px;	}img{	border: 0px;	}td.nav{	align: center;	}</style></head><body><table border="1" bordercolorlight="black" bordercolordark="black" width="100%" cellspacing="0" height="100%">	<tr>		<td align="center" height="104"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	<tr>		<td align="center" class="nav"><a href="home.html"		onMouseOver="document.home.src='nav/home-over.gif'"		onMouseOut="document.home.src='nav/home.gif'"		target="content"		>		<img src="nav/home.gif" name="home" id="home" alt="home" /></a></td>		<td align="center" class="nav"><a href="rants.html"		onMouseOver="document.rants.src='nav/rants-over.gif'"		onMouseOut="document.rants.src='nav/rants.gif'"				target="content"		>		<img src="nav/rants.gif" name="rants" id="rants" alt="rants" /></a></td>		<td align="center" class="nav"><a href="philosophy.html"		onMouseOver="document.philosophy.src='nav/philosophy-over.gif'"		onMouseOut="document.philosophy.src='nav/philosophy.gif'"		target="content"		>		<img src="nav/philosophy.gif" name="philosophy" id="philosophy" alt="philosophy" /></a></td>		<td align="center" class="nav"><a href="sponsors.html"		onMouseOver="document.sponsors.src='nav/sponsors-over.gif'"		onMouseOut="document.sponsors.src='nav/sponsors.gif'"		target="content"		>		<img src="nav/sponsors.gif" name="sponsors" id="sponsors" alt="sponsors" /></a></td>		<td align="center" class="nav"><a href="contact.html"		onMouseOver="document.contact.src='nav/contact-over.gif'"		onMouseOut="document.contact.src='nav/contact.gif'"		target="content"		>		<img src="nav/contact.gif" name="contact" id="contact" alt="contact" /></a></td>	</tr></table>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align="center"><iframe src="home.html" name="content" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe><noframes>You must have frames enabled to view this page.</noframes>		</td></table></body></html>

    P.S. It happened while with HTML and XHTML.

  3. Alrighty, after making a webpage for my free time, and to get my ranting side out, I've made a site not unlike maddox.xmission.com. Although, I did make it before I found his site.Anyway, I'm an aspiring webdesigner who has done alot with CSS, and at the school I work at only uses IE, which makes it really easy. Although, at home, I have Firefox, which doesn't like CSS as much. For example:-Scroll bar colors (Not a personal favorite, but still...)-Font size (The most frustrating)-Some text colors-"position: absolute;"-etc.I would like to know a few ways around these without using repetetive HTML through the whole thing. Mostly the font-size attribute is particularly annoying. My text is too small for the color scheme I have running, and if I could have it bigger, I wouldn't need to change the many image buttons I have, and save me about 3 weeks of work.Here's my external CSS:

    body{	background-color: black;	color: red;	font-size: 19;	scrollbar-3d-light-color: black;	scrollbar-arrow-color: black;	scrollbar-base-color: black;	scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: red;	scrollbar-face-color: red;	scrollbar-track-color: black;	scrollbar-highlight-color: black;	scrollbar-shadow-color: black;	}p{	text-indent: 20px;	color; red;	font-size: 17;	}a{	color: red;	}a:hover{	color: gold;	text-decoration: none;	}a:active{	color: red;	}a:visited{	color: gold;	}h3{	color: red;	}img{	border: 0;	}blah{	background-color: blue;	color: white;	}

    And here is my homepage:

    <!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>	<title>Romping Rants</title><style type="text/css" url="external.css">p{	text-indent: 20px;	color; red;	font-size: 17;	}h3{	color: red;	}table{	align: center;	}</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="external.css" /></head><body><h1>Welcome to the mental outlet of Aeon!</h1><br /><br /><h3>Attention!</h3><p>You must know that all information here is, and might be, fictional at its core. This is for you to draw your own conclusion based upon what indoctrination I might provide. Thanks.</p><br /><img src="Images/note.jpg" id="note" hspace="0" /><p>I am not the same person as Aeon from Aeonart! I am a completely individual person, and we are not the same. Please know that before making any judgments upon my drawing skills, or his verbal skills.</p><br /><br /><table border="0"><tr><td><center><table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" width="100%" style="margin-right: 50px;">	<tr>		<th>Date</th>		<td><b>News</b></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>9/10/2006</td>		<td align=left>Aeon's World updated. Philosophy 2 up; <a href="phil2.html">Fate, Karma, and Assholes</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>9/7/2006</td>		<td align=left>Lots of changes! Philosophy 1 up; <a href="phil1.html">2012 End</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>8/23/2006</td>		<td align=left>Aeon's World complete! The Chosen may now view it.</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>7/27/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 3 up; <a href="rant3.html">Diet Soda</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>6/8/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 2 up; <a href="rant2.html">Mayspace Addicts</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>6/2/2006</td>		<td align=left>Some site modifications, enjoy!</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>5/31/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 1 up; <a href="rant1.html">Comicbook Movies.</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>5/30/2006</td>		<td align=left>Site up! Jubilation!</td>	</tr></table></center></td><td><center><table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">	<tr>		<th>Production of next pages:</th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=left><font color="red">| | | | | | | | |</font><font color="white"> |</font> Philosophy 90%</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=left><font color="red">| | | |</font><font color="white"> | | | | | |</font> Rants 40%</td>	</tr></table></center></td></tr></table></body></html>

