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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. lol - sorry, I wasn't tryingt o sound rude - should have put a smiley face after that line. But to answer your question, I am actually in the process of migrating a site I did three years ago. I coded a content managment system for them and purchased and integrated a shopping cart for them. Well, their site grew from $100k to $1m in those three years and the MS Access database is struggling to survive. So, into a new cart application and one that is offsite and integrated with their warehouse. So coordinating a site to work with three different environments is touchy. The site I am responsible for at work does three times as much business but I do not have direct management over the back end transaction processing, I am more responsible for the front end layout/presentation.And I was half serious about the NDA, if you want to see my plan and/or know where I can get some venture capital, I'm all about having a meeting.
  2. Skemcin

    Network Issue

    I ran a test on the system today and it doesn't seem that there will be amble time to set this up correctly. It turns out that the entire path/route is cached in the router. So, I cannot test the concept without taking everything down. Even then, I have to set up the laptop with the same IP as the current firewall since that is what is cached as being the location the T1 signal is directed to once it enters the building. I still think that it is feasible to do, I just can't use that "I'm new here" routine anymore.
  3. are you willing to sign an NDA? there is a spin off of this for what I'll do if I find newer technologies appear to offer more efficient applications. A staged migration, if you will - first the code, then the database (if needed). But any more details, and I'd seriously have ta' kill ya'![additional note]Just browse ebay, you will find .html, .shtml, .dll, and even .cfm pages. I do not think they started out with so many different technologies.
  4. all the comparisons to google and youtube should really just be thrown out the window (by both sides of table) . . . UNLESS of course you have the budget they do. THEN AGAIN, if you did, then this would be the last place anyone should be looking for advice.Anyway, I just removed a paragraph in my reply - I started ranting about the countless times I've heard and continue to hear clients constantly using certain sites as their examples of "the kind of stuff we want to do". Which is fine, I have no issue with goals being set (at any level, high or low). But you still have to be realistic - and I doubt any of the sites mentioned in these comparisons still use ANY of the original code. So, you will rewrite your site before its making millions - I know this first hand.And that's why I go back to my typical position - make a business plan. The process of writing one will unveal all your questions.(ok, sorry, I'm a little grumpy today - just doing more and more of my boss's work):-(
  5. So many factors in determining the right choice and so little detail given. The last thing you should be thinking about is your server side language - the first thing you need to have is a functional specification. That will drive the decision making as you begin to create your technical specification. If you need help - draw up a good functional spec and open it to bids. I know this practice is borderline ethically acceptable - but draw your spec and ask design/development firms to reply to your RFP (request for proposal). They will specify what technologies they would use/prefer and you can go from there.But, if you want to got the "easy" route and ask opinions, you will still get no where but making a decision on your own, cuz everyone is gonna say something different, like me:Try these out (Flex2):https://admin.adobe.acrobat.com/_a227210/p1...f?download=truehttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/...flex_part1.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/...flex_part2.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/...flex_part3.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/coldfusion/articles/fr_fds.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/coldfusion/art...grate_flex.htmlhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/http://flex.org/http://try.flex.org/But thats just a sample of my bias. I've not even broken out into my ColdFusion crusade.
  6. Skemcin

    Network Issue

    Update: One thing I am going to do today is take my catch-all laptop and assign an IP that I am not using globally and plug the laptop into the same switch the router is plugged into. From a PC outside the network, I'll try to access the laptop website by IP. IF that works, I'll call my wife and ask her to check at home (just for confirmation). That will tell me if my IPs are sitting on the router (versus assign as needed by the ISP - not getting alot of cooperation from various sources right now). Anyway, if that works then I'll take one of the IPs from a test site and assign that to the catch-all laptop and disable that same IP on the firewall. Allowing whatever time for the cache to flush, I should then be able to see that IP from outside the network and since I have a subdomain assigned to it and it is defined by the ISP, then I should get my catch-all laptop when I type in my test server IP or subdomain name.If (only three "ifs" I think so far) that works that it would seem that my plan will work. The only other thing I have to consider is the fact that the catch-all has to be set up to handle all the pages requests that I can think of - i.e. bookmarked pages or search result hits. So, my new question is, do you think it would be better to customize the 404 error page, or set up a 301 redirect to my "down for infrastructure upgrade" message?
  7. Skemcin

