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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Can't help on the spider part (never built one myself) but the search tool should definitely NOT use MS Access. So MS SQL or MySQL should be fine. Any server side language can be used to build your user interface - asp, php, coldfusion.
  2. a combination of client side and server side scripting with required fields, etc.just define some rules that you want for your data and make sure the application follows them.use "transaction" calls to ensure you do not create orphaned records too.
  3. I have a couple concerns about this model - not being sure how much of your plan you have communicated.a.) is anything going to be databased?b.) are the financial transactions taking place offline?c.) are you collecting any payment information?d.) does the restaurant have dedicated internet access - is some shape or form?e.) do you have access to a shared or private SSL (secure socket license)?Any order/shopping systems should NEVER use client side scripting to anything other than form validation or page loading/navigation. If you left the calculations up to the browser, I'd just have to look at the source and assign my own prices (like zero) and place my order. Definitely use a server side scripting language.As for orders, I'd suggest this unless you have some more advance database capabilities:a.) send an order confirmation to the order placer (make sure you include information on how they will be contacted and how the order will be fulfilled, etc.)b.) since you are concerned about letting the orderer know that their order has been received - a simple auto-reply is not going to give them the confidence that a human has seen the order. So, I'd have each order CC'ed to a cell phone email - preferable of the owner or manager(s). Additionally, I'd suggest the restaurant put a policy in place that would have an employee phone the order placer to confirm the order and (obviously) confirming its receipt - even taking payment over the phone - (incentive for the restaurant to follow the policy).c.) come up with a plan to deal with spam - its inevitable, i.e. captcha (although that has been recently proven to be relatively ineffective).I could probably think of a few other things, but this should get you something to think about for now.
  4. Skemcin

    Forum updated?

    p.s. fast reply has been here for a while - but the additional tools it now has are nice.
  5. Skemcin

    Member Status

    I had actually thought about making 10,000 one of these:"Needs a Spouse""Needs a Job""Needs a Life""Retired"
  6. Skemcin

    RSS and XML

    ok, you are a little all over the place with your post but I'll try to touch on all your concerns - just let me know if I miss anything . . . a.) Ideally, all this content would be databased. Then you could use a server side language like asp, php, or coldfusion to output your RSS feed. This approach would also allow you to have one URL to manage all your feeds. You'd simply have a URL parameter to determine the content that is included in your feed.b.) if you stay static, then you will need three feeds to accommodate the scenario you have outlined - one for cars, one for jobs, one with both. thats not that bad to deal with, is really just maintaining two areas of content and just copy-n-pasting into a third. Not idea, but manageable.c.) make sure your feed validates and I would recommend using v2.0:http://www.rssboard.org/d.) the RSS button is used a number of different ways and none are really right or wrong - it all depends on the context in which you use it. If you put the button on a web page that already has the titles of the articles featured in the feed, then it would be safe to assume that the button shuld link to the XML file. If the button is just placed in the footer of the site or some other random location as an advertisement or announcement that you offer RSS, then it would be linked to a page that defines RSS and how to use it then (in my opinion) at least provide links to the feeds that your site offers.e.) the Google vs Yahoo buttons is just a preference. It might even be relate to who is hosting the feed.f.) updates - personally, I would recommend that you NOT update an older feed with a video link. If you are not ready to post a new article/item in the fed then dont do it. Say, your video will be post ina a couple days. Then post a new item for that video - don't go back to the feed where it was mentioned an add the link to the video. RSS if chronoligic, so if I alreayd read the one feed, there is no reason to go back to see if it was updated - thats why you have new items added. I'd only be referencing the previous item if it had something I needed - a quote or other tid-bit of useful information.Hope this helps, let me know if I missed anything or if you have questions.
  7. Skemcin