    I'm not sure if there is anything particularly wrong with my code, I'm usually pretty strict on the format. I would run it through a validator, but I don't think that's my problem.Here is the link to the website: http://flameguthix.t35.com (Budget is low, can't get a better host) Thanks alot for all of your help guys.

  4. Hey y'all. I'm building a website for a clan on this game called Soldat. Currently, I piggy-backed code from JavaScriptSource.com... just a little scroller that displays text in the field above it. The URL is http://drupal.getalife.us/outclan.htmlIts all div tags and javascript. Lemme just post the CSS/JavaScript and the actual tagging:

    <style type="text/css">.gallerycontroller{width: 250px}.gallerycontent{width: 250px;height: 200px;border: 1px solid black;background-color: #000077;padding: 3px;display: block;}</style><script type="text/javascript">var tickspeed=3000 //ticker speed in miliseconds (2000=2 seconds)var displaymode="auto"if (document.getElementById){document.write('<style type="text/css">\n')document.write('.gallerycontent{display:none;}\n')document.write('</style>\n')}var selectedDiv=0var totalDivs=0function getElementbyClass(classname){partscollect=new Array()var inc=0var alltags=document.all? document.all.tags("DIV") : document.getElementsByTagName("*")for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){if (alltags[i].className==classname)partscollect[inc++]=alltags[i]}}function contractall(){var inc=0while (partscollect[inc]){partscollect[inc].style.display="none"inc++}}function expandone(){var selectedDivObj=partscollect[selectedDiv]contractall()selectedDivObj.style.display="block"temp.options[selectedDiv].selected=trueselectedDiv=(selectedDiv<totalDivs-1)? selectedDiv+1 : 0if (displaymode=="auto")autocontrolvar=setTimeout("expandone()",tickspeed)}function populatemenu(){temp=document.gallerycontrol.menufor (m=temp.options.length-1;m>0;m--)temp.options[m]=nullfor (i=0;i<totalDivs;i++){var thesubject=partscollect[i].getAttribute("subject")thesubject=(thesubject=="" || thesubject==null)? "HTML Content "+(i+1) : thesubjecttemp.options[i]=new Option(thesubject,"")}temp.options[0].selected=true}function manualcontrol(menuobj){if (displaymode=="manual"){selectedDiv=menuobjexpandone()}}function preparemode(themode){displaymode=themodeif (typeof autocontrolvar!="undefined")clearTimeout(autocontrolvar)if (themode=="auto"){document.gallerycontrol.menu.disabled=trueautocontrolvar=setTimeout("expandone()",tickspeed)}elsedocument.gallerycontrol.menu.disabled=false}function startgallery(){document.getElementById("controldiv").style.display="block"getElementbyClass("gallerycontent")totalDivs=partscollect.lengthpopulatemenu()for (i=0; i<document.gallerycontrol.mode.length; i++){if (document.gallerycontrol.mode[i].checked)displaymode=document.gallerycontrol.mode[i].value}if (displaymode=="auto")document.gallerycontrol.menu.disabled=trueexpandone()}if (window.addEventListener)window.addEventListener("load", startgallery, false)else if (window.attachEvent)window.attachEvent("onload", startgallery)else if (document.getElementById)window.onload=startgallery</script>

