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The Praetorian

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Posts posted by The Praetorian

  1. Name: AFMU.comPrice: Shared plans - Free/$3.95/$7.95Server side scripting(s)/database(s): Php 4.x/CGI/Perl/SQL (with phpmyadmin) and a bunch of other stuff.( Feature List ) These features are available in all of the packages, including the free one.Space: 500mb/5gb/10gbBandwidth: 5gb/250gb/500gbAds: None. (Unless you sign up for the affiliates program, which earns credits toward your bill.)Web adress: www.yourdomain.com (I believe they register the domain name for you, since you aren't redirected to another website to do this. Prices range from: 1-year-11.95 to 10-years-119.50)Additional Comments: This is the host I use. It's been great. The tech support always answers quickly and helpfully, I rarely experience downtime, and for a service which has no monthly fees (on my plan at least) it provides a ton of features. There are other packages for Businesses, as well as resellers.

  2. Oi. My server is giving me the run around. This is what they sent me. Now.. I may not understand all of this... but it seems to be on the first read-through that in the same email they say that they have it enabled.. but it won't work....?

    We have MySQLi enabled in our server.We have uploaded a phpinfo page in to your public_html.Kindly click the link below to access the same.http://tsrealms.com/test.php=========================================================================Details of phpinfo page './configure' '--enable-pic' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--with-xml' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--with-curl' '--with-dom' '--with-dom-xslt' '--with-dom-exslt' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6' '--with-gettext' '--with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2004g' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mbstr-enc-trans' '--enable-mbregex' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-mhash' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--with-mysqli' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--enable-discard-path' '--with-pear' '--with-pspell' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-wddx' '--with-zlib'==========================================================================MySQLi is not able to connect to host using mysqli_connect() since remote MySQL connection is not allowed.

  3. That's the thing. They keep telling me it is enabled. And yet.. it doesn't work. That's why I question if it's my code.On a side note, thanks for the concern, but the keys.txt file isn't stored in a live directory. It's stored one directory up (thus the ../ before the /include/.) So no one would be able to look at it anyway.

  4. Okay. According to my domain provider, their current version of mysql supports mysqli_connect. And yet... when I try to use it.. I still get this error.Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysqli_connect() in /home/author/public_html/connect_string.txt on line 3I checked the code ten times and I can't see anything wrong with it. It even works fine on my localhost. I'm stumped. For security I have an external file with the host, username, password and db set as variables.

    <?phpinclude '../includes/keys.txt';$cxn = mysqli_connect ("$host","$user_name","$password","$db") or die ("I cannot connect to the database because: " . mysql_error());?>

  5. Yes, but is it possible to configure my computer to send mail to myself? Whenever I try to send the form I get this error.Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\mail.php on line 15So to send mail to myself would I just go into php.ini and change localhost to my ip address?

  6. Well, no, not really. I already have an email form. What I'm wondering, is if it's possible to send myself email from that form even if it's hosted on my localhost and not on my server. (I want to test out to make sure I have the line tabs and everything right [the part that someone sees when they actually get the email]) and I was just wondering if there's any other way to do that than uploading the form to my web server.

  7. I'm testing my website on my localhost, and I have a few email forms on my website. I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can configure my localhost (or php) to email stuff to myself...(From my localhost to say... Outlook express). Mainly because I want to see what it's going to output as. Or if the email function will even work with my script.So. Anyone have any ideas? I'm using xampp.

  8. I'm using two scripts on two different forms for the same function. Both scripts are identical except for a few places (which form it points to, and which fields are required). I have both of these scripts in a universal header, and they seem to be canceling each other out. I'm guessing because they have the same function name, but I honestly don't know. I was hoping someone could point out to me which parts of this script I need to change so that they're different enough that they can operate parallel to each other. Thanks.