    Member Status

    The levels have changed. They were set at the defaults which meant that you only needed 100 posts to be an Advanced Member. The change is not intended to degrade anyone by any means. It is intended to more accurately illustrate participation.The new ranking structure is as follows:Newbie = 0 postsMember = 100 postsIntrigued Member = 500 postsDedicated Member = 1000 postsDevoted Member = 2000 postsSacred Member = 5000 postsThe term "advanced" implied a certain level of knowledge or experience. That is something that does not at all relate to post count, so the decision to change it was made.If there are any ideas for expanding on this list, please feel free to submit them in this thread.
  8. I had an assignment handed to me this morning to make a landing page for an email campaign set to launch next week. I'm given nothing but a logo and picture of a couple doctors hovering over a laptop - yeah, no content is't "coming this afternoon".So, a couple minutes ago I fire off an email saying "done" - lol. The code is below and I had to remove the logo and the photo, but they basically went across the top.This is EXTREMELY simple and pretty crude. The ONLY reason why I am sharing this is to demonstrate how the left navigation box has a subtle overlay on the border that contains the content. Also, I found it interesting how I set the main page div to 69%, auto margin it to center it on the page and then used half of the remaining 31% to float the left navigation. Resizing your browser window keeps everything intact - only IE has a small gap which I could care less about.To expand on this idea, one could add a few subtle touches by puttin images in the right places to rond off the corners if you wanted a softer look. Or, you could build a regular site inside this design and use the toggle (show/hide) script I have in my Javascript Snippet section of the forum to create a message or alert box.It currently validates too (for those extremists). Not bad for 2 hours of work with NOTHING to go on. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>CSS Basic</title><style type="text/css">body { margin:5px; padding:0px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px;}.ht_page { margin:0px auto; padding:0px; width:69%;}.ht_body { margin:0px auto; padding:0px; border:#C51D33 1px solid;}.ht_content { margin:0px; padding:10px;}.ht_feature { margin:0px; padding:5px; border:dashed black 1px; background-color:#FFFFCC;}.ht_title { color:#C51D33; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;}.ht_navigation { margin:0px; padding:5px; background-color:#C51D33; color:#FFFFFF; float:left; position:relative; top:105px; width:15%; text-align:right;}a.ht_menulink:link,a.ht_menulink:visited,a.ht_menulink:active { color:#FFFFFF; margin:0px; padding:3px; font-weight:bold; line-height:21px; text-decoration:none;}a.ht_menulink:hover { color:#C51D33; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin:0px; padding:3px; font-weight:bold; line-height:21px; text-decoration:none;}</style></head><body><div class="ht_navigation"><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><a href="./" class="ht_menulink" title="xxxxxx">xxxxxx »</a><br /><br /></div><div class="ht_page"> <div class="ht_body"> <img src="xxxxxx.xxx" alt="xxxxxx" width="468" height="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" /><br /> <div class="ht_content"> <strong class="ht_title">Welcome</strong><br /> ###### sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus tristique rhoncus urna. Donec sollicitudin elementum felis. Aliquam urna leo, dictum sit amet, porttitor et, mattis nec, sem. Vivamus sodales iaculis magna. Integer ut pede a ligula consequat consequat. Etiam quis ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean vitae libero. Maecenas et nibh in nulla pulvinar eleifend. Nullam dictum. Morbi elementum ultricies lorem. Nulla ipsum. Duis tempor facilisis purus. Morbi pellentesque massa vel arcu. Nulla elementum, dui id facilisis adipiscing, neque enim elementum dui, quis fringilla libero tellus eu metus.<br /> <br /> <div class="ht_feature"> <strong class="ht_title">Feature</strong><br /> Pellentesque urna. Etiam tristique, metus auctor volutpat volutpat, tortor risus pulvinar diam, quis aliquam purus pede eget quam. Mauris id erat semper est ultrices sagittis. Vestibulum ut elit vitae erat interdum lobortis. Etiam at neque non elit dictum tristique. Nunc condimentum egestas sapien. Donec mattis hendrerit massa. Nulla imperdiet metus id lacus. Sed euismod posuere tellus. Pellentesque luctus semper velit. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque pede diam, venenatis eu, rutrum sed, facilisis at, pede. Curabitur condimentum, eros vel viverra pellentesque, massa quam aliquam felis, sed faucibus nisl ante et lorem. Donec euismod, orci id suscipit consequat, dolor lorem fermentum odio, sit amet placerat velit magna eget dui.<br /> </div> <br /> Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum erat nisl, cursus in, porta et, congue vel, metus. Vivamus ultricies vehicula nulla. Vivamus nonummy. Duis sagittis lacus ut libero. Sed suscipit eleifend nulla. Ut luctus pulvinar purus. Nullam quis lacus a nulla convallis tincidunt. Aliquam placerat ipsum et mi. Ut pede dui, gravida eu, pharetra a, nonummy eu, turpis. Donec non eros non quam accumsan convallis. Sed scelerisque tellus sit amet libero. Duis ac nibh. Nunc auctor, ante vulputate commodo varius, erat nunc ultrices urna, vel ultrices erat nisi vel purus.<br /> <br /> <strong class="ht_title">More Information</strong><br /> In in orci. Praesent nec nisl. Duis ante diam, venenatis at, dictum id, ullamcorper vitae, neque. Ut adipiscing iaculis tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam ut lorem ut lacus nonummy lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque in elit. Proin purus lectus, pulvinar eget, rutrum ac, luctus a, tortor. Morbi lorem nisi, placerat sit amet, fringilla at, rhoncus ac, enim. Curabitur ullamcorper blandit nisl. Donec sem velit, rutrum eget, ullamcorper eleifend, ullamcorper sed, massa. Aenean volutpat faucibus enim. Nunc dignissim viverra orci.<br /> <br /> Mauris sit amet sapien. Maecenas tristique. Sed id metus. Ut quis est ut lectus pulvinar vulputate. Pellentesque dapibus. Curabitur erat metus, dapibus quis, rhoncus ut, malesuada in, quam. Fusce dignissim neque ac quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vitae urna eget augue eleifend mollis. Nulla erat purus, consequat quis, condimentum a, vestibulum nec, arcu. Donec molestie neque eget quam. Praesent et turpis vel enim tempor consequat. Nunc justo.<br /> <br /> </div> </div></div></body></html>
  9. Skemcin

