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Posts posted by Skemcin

  1. add this top your CSS:p {margin:0px;padding0px;}You might want to play with margin and padding in your divs as well. When you have nested tags and you don't define margin and padding, things can get weird since the nested area is not 200px anymore. In this case, it seems that the <p> tag top margin is jacking it up.

  2. Image uploading is based on two things - the absolute path of it on the file on the server and its location within a website.To clarify what I mean you need to understand the a file on a web server is referenced by the server path:x:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\xxxxxx.xxxNow that, naturally, will be stored in a location that makes it accessible by a URL:http://www.mysite.com/xxxxxx.xxxOne more thing to understand is that when you upload a file, your application has to define where to put the file (ie. x:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\xxxxxx.xxx). A server will typically store that file in a temp directory until it has fully uploaded the file.So, to address your problem, you could be faced with one of the following situations.a.) the file is never uploadedb.) the file is uploaded to the temp folder but never moved to the live folderc.) your host could be set up to refuse this capability.To troubleshoot, FTP into your site (unless its local) and check to see if the file exists in the target location. If not, check to see if it made it into the temporary folder (which you may or may not have access to). Finally, check to make sure that your application has read, write, delete priviledges on the server - if not you won't be able to do anything.Hope this helps.

  3. You sure? With Firefox, I didn't need any.

    Yes I'm sure. Firefox is a Mozilla based browser which is why it worked fine. As I said, with the exception of Mozilla based browsers, you will need a plug-in for XUL to work.
  4. In XML, attributes are not really supposed to be used as data that is intended to be extracted - they really more like side notes. If you are intending to extract the information, especially multiple peices of it, then you should consider reformating the XML.Something like this would work:

    <parent_node><recipient>     <number>1</number>     <customer_number>12345<customer_number></recipient><recipient>     <number>2</number>     <customer_number>23456<customer_number></recipient><recipient>     <number>3</number>     <customer_number>34567<customer_number></recipient></parent_node>

    Two other suggestions:a.) use lower case all the time - since XML is case sensitive, take the headache out of one area to troubleshoot - I notice your opening <recipients> tag was proper case but your closing one was not.b.) use singular tense names - it is another way to reduce troubleshooting - plus you are really only speaking about ONE record at a time.Hope this helps.Oh, this won't be much help if you do not have control of the XML feed obviously.

  5. That sounds great, and I notice Skemcin that you, reluctantly I imagine, had to change the signature to include "Did you go through the tutorials yet?". Hopefully you can change it back soon enough, I rather enjoyed the "I just looked at your site and it looks like it looks like its supposed to look" :)

    lol - well Kcarson, I wouldn't want to disappoint you . . . I've updated my sig. :)
  6. We have already put in a suggest to kaijim to ad an Admin/Moderator topic category. Once that happens, I think our presence will seem more seemless that it does now since it will give us an arena to have conversations amongst ourselves in the forum interface rather than through PM.

  7. I think we need to use the forum by participating in it and shy away from reposessing it from kaijim. I think there are a lot of conversations that are focusing "do this to the forum" or "we need this for the forum" when its still very new to the visitors who frequent w3schools.com.I'd suggest holding off on all the bells and whistles until we can prove that they are truly needed.

  8. The best way to have a file open automatically when a page loads is to use the meta refresh tag:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=xxxxxx.xxx">

    This will ensure you that you won't have to worry about popup blockers and it won't waste a browser window since the adobe plug in should open a separete window since its not being linked to directly.

  9. irregardless of whether or not javascript can do this, it is pointless. Javascript is a client side scripting language. This means that everything that is programmed can be viewed on the client's PC.The only security a javascript password offers only goes as far as whether or not I click "View Source".But I could be missing something . . .