    Network Issue

    Yeah, that was my plan - once I had all the IPs assigned to the laptop (by range or manually assigning them one-by-one) I was going to create an index.htm file in the default site with "all unassigned" as you mentioned. The first task was finding a short cut to assigning the IPs to the "catch-all" laptop (as I've now dubbed it). With it confirmed by you and now someone elsewhere, I can live with assigning the IPs manually. The big question now is how my ISP ARP Cache works.Logically, it would seem that my ISP would see the original MAC address is gone from my end of the internet connection and assume the direction of the new one (the catch-all laptop) and then reassume the original MAC address when the catch-all laptop is no longer available when the origninal router/firewall MAC address is available by having it plugged back in when the power is restored.Know much about ARP Cache?
  8. Skemcin

    Network Issue

    I know I can assign mulitple IP addresses to a single PC one by one. Then in IIS, I can have each point to a specific folder (server edition). Then each folder has its own IP address and the rest of anything that needs done can be done.Given that is the current situation, I have an issue where I know the power will be down in my server room for an entire day as power upgrades are installed. So, here is my problem.I'd like to take a laptop and put one webpage on it that says "Site unavailable until xx/xx/xxxx due to infrastructure upgrades....." and have that work for all the IP addresses that I have defined. That is to say that I'd like to assign a range of IPs to my laptop without having to type in each IP address into the "Advanced TCP/IP Settings" section of the Network Properties. Currently every IP that my ISP passes to me is defined in my firewall, which decides which box/folder to go to. So I need to see if Windows and IIS can do this as a temporary measure to not have users timing out Is this possible?While power is being upgraded, I'd like to run an extension cord from another location (not affected by the power outage) and then have my existing internet connect plug into the laptop directly. Then the Laptop would "catch" everything that my router routes.This would be better than just having everyone error out when they try to connect.Thanks in advance.
  9. I'm still curious to know if the application you are working off of ever worked across browsers?I recall not being able to get consistent results from that technique.
  10. IE sucks!!This is one of the bigger problems I have with IE. I would LOVE to use cgi.http_referer so much more than I can. IE does share that information in certain circumstances. I think it is the "post" form method and in SSL environments. Oh, also, IE only registers a referring URL if it is actually clicked (thats it, now I remember). Try playing with it to see if you can make it work with a text link - even if it is not the functionality you want - just to prove/disprove the theory. But I think it has to do with a physical click. I've even tried to make javascript "click" the link/button with no success.Hope that helps. If you find a solution, please DO SHARE!!!(beside creating our own software company that can monopolize the industry and distribute our own web browser that uses our own rules which forces developers to buy wigs to cover all the hair they pull out from working around our software)
  11. Skemcin


    this is done - too many conversations going on in one post.as far as the original topic is concerned - we are working on it, consider any reduction in spam as an obvious indicator that our efforts are succeeding - otherwise, rest assured that we are working on it.
  12. I have one at work that is easy to use. If you can wait until Monday, I'd be glad to share it - unless someone wishes to share one sooner.
  13. Skemcin


    I've always said:"Frontpage is the fastfood to web development. The more you use it, the fatter you get"FrontPage is a "tool" alright, if ya know what I mean.
  14. http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningtut...a/aa040502a.htm
  15. your right column is closing early, underneath the traffic swarm search form, you have this: </td></tr></tbody></table><</td></tr></tbody></table> whihc closes out the column. You other code has nowhere else to go, so it starts up underneath the table you closed early.
  16. This would require server side technologies that might night be available by the current host - hence why there is no ColdFusion Tutorials. So, first, the server would need to be equipped, then the skillset must be available to them. I'm not sure if either exists though.
  17. Thank you for reporting the error and welcome to the forums. The moderator team is not directly related to the owners (and therefore maintenance) of the site. We will pass this along but we are unable to give you any indication when the error will be remedied.Thanks again and we look forward to your contributions.
  18. Skemcin

    Help needed

    again, I could recommend tons of new technologies not mentioned:a.) google searchb.) google ad sensec.) amber alertsd.) flash formse.) google mapsf.) google site mapsg.) server side PDF generationh.) AJAX...should I keep going?Your project and the client's budget will dictate the technologies used.A vague statement can only yield the same response. Hopefully, the few I've listed helps. If not, then a more specific question can demand a more specific and therefore more helpful reply.
  19. Skemcin

    Help needed

    so, you over sold yourself or is this a personal(commercial) website?anyway, the technologies you use typically depend upon the requirements for the site and the skills of the developer.so, before your question can be completely answered, you will need to share at least the major requirements for the site - you simply may not need any of that or that may not nearly be enough.
  20. Skemcin

    When to use sessions?

