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Posts posted by METOOTECH

  1. This would be the correct syntax but i'm not sure this is allowed.onmouseout="setTimeout('this.src=\'SUNSPOT1B.jpg\'', 5000)">From what i can remember the first argument of a setTimeout must be a function :)

    No guy, it didn't work and neither did this.....onmouseout="setTimeout('this.src(\'SUNSPOT1B.jpg\')', 5000)">Hummm, any way to code the function inline??
  2. Hi, I was wondering how do you code a timed delay mouseout? Here is some code examples that I tried that didn't work.... METOOTECH<img id="ads2" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg"'>http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg" height="130" width="130" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR2.jpg'" onmouseout="setTimeout('this.src=(http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg)', 5000)"><img id="ads2" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg"'>http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg" height="130" width="130" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR2.jpg'" onmouseout="setTimeout(5000); this.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg'">

  3. Hi, me again..... This is not really a rollover but an image switch... I was wondering if after you switch images with a simple inline mouseover if you could switch back to the first image with an inline 2nd mouseover. Actually I would like it to switch back and forth between 2 images with each mouseover using just inline javascript. Now, I'm not talking about switch back with a mouseout, just mouseovers. Is this possible? Any help is appricated very much..... :) "thinking outside the box" METOOTECH :) THE CODE:<img id="ads2" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg" height="130" width="130" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR2.jpg'">OR...<aonmouseover="ads1.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR2.jpg'"><img id="ads1" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/SUNSPOT1B.jpg" height="130" width="130" border="0" /></a>p.s. This is the code for just the first switch, couldn't figure out how to switch back, let along how to switch back and forth...Believe it or not, I do figure out 95% of my problems with code myself! :)

  4. This asp capture script is not exactly what we are looking for but it's a step in the right direction.... maybe it can be modified??? METOOTECHi got the code here: is the website responsible for the link i posted above - http://www.websupergoo.com/abcdrawhtml-1.htmTHE CODE:<HTML><HEAD><link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyles.css" type="text/css"></HEAD><BODY><form name="form1" method="post" action="view.asp"><table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><input type="image" name="image" src="image.asp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom&w=400&h=300&sw=800&sh=600&sl=0&st=0" width="400" height="300"></td></tr><tr><td><hr></td></tr><tr><td> Click on the image to zoom in. Change the URL to preview other web pages.</td></tr><tr><td> URL <input type="text" name="url" value="http://www.google.com" size="80"></td></tr><tr><td> % Scale <input type="text" name="scale" value="50" size="8">  Center X <input type="text" name="x" value="400" size="8">  Center Y <input type="text" name="y" value="300" size="8">   <input type="submit" name="" value="Apply">   <input type="submit" name="reset" value="Reset"> </td></tr></table></form></body></html>

  5. Well, I think I have been thinking wayyyyyyy outside the box on these posts... :) Safarotest is obviously a server side program, and it works great.... So I guess I'll let them make the jpg captures of the web pages and I'll copy the thumbs to a file and resize... saves me from doing it in photo shop! Thanks for the link to Aafaritest Scotty... :) I told you that you were a GENIUS :) metootech

  6. :) I use Notepad, if you know what you are doing then this is all you need... the secret to Notepad is to use a font style and size that's easy to read... I use Verdana with bold and size 11 and blank lines between code blocks with hidden notes where necessary such as nesting tables... <!--table 1 start--> code and text <!--table 1 end--> I've tried the other editors & Notepad2, and find all the buttons and colored code distracting... but that's just me.... I say if it works for you then use it! :) METOOTECHAlso, Notepad2 doesn't handle long lines, large files or opening multi Notepad2 windows very well. :)
  7. Hi, I was wondering if there is an easy short way to create a thumbnail of a web page to use as an anchor.... of course one without the page header, footer and scroll bar, just the page. The webtv I used a bunch of years ago stored thumbnails of web pages or mini web pages as links in their favorites pages. Yeah, I know you can capture or print the screen and use photo shop to crop and resize it to a thumbnail, but I was thinking that there mignt be a way to do it with code of some sort??? :) LMK........ METOOTECHP.S. The ones on webtv were static, they were captures and did not change as the page was changed... you had to delete it and re-save to change the thumbnail. When I first got Windows XP, the PC html files were mini pages that were live, but after installing Servicepac2 this feature was removed, they say for security... what a loss it was for me finding files, now I have to read the file title text under the blue IE icon... :)

  8. To he honest i've no idea  :)  I've tried a couple of things but nothing works, it's not a technique that i am familiar with, sorry :blink:

    Thanks for trying! .... I have edited the original code I first posted to include internet photos (mine) so anyone working on this won't have to plug in their own photos, like you suggested :) Seems wierd, W3 and Microsoft (HTML + Time) are pushing this code and no ones seems to know much about it :) Oh well, maybe someone else here knows some JS or SMIL code to point or loop it back up to restart... METOOTECH
  9. Ok 2 things.1. There is nothing more annoying than when trying to help someone you have to replace all of their images with ones of your own because you don't have them on your pc.  Try and use images on the web, this will save us alot of time plus your are likely to get more of a response as your not giving people extra work before they can even begin to look at the problem :) 2. The SMIL effect only works in IE, Firefox and Opera are ignoring it.  This seems strange as i think SMIL is a W3 standard...