  10. Hmmm......there's no way to make it exactly as it is now, exept with forms? :)

    Nope. Everyform is different. Every form posts to its target - so if I am pulling a page into my page then when it posts to the target it is posting outside of my page - thus removing all control I would have.What I am doing is using a server-side script that basically tells the server to get this page, and put it entire contents in a variable. I then simply dump the vairable onto my page. On the first draft, the links when to the site that was pulled in. This was possible because I defined a resolve attribute which read the file and changed all the links to victim page. The second/current version, I am replacing all "href=" calls with my url and then "?goto=" so that the links posts back to my site appended with the original URL from the victim site. Pretty clever if I don't say so myself. And that is why javascripts will break.But if I do that with a form "action" attribute, then the page will post back to my site where it is impossible to process the information like the target page intended. So, here is where I use the same set up descibed above, but instead of grabbing the victim page, I grab the action page it posts to while passing the form attributes it expects. When that information is sent back and dumped out - I will have essentially logged my server into your site versus your browsers into your site (which is the problem witht he firewall).Sorry its not as simple as it seems.
  11. Hmm...see, i don't only have the acp as a problem, it's email and so on. And well, that's alot of sites. Is there anyway to code it so it automaticaly works with forms? Also, what language is this that yuo're using?

    It would take some work. For instance, I would need the page to which the form is being posted and the fields it is passing in. Now, we coudl start with a form (like I do now) that would ask for the target page and the username and password that would be submitted to it. That way I would be able to dynamically post to any page and pull back the results as I do now. The problem is that most forms just aren't built that simple any more. But, I can make something very simple where you would supply the target url, the two field names it requires and the values you want to pass. We'll see how that goes.I use Cold Fusion in all the work that I do. It is the easiest scripting language to learn as it is tag based - looks like HTML but every tag is prefixed with "cf". Here is a sample of some source code:
    <table><cfquery name="GetImages" datasource="#sitedsn#">	SELECT	*	FROM		xxxxxx_images	WHERE	xxxxxxID = #GetCases.xxxxxxID#</cfquery><table width="100%"><tr><td class="rowlabel" align="center">IMAGES<br></td></tr><tr><td><cfif #GetImages.recordcount# EQ 0>No images are currently on record for this permit.<br><cfelse>There <cfif #GetImages.recordcount# EQ 1>is<cfelse>are</cfif> #GetImages.recordcount# image<cfif #GetImages.recordcount# NEQ 1>s</cfif> currently uploaded for this item. Click on each image to enlarge it.<br></cfif><br><br></td></tr><cfif #GetImages.recordcount# NEQ 0><tr><td>	<table width="100%">	<tr><cfloop query="GetImages"><cfif #imagename# is not ""><td class="smallestfont" align="center">	<a href="java script: Info('#urlused#image-view.cfm?imagename=#imagename#');"><img src="#urlused#uploads/#imagename#" width="200" height="125" border="0" alt="#imagename#"></a><br>	<cfif #session.access_permits# IS "modify">		<a href="java script: Info('#urlused#image-view.cfm?imagename=#imagename#');"><strong>VIEW</strong></a> |	<a href="java script: Info('#urlused#site-admin/z-images-edit.cfm?addressID=#addressID#&zoningID=#url.zoningID#&imageID=#imageID####imageID#');"><strong>EDIT</strong></a><br>	</cfif>	<br>	</td><cfif GetImages.currentrow mod 3 is 0></tr>	<tr></cfif></cfif></cfloop></tr>	</table>	<table width="80%" align="center">	<tr><td class="smallfont" valign="top">	<em><strong>NOTE</strong>:</em><br>	</td><td class="smallfont" valign="top">	<em>Imags may not appear in proportion to actual size - click the image to display the image at its actual size and in a seperate window.</em><br>	</td></tr>	</table><br><br></td></tr></cfif></table>

    What is great about Cold Fusion is that the scripting language is exclusive from the HTML - so it is always easy to see one from the other. Unlike asp and php where your HTML is blended in your scripts and even inside the code.

