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Everything posted by Komikio

  1. Some searching already brought me to htmlentities but thanks. Too bad it seems that it cannot be done in one step.
  2. Hi there,I'm using PHP 5 and the simplexml. I have some XML file with a tag <description>, for example: <description>Hello <br>world</description> However, when I load the xml-file with simplexml it automatically replaces the <br> with <br>. This is not what I want, since my goal is to insert the data into a MySQL database (& in a field gives an unterminated entity reference error in MySQL). Now I have to manually replace the '<', '>' and '&' again with < etc.Is there a way to circumvent this and let simplexml read > as > and not as '>' so I can directly insert it into the database?Thanks!
  3. When you specify the url of the iframe to be an ftp-server, for example <iframe src="ftp://www.someurl.com"></iframe> all seems to work fine. Except when you open a folder. Then IE opens the folder in a new full-screen window. Is it possible to let it open the folder within the iframe?Tried to google it, but so far, no luck at all...Would be much obliged to the one who can help me
  4. Why does firefox add space beneath a <div> when you use the strict.dtd and xhtml instead of the regular loose.dtd?
  5. Thanks for your answers. I'll try em and see if it works out. iframe looks promising.
  6. Does anybody know how to embed a frame in a div container?This works for example: <div> <FRAMESET ROWS="*" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0> <FRAME SRC="http://www.google.com"> </FRAMESET><noframes></noframes></div> but if we have multiple divs (as is normal for a website designed with css), it fails: <div> <div> Test </div> <div> <FRAMESET ROWS="*" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0> <FRAME SRC="http://www.google.com"> </FRAMESET><noframes></noframes> </div></div> For everybody who's wondering why I want to embed a frame in a div container: I intend to use it for opening an FTP window in. If there is a simpler way to do this with regular divs, please tell me, for I haven't found a way yet.
  7. Haha, IE is such a wonderful browser... Let's do it this way then. At least we can close this topic then.
  8. Thanks for your reactions. Actually I was hoping for a solution other than using 2 stylesheets, but probably it has to be this way But I still wonder if anyone knows where this difference comes from?
  9. Consider the following code: <style>#test { width: 600px;border: 3px solid red;}</style><div id="test"> <p>Nunc eu dui vel mi semper dictum. Nulla sed risus. Nullam posuere velit ut nibh. Cras at lacus vel lacus iaculis vehicula. Nullam tellus arcu, pulvinar id, ultricies non, lacinia eget, urna. Morbi eu dolor vitae ligula consectetuer fringilla. Nam vehicula consectetuer lectus. Duis laoreet, turpis id pharetra aliquet, nunc risus feugiat diam, quis ornare risus mauris a magna. Nullam augue. Sed nec enim.</p></div> As can be seen IE removes the white space at the top and the bottom of the div container. This seems to have something to do with the width-property specified in the css. If you remove it, you will see that both IE and FireFox add space to the top and bottom. Both however will add no space when the contents of <p> span just 1 row instead of multiple rows. Setting padding or margin to zero does not work, since these are already zero. Anybody familiar with this problem and knows a solution?
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