    <!-- Copyright 2005 Bontrager Connection, LLC//// Two places need to be customized.////// Place 1:// Between the quotation marks, specify the name of //	your form.var FormName = "mail";// Place 2:// Between the quotation marks, specify the field names //	that are required. List the field name separated //	with a comma.var RequiredFields = "Name,Email,Message";//// No other customization of this JavaScript is required.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function ValidateRequiredFields(){var FieldList = RequiredFields.split(",")var BadList = new Array();for(var i = 0; i < FieldList.length; i++) {var s = eval('document.' + FormName + '.' + FieldList[i] + '.value');s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);if(s.length < 1) { BadList.push(FieldList[i]); }}if(BadList.length < 1) { return true; }var ess = new String();if(BadList.length > 1) { ess = 's'; }var message = new String('\n\nThe following field' + ess + ' are required:\n');for(var i = 0; i < BadList.length; i++) { message += '\n' + BadList[i]; }alert(message);return false;}function StripSpacesFromEnds(s){while((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length> 1)) {	s = s.substring(1,s.length);	}while((s.lastIndexOf(' ') == (s.length - 1)) && (s.length> 1)) {	s = s.substring(0,(s.length - 1));	}if((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length == 1)) { s = ''; }return s;}// -->

  9. This is kind of a round about question.Is it possible to get the session data for a user even if they logged in on a page in a different directory of my website?To clarify.. If someone logs in on my forum (phpBB), is it possible to continue that session on my website? I would imagine it would be something along the lines of adding session() to the page I want them to be logged in on, but I'm a little fuzzy on how it would get the information on whether or not they logged in on the previous page...Again, round about question. Any information anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Ok. Still playing around with that email form.I'm trying to add more comparisons, but I'm not really sure what the context is supposed to be. This is what I have right now (see the code). And it works fine. I tried adding extra if(eregi) in different places, but none of them seemed to work. I want the script to compare and validate several form fields before it sends the mail, just not sure how to construct it. If someone could just fill me in on the syntax that would be very helpful. Don't actually need to write the whole thing for me, just need some idea of what is supposed to come before what. Thanks in advance.Just a guess... Does it need to be ?if(!eregi) {error}if(!eregi) {error}elseif (eregi) {email stuff and echo confirmation}

    if isset ($email){if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$",$Email))		{			mail( "author@tsrealms.com", "$Email","$Subject", "From: $Email" );			mail( "$Email", "A copy of your Application", "$Subject", "From: The Shattered Realms" );			echo "<h1>Thank you for your application! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours. If you're accepted, you'll be given the link to register a user name on the message board. A copy of your application has been emailed to you.</h1>";		}				elseif(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$",$Email))		{			echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address<br /><a href=\"java script:back()\">Back</a></h1>";		}}

  11. Okay. Friend of mine told me to do this, so I'll post it in case anyone else looks for it. (I used this in an echo, that's why the " are escaped.)

    <a href=\"java script:back()\">Back</a>

    Thanks for the help guys.

  12. aha!It works! Thanks so much.Okay, now because I'm trying to learn php, could you tell me why that ereg string worked and mine didn't? (And why does that one have eregi instead of ereg?)And will that new ereg string allow for .net emails too? I was meaning to ask about that.Oh! Also. I don't know if you saw my other thread, but how can I show a link that will allow someone to go back to the previous page without losing the info they put into the form? (I need a link in the error message.)

  13. Okay. Copied that syntax almost exactly (except for the last else because I have a javascript that will give an error if the email field is blank.) Still not working. Now when it gets to the php page it just shows the error, even if I enter a valid email into the email field. Here's the script I'm using now.

    <?php$YourName = $_REQUEST['Name'];$YourEmail = $_REQUEST['Email'];$YourMessage = $_REQUEST['Message'];$ref = "Referrer: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];if (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])){	if (ereg("^.+@\.com$",$YourEmail))	{		mail( "author@tsrealms.com", "From $YourName", "$YourMessage", "From: $YourEmail" );		echo "<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>";	}	else	{		echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address</h1>";	}}?>

  14. hm. Okay. It showed the url. Still not quite what I want it to do though. Can I use the variable in a link? (IE... <a href="$ref">Back</a> )? What I really want is just a link someone can click to send them back to the other page (so that all the info they entered into the form is still there.) But without having to press back on the browser.(On a side note, thanks for the help guys.)

