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Posts posted by Yuval200

  1. Hehe guys, I'm not that newbie, I know how to post data that is sent by the browser with inputs and textareas.I was reading the page about the option tag, and it used the "value" attribute, and not the name/id attributes.So ok, I can reach the select by giving it a name. that's good. I tried it now, and by giving the select tag a name and id, it outposted the selected option.Thanks guys, I'll post again if I'll have more problems :)

  2. Hey guys :)I'll try to make it short as possible.I have like 4 select tags, with some options tags (Each option has a value attribute) on each select tag. When the user sends the form, how do I know witch option tag he selected? Oh yes, and if I have a select tag, how do I know what option tag was selected?Thanks in advance,Yuval :)

  3. No offence but wouldn't it be more easy to learn Basic ore Python before making the step to PHP and before learning about databases I would recommend to first read something about SQL.Ruud Hermans
    As far as I know, Basic has nothing to do with all those internet (Markup, styling, client-side scripting, server-side scripting) languages.I fought that it was clear that if you want to learn PHP with databases, you should know some SQL commands.Oh, sanprice, thanks :)
  4. Basicly-HTML is for building the skeleton of the website, such as tables, forms, images, links, text ect, and XHTML is a stricter version of HTML.CSS is for designing an HTML page, such as designing text (color, size, type of font ect) ect.Javascript is for client-side, lets you check input by the user and stuff, it can do magic :)Theres more but since I'm not that good in English, I'll let others do the work for me :)One last thing, what I suggest for you to learn in the following order:HTML >> XHTML >> CSS >> Javascript (Then HTML DOM) >> PHP (+ Data-base stuff)

  5. If you have variables named "xoo" and "gahgah" in your javascript, and as long as they're defined, just go:document.xoo.gahgah.disabled="true".It'll work. :)
    Well I tried to do something like that, or it was abit different, I can't remmbmer. It didn't worked.. I did something else and it did worked, nevermind :)The question that I want to ask now (If it's ok)- I have saw several sites, including IPB forum systems, that opened a popup thing.Now, I saw the W3S tutorial about popups in JS, it showed some ways such as the alert and promat box, but the one that I didn't found was an example on how to open a window popup, like when you guys write a new post, and press "BB Code Help" or "Show All" onther the smilies box.Thanks, and I'm sorry for having so many questions.Yuval
  6. Ok, thanks skym, the problem that I had was that I should of wrote the "value" after that "name". But I did used that "return false", thanks :).That thing I have now is that I want to do a function that disables that send bottom, I already have an idea, but I want to do the following thing:document.form.botton.disabled = TRUE/FALSE.I might miswrote that, but basicly I want to replace the "form", "botton" and "TRUE/FALSE" with varibles. Problem is that JS isn't like PHP with it's $ sign. So my question is - how can I replace those following things with varibles?(I know I had some spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. If you haven't understood me, I will try to rephrase it again).If you could please help me.. :)Thanks,Yuval :)

  7. Hello :)I got a proglem, and it's getting me nuts.I'm trying to do a form, and an "onsubmit" event. Now, when the user submit the form, it tries to see if he wrote the data good.The form:

      <form action="outPost.php" method="POST" onsubmit="form_validation()" name="send" id="send" style="margin-left: 15px">	<!--Page ended: 19/6/2006 21:19 -->   <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">    <tr style="height: 35px">	 <td style="width: 175px; padding: 1px 1px 1px 10px">Sender's name:</td>	 <td style="width: 120px"><input type="text" class="sendText" style="height: 20px" name="name" id="name"></td>    </tr>    <tr style="height: 95px">	 <td valign="top" class="invBorder" style="width: 175px; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding: 1px 1px 5px 10px">Message content:</td>	 <td valign="top" class="invBorder" style="width: 150px; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding-bottom: 5px"><textarea class="sendText" rows="4" cols="50" name="content" id="content"></textarea></td>	</tr>	<tr style="height: 38px">	 <td valign="top" align="right" colspan="2" style="padding: 5px 1px 1px 1px">	  <input class="sendBotton" type="reset" value="Reset" />  	  <input class="sendBotton" type="submit" value="submit" /> 	 </td>	</tr>   </table>  </form>

    The JS part:

    function form_validation() { //This is the function that do the validation of the sending message form. 31/8/06 11:12	try {		if (document.send.name == "")			throw "name_error";					if (document.send.content == "")			throw "content_error";	}		catch(error) {		if (error == "name_error")			alert("You must write your name!");					if (error == "contect_error")			alert("You must add content to your post!");	}}

