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  1. Ok, seems it was my cache that refused to update correctly. Thank for help though it was driving me nuts.
  2. Ok this is very odd, it is the right stylesheet but I can't do any changes to it :/
  3. Hi,I really can't figure this out, I got a stylesheet.css that I refer to in the header. It have worked perfectly until now. The problem I got is that for some reason it is not picking up new code in the stylesheet. What I don't get is why this works From stylesheet.css a.nyheturl:link {color: blue; text-decoration: none; }a.nyheturl:visited {color: blue; text-decoration: none; }a.nyheturl:hover {color: blue; text-decoration: underline; }a.nyheturl:active {color: blue; } and this does not From stylesheet.css a.adminmenuurl:link {color: blue; text-decoration: none; }a.adminmenuurl:visited {color: blue; text-decoration: none; }a.adminmenuurl:hover {color: red; text-decoration: underline; }a.adminmenuurl:active {color: blue; text-decoration: none; } Code on page <? $urlclass="adminmenuurl"; ?><p class="m11" style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 10px; Float: left; text-align: center;"><a href="url" class="<? echo $urlclass; ?>">Text</a></p> I really can't figure it out, any help is appreciated.
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