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Posts posted by Tarte

  1. As far as I know that isnt correct.

    <form action="">

    try to change it for that :

    <form  method="post" action=" ">

    Also, the correct way to use input is <input />the correct code would be :

    <div id="main"><h2>Please Sign In:</h2>		<form action="">			<label>Staff ID:<input type="text" name="staffID" size="10" maxlength="8"/></label>			<label>Password:<input type="password" name="password" size="10" maxlength="8"/></label>			<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit1" onclick="return Validate(this.form)"/>			<input type="reset" value="Reset Form"/>		</form>	</div>

  2. I think that it's kinda hard for us, member to tell if you guys are doing a great job since we really can't see what you're doing as mod. Most peaple will vote thinking that you're talking about being active on the forum,posting,etc. I rarely see bad comments or topics, so i guess you guys are doing a great job.

  3. Are you asking what language you should Learn first, or are you simply having a problem with a code? in both case you'll have to explain yourself more clearly :).

  4. Oh Gawd!... One NEWBIE is teaching to another NEWBIE... How funny!... Knock! Knock! Any professionals over there???
    That was really pointless... This guy took some of his time trying to help you with your unclear questions/informations.That's really not cool from you.
  5. only one way that i know is to use the span tags<span class="linkbracket">[</span>and the css would look like thisspan.linkbracket{color: #0000FF;}that would make everything within the span tags the colour blue.

    no need to writrespan.linkbracketyou can only write the span's name :.linkbracket{CSS}
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