  12. I need the forms more than the javascript links. Otherwise, it's beautiful! But the forms is the whole reason i need this, (logging in an ACP), so please do that and i'll be eternally greatful. Or for at least a week. :)

    I'll need the URL to the form - PM it to me if you prefer it not be displayed in this open forum. I'm not usre how deep I can get you inside the CP - it will depend on a number of things - including how the CP is programmed and how their server is configured. But I'll take a stab.
  13. Chocolate570, you'll have to elaborate on the functionality you are looking for. In one sentence you say

    Except, when you click a link, it automatically gets out of that site. Which i don't want.
    which seems to contradict
    No matter what you lcick, it shoudl automatically 'cloak' that url.
    so the answer to this question
    Do you get what i mean?
    would be no!:)The example I gave you should resolve and preserver the url for the site it captures. If you are trying a view sites that aren't post them here.However, if you want me to log you into a site and cloak it as it was being posted from a different server - then thats different story. I can easily do it, but there will be some limitations as to which site(s) it would be able to post to.
  14. I want to know if anybody can tell me how to make your main logo of your website un-downloadable?? I used frontpage 2003 to make my website..I will be glad if anyone can tell me what to do or provide me with the javascript code or the code in that i can use in my function..I want to make my logo so that you can't download it thru IE6’s picture rollover or by right clicking..Please me i'm desperate helpLouis South Africa

    Personally, its a lost cause. Give me any website and I can get an image off of it - I don't care what script you put on the page - if I can see it I can grab it. Enforcing your copyright is the only protection you have. :)But, if you insist:
    <script><!-- Beginfunction right(e) {var msg = "****** your message ******";if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' && e.which == 3) {alert(msg);return false;}if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && event.button==2) {alert(msg);return false;}else return true;}function trap()   {  if(document.images)    {    for(i=0;i<document.images.length;i++)      {      document.images[i].onmousedown = right;      document.images[i].onmouseup = right;      }    }  }// End --></script><body onload="trap()")>

    P.S. Not updated for firefox and can still be by-passed pretty easily (great for IE)

  15. I suggest, If you have windows, use asp and an access file(.mdb). Or if not windows, go with PHP and MySQL.

    I would not advise using MS Access for any web based application. Don't get me wrong it will work, even for very small applications like this one seems to be. Access was simply not designed for web use. I'd suggest using MySQL or MS SQL reagardless of the platform.
  16. So your entire navigation resides in a single java script:http://briansplace.fcpages.com/navigation.jsinteresting . . .First, I'd take alook at your site in other browsers - the site doesn't seem to render properly in Firefox.Second, I have to ask what you overall intent is. By using the javascript in the context you have, you have made it so that you only need to change one file if the content of your navigation changes. There are other was to do this depending on your server environment. So, is your intent to have ONE file coded for your navigation that is then "included" on any page that you wish to call it on?Third, Don;t use tables unless you have to. You navigation can be generated without the use of tables since each item is simply on a new line. If you want the little bullet point but don't want the indenting that <ul> and <ol> have by default, then apply a "style" to then and adjust the margin, padding, and line-height as needed.Hope this helps.P.S. Welcome to the forums.

  17. as long as your design can accommodate the stretch, then traditionally, it was as simple as laying your site out in a <table wdith=100%">. All your <td> would then be defined as percentages - that is what the site you mentioned is doing.just understand that somewhere in their design they have a column that is specifically design to jus tbe a place holder - it is the one that absorbs all the empty space - typically a 1 pixel wide image that also doubles as teh bacgounrd image for that table cell.Here is a site that (once you view the source) you might make heads-n-tails of its rather simple (but crude) constuction:http://www.sdiweb.com/

  18. Done :)But did choosed an existing city nearby, I do live in Holland you know, not in Germany :)

    Horst is not in Germany. Its a very small town in the southern tip of the Netherlands. - in the middle of the part that sticks out into Belgium.
  19. If you want to plot yourself then the application would have to know where you are. Pick another city inn Holland - try Horst - I got plenty of relatives there that will protect you.:)

  20. I don't understand why it is blocked anyway?I just created my own admin panel, with php, and host it on my webhost as part of the site :)

    Many organizations, especially ones that cater to the general public (i.e. library), will implement very strict firewall settings for many reasons - mainly bandwidth conservation and attack defense. The organization I currently work for (for example) has all streaming media ports blocked to cut down on bandwidth consumption.So, as I am assuming in my previous post, a particular location that Chocolate570 might be trying to connect to the Control Panel seems to be blocked. The hosting provider would have decided to have all the hosted control panel run off a particular port for a laundry list of reasons.I've seen this plenty of times before, particularly with mail domains where they use www.mydomain.com:8383 instead of mail.mydomain.com - so this problem doesn't surprise me too much.
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