    Bored at work

    good thing its not my tax paying dollars - otherwise I'd have to forward you a ton of work . . :-)I've got too many ideas in my head to find time to be bored. I have a business plan for my next project 3/4 written - do you wanna do some market research for me?
  10. Skemcin

    Bored at work

    I'll get brownie points for this, but, how about:http://www.w3schools.com/appml/
  11. I'd stay with XHTML. Label all your files as transitional XHTML if you need to but there would be no reason, in my opinion, to regress to HTML. Plus, XHTML teaches you good habits.
  12. I have to respectfully disagree with this statement. There is a lot one can do to separate themselves from the rest of the "just a web developer" crowd - its not reduced to being a hard core programmer or designer. Having been in the business for over 10 years, I've been on all sides - jobless, employed, self-employed, contracted, and responsible for hiring and firing. Through all that, the skills almost always come second - granted they are used heavily to weed out average or below average - but you have to bring more to the table than your main skill set to impress a company or manager that cares. You can find a job anywhere with any skill set but the company will use you if YOU don't look for the right employer. The right employer will qualify you on your specific skills but will decide on overall package.I keep my resume up to date and I've been called for three interviews this week and I am not looking for a job. I was even offered a job with only doing a phone interview. I'm not a pure programmer and I'm far from a pure designer. "Don't think that learning it will make you an artist, though." - LittleSam was describing me in this statement. What I'm saying is that your focus should always be on your ability and confidence to be successful at whatever you do. I am certain I can find any solution my employer challenges me with. I may not be the programmer or the designer to do it, but I can contribute the solution. Being a purist (in the sense it was being used here) is only going to obligate you to doing other peoples work and will never afford you the ability to think on your own. That approach is thinking from the bottom up - turning that around and thinking from the top down will be far more rewarding.Its like making sure you have more than enough to be a piece in the puzzle while leaving enough room to realize there are other pieces to the puzzle that create the bigger picture.
  13. I wouldn't use the IP address. That would mean that in an office of 350 (like where I work) on 1 person would be able to take your survey. All users go out through a single gateway - one IP.Likewise, if this is a rather permanent thing, then you can easily be blocking users as their IP address is likely to change everytime they dial in. I could effectively be blocked because some other NetZero customer already answered your survey. Even with broadband, this can happen even though the dynamic leasing of an IP takes longer to expire.Without more information on your project, it is hard to make a good suggestion. But an email address is a good unique identifier - send a confirmation email when they are done - ideally with some incentive to receive the confirmation so that you have legitimate emails. For example, I'd done this for a bed & breakfast and when you submit your feedback, a coupon gets emailed that saves you on your next stay.
  14. Skemcin