    Sorry mr. scott, I'm new here and don't know the ropes yet... I'll heed your suggestions.....SMIL needs a player to see... IE has it built in on later browsers, other browser must down load the player, which shouldn't be a big deal for anyone... I had to down load JS and Flash to see that code... IF a browser such FF or Opera doesn't have downloaded, the the photo should just load the normal way... only IE will see the fancy loading....The problem here as I see it is once the photo switch has been made, how do you loop back up to the SMIL transition code to restart it for the new photo???Again sorry for dumbness on the pics... METOOTECH... :)
  10. What? that's rubbish  :) Like what Rah said, instead of using tables to layout a webpage it's recommended using div's and css to style them.http://www.w3.org/2002/03/csslayout-howto

    You can lay out a tableless page just using fieldset, div, and CSS especially if you nest the fieldsets, but it's harder than tables and you can use CSS positioning to make it easer..... but what's the point unless you are a page designer trying to do it the new way... the average person viewing it will never know the difference, and doesn't care... they are interested in what you got or what you are selling or what info they need... also animated gifs, flash, etc. is usually annoying and distracting after you have seen it a couple of times and animation is for gaming and turns people off who are trying to get information or buy products... You have got to ask yourself, what are my goals... sell things, informing people or to show off your programing skills.... Unless you are gaming, try to think of the Internet as a new form of magazine catalog, or newspaper with the ability to write and change things quickly and stop thinking of it as television or dvd... :) METOOTECH
  11. Hi again, well here's one that's "Texas Tough".... Using some SMIL transition code with the HTML, CSS & JS code for a photo switch with fancy photo wipe in... the initial photo wipes in right, but when you switch photos, they don't wipe in at all, just load normally. I know this is not a javascript problem, but JS might fix it... what do you think. Or can it be fixed? METOOTECHHERE'S THE CODE:<html xmlns:t="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time"><?import namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2"> <head><style>.t {behavior:url(#default#time2);}</style></head><body><style> input{width: 60px; height: 45px;} </style><div id="d1" class="t"><t:transitionfilter targetelement="pic1" type="ellipseWipe" begin="pic1.begin" dur="4s" /><img id="pic1" class="t" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/GIZMO1B.jpg" width=350 height=263 /><br></div><input id="ip1" type="image" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/GIZMO1B.jpg" hspace="0" vspace="5" onmouseover="pic1.src=this.src"><input id="ip2" type="image" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/TEXAS-SELLER1.jpg" hspace="0" vspace="5" onmouseover="pic1.src=this.src"><input id="ip3" type="image" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/EBAYAUCTIONS1.jpg" hspace="0" vspace="5" onmouseover="pic1.src=this.src"><input id="ip4" type="image" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/GIZMO-METOO1.jpg" hspace="0" vspace="5" onmouseover="pic1.src=this.src"><input id="ip5" type="image" src="http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR3.jpg" hspace="0" vspace="5" onmouseover="pic1.src=this.src"><a style="cursor:hand; cursor: pointer; background-color: #ffffff;" onClick="d1.innerHTML; pic1.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/data/pics/tomahawk/AMP_XK-0603/A350R7.jpg';ip1.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/data/pics/tomahawk/AMP_XK-0603/A350R7.jpg';ip2.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/data/pics/tomahawk/AMP_XK-0603/B350R7.jpg'; ip3.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/data/pics/tomahawk/AMP_XK-0603/C350R7.jpg'; ip4.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/data/pics/tomahawk/AMP_XK-0603/D350R7.jpg';ip5.src='http://www.knifeknives.com/ba/backs-logos/DARKSTAR3.jpg';" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ff0000'"onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#00ff00'"> <br><font style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000000"; onclick="this.style.color='#ffffff'"><b>Amp Tactical</b></font></a></font></body></html>

  12. Ah yes i forgot about the inline only stuff, i must say this looks realy impressive for an ebay page 
    Thanks, ....It will be part of an ebay "About Me" page where people can preview things that will go on auction sooner or later and also, they can email me and I will put it on auction "Buy it now" for them........ METOOTECH
  13. I plugged the code in and it works like a charm... the textarea tag didn't allow much text decoration. this does!..... as I said, this will go on eBay and only inline stuff makes past the "eBay Police" and their text editor.... and remember I'm trying to sell things here and presentation is important... "you ain't got a thing, if you ain't got that swing" .... I know.... I'm talking to myself... :)Much thanks for your help, so far! :) .... From "across the pond" .... METOOTECH

  14. Gee wizz i don't know if i quite understood that but here goes.  :) I think this is what you asked for, you can access the text of a element by using innerHTML you you can pass values around.
    <div id="d" style="display: block">TEXT YOU CAN SEE <div><br><div id="d2" style="display: none"> want hidden text below here </div><div id="d3" style="display: none">TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE</div><button id="b1" onclick="d3.innerHTML=d2.innerHTML;d3.style.display='block';">CLICKER</button>

    If you are doing this more than once though then i think you should create a function and let it do all the work.