    ...<td rowspan="4" valign="top" style="align: center;"><center><table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" align="center" width="650px" style="text-align: center;">	<tr>		<th><h1>ClanWar Table</h1><hr color="white" width="50%"></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td><div class="gallerycontent" subject=":[DS]:"><b><u>:[DS]:</u></b><br>Wins: 0<br>Loses: 0<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div class="gallerycontent" subject="AW"><b><u>AW</u></b><br>Wins: 2<br>Loses: 1<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div class="gallerycontent" subject="SEAL"><b><u>SEAL</u></b><br>Wins: 0<br>Loses: 2<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div class="gallerycontent" subject="BR"><b><u>BR</u></b><br>Wins: 0<br>Loses: 0<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div class="gallerycontent" subject="DANK"><b><u>DANK</u></b><br>Wins: 1<br>Loses: 0<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div class="gallerycontent" subject="TSS"><b><u>TSS</u></b><br>Wins: 1<br>Loses: 0<br>Ties: 0<br></div><div id="controldiv" style="display:none; align: center;" class="gallerycontroller"><form name="gallerycontrol">		<select class="gallerycontroller" size="3" name="menu" onChange="manualcontrol(this.options.selectedIndex)">		<option>Blank form</option>		</select><br>Auto: <input type="radio" checked name="mode" value="auto" onClick="preparemode('auto')"> Manual: <input type="radio" name="mode" value="manual" onClick="preparemode('manual')"></form></div></td></tr>	</table></center>		</td>

  5. Thanks alot for replying. And if I came across as hating Firefox, I think its god's gift to mankind.Although, maybe I was taught differently from you, but here is my take on the problems (Thanks for listing them by the way!)-The "- usually, they act as glue in case you have properties that have a space in them. The same effect will happen with or without them, even on firefox.-The miss arranged tags- Thanks! I didn't see those... and I can usually spot them in my first trouble shooting session.-The document declaration- I really don't think that declaring the document type would have any effect on the links, but anything is worth a try.I just want to thank you for replying to quickly. I will test the site given the help you have taken the time to present to me. Thanks.

  6. For a while, I have been working on a website for a friend who has a clan on this game called Soldat. The website is all tables and CSS allignment, but the links wont work on firefox. I also have some JavaScript in there for a random rotating picture, and a stat counter on the homepage. Here is the link to the page: http://flameguthix.t35.comI am wondering if there is any quick fix, or do I have to completely redesign my site to make it look function right on Firefox?P.S. Here is some of the code for the links:

    <html><head>	<title>.:|BAM|:. Clan Site-Home</title><style type="text/css"><!--@import url("external.css");--></style></head><body link=#000033 alink=#000033 vlink=#000033><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>	<tr>  <th><img align=center src="Images/bam.jpg"></th>	</tr></table><br><br><div id="nav1"><table align=left align=top border=2 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 width=150px height=250px>	<tr>  <th><center>Navigation</center></th>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href=index.html>Home</center></a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href=roster.html>Roster</center></a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href=contact.html>Contact</center></a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href=about.html>About</center></a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href=http://mefsoldat.proboards74.com/index.cgi>Forums</center></a></td>	</tr>	<tr></table></div><div id="nav2"><table align=left align=top border=2 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 width=150px height=250px>	<tr>  <th>Sponsored Links</th>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href="">Project $aint development</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href="http://www.soldatforums.com">Soldat Forums</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td><center><a href="">---</td>	</tr></table></div>

  7. This is all of the CSS

    body{background-color: FFFFFF;background-image: url('');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: right}h1{font-family: "Comic Sans MS";text-align: center;color: CC0025}p{font-size: 20 px;text-indent: 30 px;}ul{list-style-position: inside;list-style-image: url('Images/itmmarker.bmp');}a{color: 008C25;text-decoration: none;}a:hover{color: CC0025;text-decoration: overline;font-size: 20px;}table{text-align: center;}#banner{position: relative;top: .5 in;}#enterimage{position: absolute;top: 2.3 in;left: 4.1 in;}#Enter{position: absolute;top: 4.5 in;left: 5 in;}#studentpages{position: absolute;top: 4.40 in;left: 5 in;border-top: red double 10px;border-bottom: red double 10px;border-right: green double 10px;border-left: green double 10px;}#pathway{position: absolute;top: 1.95 in;left: 5 in;}#nav{position: absolute;top: 2 in;}#coursedesc{	position: absolute;	top: 1.95 in;	left: 0px;	width: 480px;	height: 395px;}#top{border-top: red double 10px;border-right: green double 10px;border-left: green double 10px;}#left{border-bottom: red double 10px;border-left: green double 10px;}#right{border-bottom: red double 10px;border-right: green double 10px;}#bottom{border-bottom: red double 10px;}

  8. This has been really bothering me. I have done a website for a school district, which includes lots of <div id=> tags linking to an external style sheet. The PR uses an Mac OSX, and wont put the site up because it looks horrible.I was wondering, is there a quick fix for something like this other than putting CSS directly into the webpage? Because that would just make it a massive document. That and the insane work. Thanks!

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