    If you could please point out what are the mistakes I'm making.Another thing please- is there a trim function (Trims the white space from the start and the end of the string) like PHP has? If you could help, I'll be greatfull.Thanks,Yuval :)

  8. I ran your css through the validator and it passed :)No error or warning foundThat's nothing to do with your css validation, just reminding you that you need valid html also. :)

    I know that it is valid, but unlike the validation page of w3s style sheet, it didn't said showed me the valid CSS image.Here is what was writen in the w3s stylesheet:
    Congratulations! This document validates as CSS! To show your readers that you've taken the care to create an interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page that validates. Here is the HTML you could use to add this icon to your Web page: <p> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">  <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"      src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss"       alt="Valid CSS!"> </a></p>(close the img tag with /> if using XHTML)If you like, you can download a copy of this image to keep in your local web directory, and change the HTML fragment above to reference your local image rather than the one on this server. If you would like to create a link to this page (i.e., this validation result) to make it easier to re-validate this page in the future or to allow others to validate your page, the URI is:           http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validat...om/stdtheme.css      or http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer (for HTML/XML document only)(Or, you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist.)To work as intended, your CSS style sheet needs a correct document parse tree. This means you should use valid HTML.
    But I got only the last line.Wait, is it beacuse I'm validating my CSS via my computer, and not by a server?
  9. Well, we have progress, (sorry for not replying for some time, I was kinda bussy)After using the "serif" font after the verdana, it made some progress.But, even after I made the document valid, I didn't got the message of "Blabla validated CSS blablabla" and that valid CSS image.It said somthing about (X)HTML, even trough I used an external stylesheet :\!Here is what I got:

    No error or warning foundTo work as intended, your CSS style sheet needs a correct document parse tree. This means you should use valid HTML.Valid CSS informationbody {font-family : verdana, serif; font-size : medium; color : black; background-color : white; } span.error {font-size : medium; font-weight : bold; color : red; margin-left : 20px; background-color : white; } .sendText {font-family : verdana, serif; font-size : x-small; } .sendBotton {font-family : verdana, serif; font-size : x-small; height : 23px; width : 70px; } table {text-align : left; } .invBorder {border : 0 solid black; } div.invBorder {border-left-width : 3px; } 

  10. Yuval, try it with times, not arial. The validator doesn't seem to like arial. I used times, and that particular error went away. Also, add the same font-family values to each of the mentioned elements, and all your warnings should go away.(body, .sendtext, .sendbutton)Are you using that url to try and validate your css? If your server isn't working, there should be an option to just copy/paste your css into the validator to check it that way. That may be why it isn't validating.

    Well, I used times, and the result:
    W3C CSS Validator Results for file://localhost/C:\Yuval\programmingLanguages\PHP\wamp\www\Systems\postingSystem\css.cssTo work as intended, your CSS style sheet needs a correct document parse tree. This means you should use valid HTML.WarningsURI : file://localhost/C:\Yuval\programmingLanguages\PHP\wamp\www\Systems\postingSystem\css.cssLine : 7 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 7 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : body Line : 27 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 27 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : .sendText Line : 33 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 33 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : .sendBotton Valid CSS informationbody {font-family : "verdana", times; font-size : small; text-align : left; color : black; background-color : white; } span.error {font-size : medium; color : red; margin-left : 20px; background-color : white; } .sendText {font-family : "verdana", times; font-size : xx-small; } .sendBotton {font-family : "verdana", times; font-size : xx-small; height : 23px; width : 70px; } .invBorder {border : 0 solid black; }

    As you can see, I used times. WHY ME?

    • Note: I am using the second way to validate - by uploading the file from my comp.I saw the textarea there, I pested (sp?) the code, but it did not worked (the send botton wouldn't send).

  11. Oh well-

    W3C CSS Validator Results for file://localhost/C:\Yuval\programmingLanguages\PHP\wamp\www\Systems\postingSystem\css.cssTo work as intended, your CSS style sheet needs a correct document parse tree. This means you should use valid HTML.WarningsURI : file://localhost/C:\Yuval\programmingLanguages\PHP\wamp\www\Systems\postingSystem\css.cssLine : 7 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 7 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : body Line : 27 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 27 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : .sendText Line : 33 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 33 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : .sendBotton Valid CSS informationbody {font-family : "verdana", arial; font-size : small; text-align : left; color : black; background-color : white; } span.error {font-size : medium; color : red; margin-left : 20px; background-color : white; } .sendText {font-family : "verdana", arial; font-size : xx-small; } .sendBotton {font-family : "verdana", arial; font-size : xx-small; height : 23px; width : 70px; } .invBorder {border : 0 solid black; }
    Those are the results after I added that "generic" family (notice what I wrote - "verdana", arial).What do they want from me :)?(scott100: what does that value do? The problem with setting the background color as white is that the borders of the inputs and textareas changes and become "un cool").
  12. Hello guys,some days ago, I desided to try to validate my CSS file, I fought it would be valid from the start, it did, sorta'.I had 7 errors, somthing like that;