    This code doesn't work when I put it on a html doc.... when the button is clicked the d2 comment in red displays, not the innerHTML of the d3 hidden text :)
  15. No, not exactly it. I guess I didn't make it clear enough in my statement to what I am trying to do here :) The red text part in my original code was just a comment or place holder, not in the code results.... I will have a display area, in that display area will be a place for a photo to display and right below it will be a place for text to display. On load the photo display area will have a Logo sitting there with no text showing below. And beside this display area will be a list of products. With each product a link to the display area with hidden photo and hidden text. When one of the products is click on the display area with the Logo and no text will be replaced with the hidden photo and hidden text.... right now I'm using a textarea statement to accomplish this... the textarea tag does not allow much latitude for text decoration and I was trying to replace it with the code below... METOOTECH :)PHOTO <br><div id="d2" style="display: none">-0-</div> This division code is where the hidden text (TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE) will display<div id="d3" style="display: none">TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE</div> This is the hidden code in another part of the page<button id="b1" d2.text='d3.text'; onclick="d2.style.display='block'">CLICKER</button> This is the code that puts the hidden code right above in the top area

  16. Hi again, it gets worse each time I post.... Now I need to hide text in one area and when thumbnail photo or button is clicked on the text is moved to the display area and made visible. I'm totally baffled here on this one.... here's the code I had for it and it, of course, doesn't work.... I think I'm wayyyyy off here... any help is always appreciated very much... METOOTECHTHE CODE:<div id="d" style="display: block">TEXT YOU CAN SEE <div><br><div id="d2" style="display: none"> want hidden text below here </div><div id="d3" style="display: none">TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE</div><button id="b1" onclick="d2.style.display='block'; document.d3='document.d2'">CLICKER</button>I forgot to say, that when refreshed everything is hidden again and there will be more than one of these hidden text things so when new one is clicked on, the old one is replace with the new one, etc. .... Metoo.

  17. No ProblemYes that right, when using ebay etc you will need to use inline scripts/styles.  But something to consider for the future, inline scripts/styles are on the way out (if not already) so at somepoint you wont be able to use them.  I wouldn't worry to much just now though cause they won't be dropped by browsers anytime in the near future.

    I have been using textarea tags, but other than the initial style tag at the beginning, you don't much control of the way the text is displayed in the textarea.By the way, which browsers will be able to see the results of the above code? METOOTECH
  18. Change the line in red below and it will work. :) -----------------------<div id="d" style="display: none">TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE </div> TEXT YOU CAN SEE<br><br><button id="b1" style="display: inline" onclick="d.style.display='block'">CLICKER </button>

    Again, thanks for the help. I'm pretty good with HTML, CSS, etc. but inline javascript syntax eludes me... the reason I use inline script is because a lot of this goes into ebay ads and about me pages and their description editor blocks regular scripts. I work around this usually with inline script. I have been using textarea tags, but other than the initial style tag at the beginning, you don't much control of the way the text is displayed in the textarea.By the way, which browsers will be able to see the results of the above code? METOOTECH
  19. Hi again, my new problem is that I'm trying to get some hidden text in a div or p tag to display when targeted by a button or an a (anchor) tag code. Here the code I have..... it doesn't work, I've tryed setting it up in a p tag and a div tag and tried to target it with a button tag and with an anchor (a) tag. No problem hidding the text, but can't get it to display when clicked on. Please help! ...METOOTECHTHE CODE:<div id="d" style="display: none">TEXT YOU CANNOT SEE </div> TEXT YOU CAN SEE<br><br><button id="b1" style="display: inline" onclick="d.style=this.style">CLICKER </button>

  20. It works perfect, you're a genius! I filled in my pics, made 2 small modifications.... had to take the style statement out of the head area because I don't always have access to the head area such as on eBay ads and About Me page... and put in another onclick code for loading the large product front view, in the product viewer when the thumbnails load, instead of keeping the LOGO there once the product name is clicked. Now I'll add more products and see it works still... it was so simple... just size down the large photos to small thumbnails on the page load instead of making seperate thumbnail photos and a src=this.src in the imput statements.... YOU'RE A GENIUS GUY!!!! A BIG THANKS! .... METOOTECH

  21. It works perfect, you're a genius! I filled in my pics, made 2 small modifications.... had to take the style statement out of the head area because I don't always have access to the head area such as on eBay ads and About Me page... and put in another onclick code for loading the large front view in the product viewer when the thumbnails load instead of keeping the LOGO there once the product name is clicked. Now I'll add more products and see it works still... it was so simple just just size down the large photos to small thumbnails on the page load instead of making seperate thumbnail photos and a src=this.src in the imput statements.... YOU'RE A GENIUS GUY!!!!

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