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Posts posted by FrostbiteXIII

  1. If it helps, I worked for a small software company (10-15 people) for about 4 years. They were generally quite stingy when it came to training, but they were happy to pay the £30 each (or so) for the two w3schools exams ('So, its £30, not £1500 for that one you were talking about the other day? Yeah sure, go for it!' - :) ), and they are now sat quite happily on my CV - certainly didnt do me any harm as I got 2/2 interviews from my CV, and start my Web Developer job for a large insurance company on Monday! :)Dont get me wrong, the IT Masters conversion degree *may* have helped, but it certainly doesnt hurt to have a few certificates going for you, imho. :)

  2. Hey guys, I dont know if it would be welcome, but I did these for another forum, and they went down pretty well, so if you want one I'll try to make you one (tho my appearing here can be quite... intermittent). :)My barcode (userID from an online game):FrostbiteXIII.gifBarcode of your username!- Up to 16 characters are encoded (easily, anyway)- Please give your Name, PlayerID and preferred colours- How I work them out:a. I find the ACSII value of each character (eg F = 70)b. Convert this to binary (70 = 01000110)c. Then make these into lines (0 is a 1-pixel-thick white line, 1 is a 1-pixel-thick black line)d. Then put all of the lines for all of the characters together!Sorry in advance if I wander off and forget! :) BobEDIT: Also, wanted to gloat about my great FrostbiteXIII ambigram sig! :)

  3. It's not exactly a good practice, but yes... it's possible.PHP's output can be anything you want, so it doesn't really matter what it looks in the end.Let's say that with a PHP file, you create the CSS file "style.php". When displayed in a browser, it's plain text. Even though this file has a PHP extension, all the browser really cares for is the MIME type, specified in (X)HTML:<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.php" />and/or in the PHP file itself, sent with the header() function:
    header("Content-type: text/css")

    Thanks Boen Robot! :)
  4. Hi Guys,Am just looking into fixing my sidebar now - I would like the background image to line up nicely with it, but find that IE has it shifted over to the right by 2 more than Firefox... I have tried setting margins and padding to 0 in my css, but to no avail. Does anyone know what might be going wrong?Site at:www.catkisses.co.uk(Currently configured to look correct for Firefox)Thanks in advance for any help!Frosty

  5. OK, again, I gave up and put it into tables! :) Now just to fix the sidebar - apparently margins or similar are different by default in IE and Firefox - anyone know whats up?Actually, Ill post in the html thread... Or something...EDIT: Actually, it looks like it belongs in this thread more than any other... Ill update my title... :)EDIT EDIT: Looks like I cant update the title, I will create a new topic!Frosty

  6. OK, so Im trying to get rid of tables for layout, but div tags confuse me - is the best way *really* to have float labels to get around td tags?If Im being vague, please let me know - in the meantime, heres what I have so far...www.catkisses.co.ukEDIT: As you can see, my 2 major issues are the fact that the rhs doesnt go right over to the left, and the lhs background doesnt go top to bottom...Many thanks in advance,Frosty

  7. Hi guys,I am hoping that this isnt a big deal, but I have just found a bug in one of my first websites.It is from back in the days when I still used frames, so I had a bit of code in the Body tag to redirect the user to get the main frame layout when they went to the site avoiding frames.Website link:www.catkisses.co.ukExample to see code in action:www.catkisses.co.uk/catkisses.htmlCode Snippet:

    <body onLoad="if (top == self) top.location.href = 'http://www.catkisses.co.uk/index.html';">

    Now, I have had this for years, but I have just seen it fail on a friends PC when, using IE, they clicked on a link on the side bar, and it appeared to take them to the page itself (not load the page within the frame) briefly, so it kept redirecting them to the index page!Is there a setting in IE that avoids the target tag in a link, or can you think of anything else that might cause this?Thanks in advance for any help.Frosty

  8. Tricky! I have to say thought - very well laid out problem (easy to reproduce etc)! :)I know this is crap (and I dont think I would ever use it myself), but depending what you need, specifying a large width may suffice?

         .classfordiv {       width: 2500px;       border: 1px solid black;     }     .classfortable {       width: 2500px;       border: 1px solid red;       white-space: nowrap;     }

    Sorry, it probably isnt much use...Frosty

  9. Sorry, nevermind:

    I ran into this issue. I finally fixed it by removing four spaces I had before the line "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" in the offending xml.
    I had a line before my xml declaration! Removing this fixed it.Frosty
  10. Hi,Redone my site a bit now. On validating XHTML - it is fine, but trying to validate the CSS gives me:"Please, validate your XML document first"and"The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed."Any ideas?If it helps, my site is http://www.firespace.co.uk/, and links are along the bottom for validation.Thanks guys!Frosty

  11. For future users, I tested boen_robot's idea - it works fine if I reverse the order, ie:

      padding: 20px 20px 20px 220px;  padding*: 20px 20px 20px 20px;

    Works perfectly, until I try to validate my css (as Jonas predicted).Thanks Jonas - but I dont really want to have to update 2 different stylesheets...Is there any way to make conditional statements in the actual css file?Also, and I know Im being incredibly picky, I dont really want to have seperate css either, before someone suggests a seperate style tag in the html.If it helps, I will be using css when it is all set up...Thanks again guys,Frosty.

  12. Thanks boen_robot.Im the kinda person who needs to understand stuff fully - am I right in saying that this works because IE recognises the *, whereas Firefox doesnt? Or is it a documented way of coding css differences between IE and Firefox/Opera etc?If its the former then my problem is that Im picky as heck, and dont like the sound of hacks like that. Pesky brain! >:)

  13. OK, I have now knocked it down to one problem:It is displaying how I want it to in IE, but in Firefox the 30px of padding that I have specified for my main text is being worked out from the far left (not from my sidebar). I have tried margins but neither work (either appear to work fine in IE)... Any ideas?Thanks again for your help!Frosty.

  14. There is no need for span tags for a block element. use div instead. Think of div's as a box, and span tags as 'lines'.
    Thanks - changed this and its a big improvement (also added float tags to allow the two divs to appear on the same line)...
    I'd change spans to better tags. By the way in HTML we are using basicly "big quotes" in attributes
    I used to use "s all the time, but when you use php and asp, its so much more hassle to code the "s - just using 's saves a lot of time for me (this page will eventually end up as php, but I like to create the basic layout first)!
    vertical align can't be center, but it can be middle.
    Yeah, sorry, it wasnt working either way, I was checking both just in case I had remembered it wrong.Thank you both for all your help - its already looking much better now... :)
  15. Hello folks, as you can see Im brand new to these here forums, and am looking for some help and advice with css and html layout.I have used tables in the past to create websites, but having heard that that are bad, I am trying to move on to div and span tags to make my new site look good.I am, however, having some problems which I am hoping you can help me with:1) I usually use Firefox, but everything looks *really* bad in it - the span tags in particular are just not obeying the css I have tried2) In IE most things are working fine, but things like having multiple lines of code on the same span tag is not doing what I wantOK, Im very sorry - I am tired at this point and realise what I have written isnt very specific or that useful a description. I will go to bed now, and try to improve on this description tomorrow.In the meantime, if you want to see what I mean, please feel free to have a look at me test page: http://www.firespace.co.uk/index_test.htmThanks in advance,Frosty.

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