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Posts posted by Skemcin

  1. dalewbAdmittingly, there is nothing special about the code I recently posted here. As I pointed out, I just thought it was interesting to see how the combination of <div>s used allowed me to consistently put that one on the side - by using percentages that were a calculation of the left over widths percentages. Yeah, nothing special, just an interesting personal discovery.As for my experience, I began coding more than ten years ago when I was a Resort Manager and Ski (first snowboarder - I can't ski) Patroller at http://www.skiwisp.com/. I did their first website and it's success basically changed my career path. The variety of programming languages comes from working on a variety of projects with different requirements - and basically just forcing myself to learn something that I needed to learn to get the job done.

  2. first, try "mailto:esm@hotmail.co.uk" in your getURL attribute on a button.if that works (can't remember if flash processes that, then you have the crudest way to do it.The only other way is to have your flash form post to a page on your server that can process the request - something liek asp, php, or coldfusion.

  3. hi im am not responsible for the Slashdot design and i do not own playgames2.com
    You have to admit there is a striking resemblance - particularly to the latter. I would assume that if you had anything to do with playgames2.com that you would not have any problems putting together you site.In any respect, there are a lot of loose ends to tidy up on your site:a.) personally, I do not like the pinkb.) the blue links do not contrast well with the pink backgroundc.) your section boxes (the white to pink gradients) do not blend with your design - consider a hairline border (like on playgames2.com)d.) use a bolded font that contrasts better for the section box headers (like on playgames2.com)e.) reduce the amount of wasted space in your header, trim it down to use the space more effectively (like on playgames2.com)I see a pattern here, just print out playgames2.com and make it look like that - you might get some spoof traffic.Sorry for the underlying sarcasm, I just think that you could challenge yourself a little more by coming up with something a little more original.[note to self: stop getting involved with get rich quick web site developers, keep it real Skemcin, keep it real they'll never make it doing it this way you know it so stop worrying about it]
  4. that is the code automatically generated by Dreamweaver. I do not see this:

    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    in the code you shared. That script has to be on your page and the saved in the same folder.

  5. If I am reading the page correctly, it seems that this is a legitimate use of tables - so maybe we should not jump to our own opinions and try to help the person.Jesh has the only solutions that I can think of other than adding a <td> to the first row with a width of 5 and adding a rowspan of 5. Even if this is dynamically driven content, a simple record count can produce the value to insert into the rowspan attribute.

  6. not to my knowledge. In fact the initial file gets loaded quicker since its not as heavy. Change the url i posted for your speed test and substitute www.iribbit.net - I don't fair as well on image sizes either but I mention it because the report points out threshold for external JS and CSS files as you had just questioned - so it will tell you if you have anything there to worry about.http://www.websiteoptimization.com/service...www.iribbit.net

  7. Ahh, as I post you added the DELETE caveat. This is very common. Since a DELETE function rarely needs anything more than the record ID, then you can use a second, separate form for that, just hide the record ID or whatever unique identifier you need.That or the other solution I mention work just as well.

  8. is this applicable:

    <table>   <!-- table stuff -->   <form (2)>   </form (2)>   <!-- table stuff --></table><form (1)><div>   <!-- form 1 submit button --></div></form (1)>

    You can have multiple forms, you just can't nest them. If you feel like you have to nest forms, then still only use one form but build your action page (the page the form posts to) to conditionally use the fields being posted.

    <form (1)><table>   <!-- table stuff -->   <input type="submit" name="submit2">   <!-- table stuff --></table><div>	  <input type="submit" name="submit1"></div></form (1)>

    Then in your action page (using in this example, ColdFusion):

    <cfif ISDEFINED("form.submit1")><!-- logic using only the fields you want from form 1 --><cfelseif ISDEFINED("form.submit2")<!-- logic using only the fields you want from form 2 --><cfelse><!-- send error message - invalid page request, please try again --></cfif>

    So the action page just uses the pieced of information it needs - even though more is available.