    • Line : 7 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative Line : 7 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : body

    • I had a problem (more of a warning), that said that I declaired(sp?) a color attribute, but I didn't declaired a background-color attribute, I fixed that, but I found it pesky abit when using forms, is that mendetory?

    I couldn't find a way to fix the first problem, can you guys help me?Thanks,Yuval.

  13. Here are some things that by my opinion, would make the php tutorial better:

    1. Here, under the section "Comments in PHP", you forgot to mention that you can use "#" too, like:
      <?php\*Comment!another omment!*\echo "I like ";   //prints "I like "echo "pasta!"      #prints "pasta!"?>

    2. Try to explain more about how to install PHP, Apache and MySQL.
    3. Try to make a page with information about programs that install the three servises, like EasyPHP or WAMP.

    Offtopic: a CSS tutorial about designing scrollbars would be nice :) (so far I didn't found one, I might missed it if you have one)

  14. You are trying to use the browser to do View Source and then edit that, you can't do that, you are editing the local cache copy of the output, not the page itself.  Use Windows Explorer (the shell, not the browser) to find your HTML file and open it directly in notepad (if you must..) to edit it, don't go through your browser.  Browser is for viewing the output only, not for editing.

    Thanks ALOT!I converted the .php file to .txt, edited the file, then made it .php again, and it worked!The prosses is taking some time due the fact that the computer I am using now is slow, and the EasyPHP thing is running, but I can really start coding now! Thanks!Edit: And I would like to thank aspnetguy and asylum for the help too :)
  15. Are you using IE to view the page?If you are it may be a simple cache problem.Goto Tools > Internet OptionsOn the General Tab click SettingsMake sure 'Every visit to the page' is selected and hit OK.That may help if not post here again.

    Thanks, but it didn't helped :[.Btw, if it matters, when I open the source is notepad, the title of the notepad is not like the page's name (witch is "test") but "test[1]".
  16. Well, after some ages, I finally installed php (if some one remmebers my last topic) via the EasyPHP program.all is fine, went to the "www" folder and made a directory called "Yuval", and created a page called "test.php" (the page adress was "http://localhost/Yuval/test.php").I opened the file's source and found the code:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1255"></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>

    I didn't changed the code itself, but just added the lines:

    <p>This is going to be ignored.</p><?php echo 'While this is going to be parsed.'; ?><p>This will also be ignored.</p>

    So the code was:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1255"></HEAD><BODY><p>This is going to be ignored.</p><?php echo 'While this is going to be parsed.'; ?><p>This will also be ignored.</p></BODY></HTML>

    I saved the the notepad thingy with the code, quited the notepad and refreshed.Nothing, not only it didn't viewed anything I wrote, but when I checked the source to see if somthing was wrong, the code was all the same as it was when I found it.I really want to learn php, and I would be happy if you could help me.Yuval.PS: if it matters, my operating system is Windows 98 SE.

  17. <html dir="ltr"><head><title>SysIdx</title></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:9pt"><table style="border:1px solid #000000;"><tr><td bgcolor="red" width="250" height="15">Test</td></tr></table></div></body></html>

    Try that.Also if you are aiming for the cells in the inside of that tableyou have to have a CSS style like this:

    <html dir="ltr"><head><title>SysIdx</title><style type="text/css">table td {  border:1px solid #000000;}</style></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:9pt"><table style="border:1px solid #000000;"><tr><td bgcolor="red" width="250" height="15">Test</td></tr></table></div></body></html>

    I see, thanks, you helped me alot I gess :).Lovely font btw :).another thing - I asked about it in the HTML/XHTML forums, I hope that some one here can help me out.The main issuse that is important to me here is the align of the bottuns, and the fact that if I don't put a "dir" in the table, all the text is left way, due I wrote in the CSS place that it will be right.
  18. Okey, well installing it is one thing, running it is another. You need to actually have the program running in the background. So start up IBserver and then go to your localhost.

