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Posts posted by Deji

  1. This is absolutely awful. That's why I'm throwing it out there for anyone who wants it: https://pastebin.com/C0WLbbmN It's an API for generating HTML code using object oriented programming. It sounds nice, but in reality OOP just doesn't fit with HTML. Here's an example of creating a simple page using this god forsaken API:

    <?phprequire("html.inc.php");/*EXAMPLE 1: Nested Tags<div class="myImagePlaceholder"><a href="/myimage.png" title="click me!"><img src="/myimagethumb.png" alt="" /></a></div>*/$myImagePlaceholder = new html_tag_div(new html_tag_a("/myimage.png", new html_tag_img("/myimgthumb.png")));echo $myImagePlaceholder->build();/*EXAMPLE 2: Adding content without arrays.<div id="myDiv"><h3>Hello World</h3><br /><p>Do you know who I am?</p></div>*/$myDiv = new html_tag_div();$myHeader = new html_tag_header(3, "Hello World");$myParagraph = new html_tag_paragraph("Do you know who I am?");$myDiv->add_content($myHeader, new html_tag_linebreak(), $myParagraph);echo $myDiv->build();/*EXAMPLE 3: Adding content with arrays.<select name="religion"><option value="scifi">Star Trek</option><option value="pirate">Pastafarian</option><option value="normal" selected="selected">Sun Worship</option></select>*/$options = array(new html_tag_option("Star Trek", "scifi"),new html_tag_option("Pastafarian", "pirate"),new html_tag_option("Sun Worship", "normal"));$select = new html_tag_select();$select->add_option($options);$select->set_selected_option(2);$select->set_attr_name("religion");echo $select->build();// Apologies for missing out satanism?>

    Yeah, for small bits of code, it's not that bad. But I'd advise against trying to create a site with it. It's incomplete but as you can see from the API code, it's very easy to expand with new tags and such. I stopped working on it when I started adding table classes as it just began to get ridiculous. Anyway, I'm not gonna use it myself and it's otherwise going to waste. So feel free to extend on it, use it, print it then burn it.

  2. Oh my bad. I swear I already cleared out the cache (and I've not used IE9 in months) but perhaps clearing all saved data and reconnecting the internet fixed it. There's still a slight issue of one login input box being 1px higher than the other, but since every other browser displays them inline, it's IE9's issue, not mine. Thanks anyway :)

  3. Didn't know where to put this topic, since the problem isn't specifically HTML or CSS, but it is a design compatibility issue. I have an Internet Explorer related compatibility issue. While the copy of my site installed on my localhost server is displaying fine in Internet Explorer 9, the online copy is very messed up. Sizes of elements and positions are seemingly being ignored. Localhost{IMAGE REMOVED} Perfect. IE exceeds itself. Online{IMAGE REMOVED} Baaaad. Border radius' aren't working, the plus sign on the dropdown box in the top-right hand corner of the screen isn't scaled down, as set in the CSS. Most noticeably, the menu isn't inline (as forced by display:inline-block, IIRC). The only content difference between the two sites is what is in the database. But it has very little effect here. So I'm down to assuming IE9 is doing something wrong intentionally and I wondered if there was a way to correct this without having to dive into the CSS and HTML again.

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