  15. The mail goes through fine. The mail form worked before. What isn't working is that ereg line. The way I had the script originally, it just skipped right over that elseif and mailed the form anyway. I want it to show an error if the email address isn't correct. But it doesn't show the error. It just shows the confirmation that the email went through.Here is the way I had the script before. For the life of me I can't see why this didn't work.

    <?php$YourName = $_REQUEST['Name'];$YourEmail = $_REQUEST['Email'];$YourMessage = $_REQUEST['Message'];if (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])){	mail( "author@tsrealms.com", "From $YourName", "$YourMessage", "From: $YourEmail" );	echo "<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>";}elseif (!ereg("^.+@\.com$",$_REQUEST['Email'])){	echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address</h1>";}?>

  16. Nothing shows up when I do that. Just to make sure I'm doing it right...

    $ref=@$HTTP_REFERER;if( !ereg("^.+@\.com$",$_REQUEST['Email'])){echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address<br />$ref</h1>";}

  17. That can't be right. Still not working.

    <?php$YourName = $_REQUEST['Name'];$YourEmail = $_REQUEST['Email'];$YourMessage = $_REQUEST['Message'];if (!ereg("^.+@\.com|\.net$",$_REQUEST['Email'])){	echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address</h1>";}else (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])){if (mail( "****@tsrealms.com", "From $YourName", "$YourMessage", "From: $YourEmail" )){echo "<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>";}}?>

  18. Looked through the website but couldn't find this, even though I know it's there somewhere.What's the href for a link that sends you back one page? (The same as hitting back on the browser?)

  19. Okay. Trying to learn some more complicated php than what I already know. I'm trying to use this script to validate an email before it sends. But for the life of me I can't figure out why it isn't working.. The actual form is in another file, but it's all html. Let me know if you need that too.

    if( !ereg("^.+@\.com$",$_REQUEST['Email'])){echo "<h1>Please enter a valid email address.</h1>";}elseif (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])){$CharacterName = $_REQUEST['CharacterName'];$Nation = $_REQUEST['Nation'];$Race = $_REQUEST['Race'];$CharacterAge = $_REQUEST['CharacterAge'];$Gender = $_REQUEST['Gender'];$Guild = $_REQUEST['Guild'];$History = $_REQUEST['History'];$Writingsample = $_REQUEST['WritingSample'];$Email = $_REQUEST['Email'];$Alias = $_REQUEST['Alias'];$YourAge = $_REQUEST['YourAge'];$YourGender = $_REQUEST['YourGender'];$Icq = $_REQUEST['Icq'];$Aim = $_REQUEST['Aim'];$Msn = $_REQUEST['Msn'];$Subject = "~Character Information~\r\n\r\n\r\n~Name~\r\n$CharacterName\r\n\r\n~Nationality~\r\n$Nation\r\n\r\n~Race~\r\n$Race\r\n\r\n~Age~\r\n$CharacterAge\r\n\r\n~Gender~\r\n$Gender\r\n\r\n~Guild~\r\n$Guild\r\n\r\n~Brief History~\r\n$History\r\n\r\n~Writing Sample~\r\n$WritingSample\r\n\r\n\r\n~Personal Information~\r\n\r\n\r\n~Name/Alias~\r\n$Alias\r\n\r\n~Age~\r\n$YourAge\r\n\r\n~Age~\r\n$YourAge\r\n\r\n~ICQ~\r\n$Icq\r\n\r\n~AIM~\r\n$Aim\r\n\r\n~MSN~\r\n$Msn";mail( "****@tsrealms.com", "$Email","$Subject", "From: $Email" );mail( "$Email", "A copy of your Application", "$Subject", "From: The Shattered Realms" );}echo "<h1>Thank you for your application! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours. If you're accepted, you'll be given the link to register a user name on the message board. A copy of your application has been emailed to you.</h1>";

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