    Well, I started it by starting the "IBserver.exe" file, I Started the Apache, I tried to start MySQL, so I clicked at the botton, didn't activated.OK I said, i'll move on, the second thing was that even when I started the server, my computer didn't soppurted the .php files, so I had to open the php file via notpad.Next thing was opening the index.php file via the local host, it worked fine, all acsept the fact that when I viewed the source, it shown me some thing like "<?php #################### ?>".Well, next, I made a test.php file, I wrote in it:
    <html> <body>  Hello world!  <?php echo "Hello world!"; ?> </body></html>

    The HTML "Hello world!" worked,but the PHP way didn't.But thx for the support this way.Any one alse :)?

  19. Get and Post are explained on this page under optional attributesTo style buttons, internal and inline:
    <head><style>input.mystyle{  color:green;  background-color: yellow;  border-style: dotted;}</style></head><body><input style="color:red;background-color: blue;border-style: dashed" type="button" value="button1" /><input class="mystyle" type="button" value="button2" /></body>

    You helped me alot, thanks man :).Another thing, I have this code:
    <html> <head>  <title>SysIdx</title>  <style>   span.ver9p    {     	font-family: verdana;     	font-size: 9pt;     	text-align: right;	     }   table.connect    {     	border-width: thin;     	border-color: black;     	border-style: solid;    }   input.userName    {	color: black;   	background-color: white;        border-style: solid;        width: 150px;        height: 20px;    }   input.userPass    {	color: black;   	background-color: white;        border-style: solid;        width: 183px;        height: 20px;    }  </style> </head> <body>  <table class="connect" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right">   <tr>    <td width="300" height="100" valign="top" dir="rtl">     <span class="ver9p">התחברות לפאנל ניהול:</span><br />     <form name="conection">      <span class="ver9p">שם משתמש:</span> <input type="text" name="userName" class="userName" /><br />      <span class="ver9p">סיסמא:</span> <input type="password" name="userPass" class="userPass" /><br />      <span style="text-align:left">       <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="dataSubmit" />      </span>    </form>   </td>  </tr> </table>       <!--    <table style="border-width:thin; border-color:#000000; border-style:solid" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">    <tr>    <td bgcolor="brown" width="350" height="12">Test</td>    </tr>    </table>    <blockquote>    Text<br />    Text Text Text Text    </blockquote> --> </body></html>

    [ignore the long comment with the code and the text, its not important, and if you see odd letters, ignore them to]I tried to delete the "dir" and set an "text-align", didn't worked, and then I tried to do "right: 0px" - nothing eather (sp?), same thing happened with the bottons. Why is it that way?(maybe some of it belongs to the CSS forum, but its about HTML abit cuz its about the bottons to, and I don't want to spam and open another topic).And in the same issuse, is there a way to equal the cell padding and spacing in CSS?

  20. I can't understand it right.There isn't much about different methods here (aither there is and im just partly blind).Any way, what is the different between each method? What method do I need to use in what cases?And another thing - How do I set borders, bgcolors ect to input things such as bottons and text fields? Via CSS? In what way if so?

  21. Another thing came out,the smallest border that was writen in the CSS tut was thin, and its like border="1", isn't there a thiner posibilty? or the thin unit is the smallest?[sorry for duble posting, its just that if I had edited my post, no one would notice].

  22. Download IBserver, its very simple. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibserver/Just download the newest version, install, and place your files in the www folder. Then in your browser go to http://localhost and you will find your files.

    Downloaded the full version, installed it, and found the www folder.There, I noticed there is a index.php file, I got to local host, and it wrote that the page can't be displayed.
  23. You forgot to add border-style
    <html dir="ltr"><head><title>SysIdx</title></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:9pt"><table style="border-width:thick; border-color:#000000;border-style: solid"><tr><td bgcolor="red" width="250" height="15">Test</td></tr></table></div></body></html>

    Oh, thanks :).
  24. No Yuval not the whole site.1) Go to http://www.firepages.com.au/2) Click phpdev bundles3) Click phpdev4234) Click download5) Click phpdev423.exe 10.49MBOr you can skip all those and go to here http://www.firepages.com.au/phpdev4u1.htm this is the step 5 above.Hope this helps.

    :)"Installer verification failed.This could be the result of an incomplete download,a failing disk, or (possibly) corruption from a virus."Why o' why :)?[btw, the link supports all the 3 things? or ill have to downlaod Apache and MySQL alone in a differnt link?]And thanks for the help far by now.
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