  9. lol, I generally use images as little as possibel but I do want this to be as impressive as possible.
    There are many dimension to an impression. Your first layout was an good enough impression to stimulate curiosity. But as I dig deeper I learn more and more about the way you set things up. Seeing the use of CSS in place of images might be more impressionable than the cool shadow effect that an image gets you (especially since you already demonstrate that effect in your header). I think you've shown the imaging capabilities everywhere else - now its time to show your other capabilities - an understanding of the user interface and the importance of load time and accessibility.Know what I mean?You easily get past the first impression, so don't focus too much on that - think about the other areas that you can impress your visitors.Like Choco points out, the "Welcome to My Portfolio" and "The Water Cooler" images should be coded as <h1> and <h2> tags - thats impressive. Showcasing your CSS skills, your ability to make good design choices (trade off between css and images), and the awareness to make the page optimized for search engines (using the header tags) is more impressionable than eye candy.:)
  10. - most of the games seem to be catering to the younger male audience - is pink really the right color for the site.- and are you sure you have rights/permission to link/embed these files on your site? And, "everyone else is doing it" is not the right reply.

  11. I've always preferred <br /> tags.(and this is why)This is primarily the case because I'm old school. Most would think that would mean I would prefer the <p> tag. But when there was a more equal market share of browsers (yes, back when dirt was first discovered) I learned that the <p> would only add that extra line break if it was used immediately after text. In other words, a <tr><td><p> would not product a space. This happened with a few other tags - still may be the case today since IE is so old - but I never use <p> so I have no reason to experiment. Back to the reasoning - the situation where sometimes a space would render and sometimes it would not, was too much of a mystery since I knew using the <br> would yield consistent results. I've been chastised by die those who feel I was using it incorrectly - and thats fine - I just know that my sites render consistently without any "hacks" or "tweaks" that were browser and/or OS specific.So, technically, you should use a <p> to start a new block of text. But I've won so many arguments when those extremists fail to use the <br> tag at the end of every line break - even if choosing to use the <p>Good For Me:

    In pellentesque. Integer ligula turpis, venenatis in, nonummy et, posuere ac, neque. Donec aliquet suscipit arcu. Donec leo justo, interdum ut, sollicitudin consectetuer, faucibus id, nisi.<br /><br />Aenean odio leo, aliquet quis, iaculis vel, feugiat quis, nulla. Ut vitae pede. Vestibulum accumsan mollis mi. Fusce semper. Integer ullamcorper sagittis sem. Morbi in nunc. Vestibulum imperdiet tellus ac lacus. Etiam sodales sem vel tortor.<br /><br />

    Technically Acceptable:

    <p>Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque ut sapien eget libero consectetuer mollis. Phasellus feugiat venenatis nulla. Suspendisse nec dui. Suspendisse potenti.<br /></p><p>Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis sed turpis a nulla convallis dictum. Nam auctor aliquam dolor. Maecenas elementum. Integer enim. Aenean vestibulum rhoncus sem. Nunc eleifend ipsum non tellus.<br /></p>

    What the <br> nay-sayers always seem to do:

    <p>Quisque laoreet sem et orci mattis accumsan. Cras sapien urna, aliquam at, luctus vel, hendrerit quis, tellus. Cras diam justo, condimentum porta, pellentesque nec, tempus ac, turpis.<p>Mauris tempor pharetra odio. Nam magna tellus, posuere sit amet, eleifend et, elementum ut, nulla. Proin adipiscing dapibus felis. Curabitur vestibulum laoreet risus. Aliquam arcu neque, ornare sed, venenatis in, sollicitudin ut, nunc. Pellentesque sed dui.

    All in all, using the <br /> provides that much more of a consistent result which is especially important since 99% of my work is with dynamicly generated content - makes it easier to code.