    @jesh - I'm not sure your statement is entirely accurate - depending on how exactly you meant it. What is true is that a session cannot be carried over from one server to another if they are not configured to do so - i.e. google cannot read a session from your recent yahoo visit. However, if you are working in a cluster server environment, then your sessions can be carried from one server to another (at least with ColdFusion). However, browser sessions can cause you problems as well. Internet Explorer, for one, is the only browser that I have found to operate each browser instance as a stand alone application session and therefore a session is not able to be adapted from one window to another.Anyway, session variables are very powerful if they are thought through thoroughly. Personally, I never use client-side cookies in my applications so I do everything in the session scope. As soon as you hit any of my sites, I have a set of default session variables that track any number of things that determine your experience on the site. Once logged in, more access driven control is dictated by more session variables that were defined during the login process.So, my short answer is, use sessions before and after a log in.
  21. No worries. And i do not think your interpretation is incorrect, its just that the recent increase in spam has tightened up the definition of the word "general". We appreciate your cooperation. If you see with an off the wall post, then you can assume that we have done the most we can to reduce/eliminate spam and the interpretation of the word "general" can be . . . well . . . more general.
  22. Skemcin


    Regardless of any nomination made, moderator nominations will not be considered at all until the moderator team has had a discussion that concludes that another moderator is needed to control the membership. Right now, that is not a requirement we feel this forum is drawing closer toward. We appreciate the ideas and assistance, but having moderated SEVERAL forums over my years, two things moderators dislike the most are anonymous moderator nominations and members asking or nominating themselves for a moderator position. Basically, its a slap in our face. I know it is not meant that way, but if we are capable of realizing when we have lost control of a situation - and 9 times out of 10 my experience has shown that the loss of control has come from having too many moderators. So lets just consider this nipped in the butt. I'd rather spend more time helping people and tweaking the system to reduce/eliminate spam.BTW, on any other forum, this topic would be closed at this point - so please note and understand why it is not. Thanks
  23. Skemcin


    NOTICEThe moderators have huddled and made a decision on this matter. We fully support the concept of a sticky post for "Hot Tips" or whatever you want to call it. Here are the conditions:a.) one person take ownership of maintaining the post, it will immediately be marked closed - so no replies will be made and the "owner" of the thread will have to be PMed with requests/additionsb.) the owner will be required to supply the moderators with the criteria used to accept/deny the tip being submitted.c.) moderators will only edit the post/tips if it contains content that contradicts, overshadows, or otherwise replaces content that already exists on the w3schools.com website.d.) "tips" must well written in good instruction format and smaple code must be enclosed in tagse.) the same process is to be applied to each topic category if it is decided by the owner to categorize the tips - otherwise, the post will be in the General section and each tip will need to be labelled according to its respective category.I, or any other moderator, reserve the right to modify/append these requirements at any time without notification but with immediate cooperation.As you can see, there is a lot to consider when looking into something like this. Our (moderator) priority right now is spam. If the "tip" concept is to move forward, then we will need your help in bringing this to fruition.thanks in advance.Interested owners, please "REPORT" this topic and include in your message why you feel you would be a good owner for this controlled topic.
  24. We've been having issues with spam in recent weeks. Let this be known right now to all members, please (for at least the next month or so) only post relevant topics. feck, I do not mean to single you out here, but this is the type of post that is hard for us (moderators) to determine if it is spam or not. Only because you have 18 posts and most of them meaningful ( a couple worth noting as not) will you not get a warning.But, everyone, please, help us keep a full head of hair during the holiday season - post on topic - we are tweaking the board to wean out the spam - your help will be appreciated.No hard feelings feck, lets all just focus on helping each other out with our web related issues so the spam is easier to single out.Thanks
  25. Skemcin


    yes, when the "REPORT" button is used, the message you send is appended to the URL and subject of the post being reported. The PM is sent to each moderator.We keep a running record who deletes the most spam. The winner at the end of each month gets a $10 gift certificate that is valid in any liquor store around the globe.Ok, maybe everything in the second paragraph isn't true, but its s nice thought.
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