    *.WML and *.WAV

    have you tried this:<p><anchor>Next page<go href="songtitle.wav"/> </anchor></p>
  15. image[1] = "<img src="should beimage[1] = "<img src='alternately use single and double quotes when they get nested inside each other. this will be the case for really any programming language.
  16. I sure hope you did a discovery on your target audience. IF you did, then I wouldn't worry about what people are generally doing - enable or disabled. If you went through the process of building a site and are only now thinking of your programming decisions, then its a lesson learned either way.As for a more direct answer, I'm enabled 90% of the time. I'll disable it if I know I'm gonna be (re)searching a lot.
  17. try:var game=(Math.round(Math.random()*11))
  18. clever f'er - the smile face and period are links - thats pretty sneaky.he is banned
  19. I'd buy a router, as suggested, and let that control all your connections. That way you do not have to worry about this on any other computer you have or may later connect to your local network
  20. are you sure you didn't buy a back order to the domain?
  21. Here is how you do it in ColdFusion: <!--- clearing session when browser closes ---><cfif ISDEFINED("cookie.CFID") and ISDEFINED("cookie.CFTOKEN")> <cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID> <cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN> <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#localCFID#"> <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#localCFTOKEN#"></cfif> Technically, this clears the session when a new window is opened (not when the current one is closed) when no other window exists.Essentially, I am looking to see if the connection to the server that was just created matches the session that is registered with the current browser. If not, then I reset the session - if so, then I do nothing as the current session is valid.I do not know enough about ASP to give the equivalent solution, but I thought the logic might help.So, don't think about ending the session when the browser closes - there is no fail save way to determine that. What is more feasible is to check when a new application session has been created or requested - then you can scrap any of the old ones associated with that current browser.This, of course, is only an issue when dealing with persistent cookies or sessions. If, like justsomeguy states you are not using persistent cookies or sessions, then when all browser windows are close, the session will terminate.
  22. typically, bulk emails would have a "no-reply@yourdomain.com" as the "to" and then you would add a comma delimited list of the recipients in the "bcc" field of the email you are sending.however, if your list contains anymore than 20 emails, particularly to a specific domain (like aol.com) then you will need to throttle your delivery to only send a blocks of 20 emails at one time - leaving at least one or two minutes between blocks. Otherwise you will get blacklisted pretty quickly.
  23. just do this on a page:<cfdump var="#server#">That will tell you everything (and a little more) than you need to know.
  24. I'd worry about spam job postings - jobs targeted to people outside the main demographic that registers and participates - which in itself might be a shortfall.
  25. Sorry - busy week - anyway - Allaire - omg, too funny.Allaire is the last name of the original creators of the ColdFusion technology. Since then, its been bought out by Macromedia and Adobe - that is a total of 4 server versions. If it says Allaire - it is old (no offensive to Jeremy and JJ Allaire). So, is it version 3, most of the world is on version 7.0.2.
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