  12. I'm hungry, so I'm looking at this quickly, her is what I have so far:a.) I can appreciate the design - thin and all but it will restrict your content layout - but there are ways to use your space creativelyb.) the "more" link I think is your key. On your Portfolio page these should be adopted to read clientdomainA.com, clientdomainB.com, clientdomainC.com, etc. In the grey drop down, have a screen shot that can be clicked to a large popup window version - never directly link to your portfolio site urls. The humbnail in teh grey drop div could also have a little summary of the project.c.) the news might be nice in a higher location but like a hanging chad on the left or right - floating in that dark charcoal space - like that demo site I shared (but done more professionally - http://www.pedialink.org/hottopics). Use the same more concept there (tall thin link) and that might look niced.) They say scrolling is not that big of a deal, but in this case, the text runs below the fold and people will have the impression that more "blah blah blah" is down there - so either put a news link above the fold, give the news page one of its own.Maybe after I eat I might have a couple other ideas - but I really like the layout and design - I just think a few creative tweaks will get the important information in the visitors face and not wondering how far they might have to scroll to get to it. :)

  13. Firefox will wrap the second div if there is enough text to make both lists not fit the width of the viewable screen. So, as aspnetguy points out, you will have to define a wdith like this:

    <div style="float:left; width:50%;"><ul><li>Proin ut justo sed nunc condimentum aliquet.</li><li>Sed rhoncus lacus eget ipsum hendrerit egestas.</li><li>In vitae metus ut ante porta consectetuer.</li><li>Morbi consequat consectetuer massa.</li><li>Aenean nonummy ornare augue.</li></ul><ul><li>Etiam ultricies mattis metus.</li><li>Mauris sagittis sem a nisl.</li><li>Aliquam ullamcorper nunc vel urna.</li></ul></div><div style="float:left; width:50%;"><li>Duis tincidunt interdum nibh.</li><li>Vivamus quis erat sit amet nisi mattis aliquet.</li><li>Sed in magna at dolor congue sollicitudin.</li><li>Maecenas mattis libero eget urna.</li></ul><ul><li>Integer lacinia mauris tincidunt turpis.</li><li>Mauris eleifend rutrum sapien.</li><li>Sed eu nisl vitae ipsum bibendum aliquet.</li><li>Suspendisse volutpat luctus est.</li><li>Vivamus quis urna sit amet dui rhoncus feugiat.</li></ul><ul><li>Curabitur malesuada iaculis magna.</li><li>Suspendisse adipiscing condimentum lorem.</li><li>Praesent aliquet est et tellus.</li><li>Praesent eget sem sit amet urna aliquam lacinia.</li><li>Maecenas sagittis iaculis lectus.</li><li>Quisque congue vulputate odio.</li><li>Nunc nec velit a nibh dignissim tempus.</li></div>

    I just chose to use percentages, you can use pixels as well.

  14. Here is the page as it stand in "production"http://www.pedialink.org/hottopics/They are refining the data as it is not entered in the database correctly. But this working version shows a few ways to make a little more out of the very basic layout. I was more interested in findingout how the code was rendered with the auto margin and percentages.Anyway, they loved it - but anything you turn around in less than a day is fodder for them. I'm glad to get them off my back.:)Its fun to stumble on to things like this.I've added a few FF things like "-moz-border-radius:10px 0px 0px 10px;" to the style sheets to round off the cornersp.s. I'm not convinced I like the in text jumps and how they work/don't work with the show/hide script I have posted here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9500

  15. if you have a second - can you briefly describe the deal?say, they accept your design - do they reserve all rights from that point and pay you once, or do you retain rights and get paid with each download?do they have any standards or will they pretty much accept anyything?let me.us know how your over all experience was signing up and whether or not its worth even experimenting with.(thanks)

  16. ...So now, assuming all this is correct. In my code..what part of my code to I plug into the feed valuator? And MUST my code contain the text “rss”? I really apprcaeat you’re help. I’m very new at this..THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!
    I"m not sure what you mean by "feed valuator" and what you are trynig to clarify about include the test "rss" in your code.Are you talking about the code fro your feed or the code fro the web page?As for the video, unless you have bandwidth restrictions, I would not take a video down if it was linked to in a feed. And I would not update an old feed to remove the video and replace it with a picture. This is going to make users upset if they can't later reference something they have found interesting - you are basically say , thanks fro coming back to my site - sorry I removed the reason you came back. The return visitor is the buried treasure of a website, its the Vince Lombardi trophy, its the prized possession. Use a third party media service like photobucket.com so that you do not have to remove content.
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