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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. so white, nice blue tho, but so white everything is just so white more blue please
  2. divinedesigns1

    header ()

    west copy your code in your file and paste it into the tags on here, we still cant see the problem since we cant view the codes
  3. divinedesigns1

    header ()

    check for white space also, prolly have a space somewhere on index.php line 2, as foxy said. for me i normally check for the white spaces at the end of every closing, also from what i have experience echoing doesnt really bother the header(). its normally what donE's example show on the 1st page so on line 1 n 2 check for the spaces
  4. make sure everything is close properly, double check the loops, echos, and the <table><tr><td> are all closed if anything post your codes
  5. yeah, i have created one but i didnt like the layout so im working on a new layout, well i didnt know the js part to make the layout work so i switch to another template lol yeah i know, im working on one atm, and my content isnt that large, most likely it will have more images than text
  6. hello, suppppppppp lol im hyper for no reason lolanywaydo you think it is a good idea or a bad idea to have a single page php website, i know theres the advantage and disadvantage for creating such site give your answer and why you think its a good or bad ideal no negativity please and thank you
  7. nope i dont believe thats what he meant, to my knowledge he meant you would need to config the smtp within the wamp server to be able to pass emails using the wamp server, but since i have a host i dont need to config it on my wamp server ill just use my host to test the forms
  8. ok ill add some more percentage to some other stuff umm its a new template im working on
  9. hey guys how are you doing, i was wonder how can i resize my webpage to meet the users resolution, my resolution for my website is always 1024px but i would like it to resize to any resolution depending on the person screen resolution so if someone have a screen with a resolution of 1366 i would like my page to resize to 1366 automatically how can i go about doing this?
  10. yeah im using a wamp server and im not sure how to config it but then again i have a host so ill just pop it in there when needed
  11. ok it doesnt have a email handler, so sending a email through my localhost wouldnt work
  12. ok ill try that php doesnt always give an error when something doesnt work, could just be a type or something missed scripted
  13. im having problem sending messages from the contact form to my email, so i want to know if i made a error or not, i dont see anything wrong with the contact script at allthis is the code below if(isset($_POST['submit_contact'])){// define the variables$fullname = $_POST['fn'];$company = $_POST['cn'];$email = $_POST['email'];$sub = $_POST['sub'];$opinion = $_POST['coc'];// filter the variable$fullname = strip_tags($fullname);$fullname = stripslashes($fullname);$company = strip_tags($company);$company = stripslashes($company);$email = strip_tags($email);$email = stripslashes($email);$opinion = strip_tags($opinion);$opinion = stripslashes($opinion);// check if the variables are emptyif(empty($fullname) && empty($company) && empty($email) && empty($opinion) && empty($sub)){echo '<div id="errors">all fields are requested</div>';}elseif(empty($fullname)){echo '<div id="errors">Please Enter Your Name' . '<br/>';}elseif(empty($company)){echo '<div id="errors">Please Enter Your Company Name, If You Do Not Have A Company Please Enter' . ' <span>None</span> ' . '</div><br/>';}elseif(empty($email)){echo '<div id="errors">Please Enter A Valid Email' . '</div><br/>';}elseif(empty($opinion)){echo '<div id="errors">Text Is Required' . '</div><br/>';}elseif(empty($sub)){echo '<div id="errors">Subject Is Requested' . '</div><br/>';}elseif(!empty($fullname) && !empty($company) && !empty($email) && !empty($opinion) && !empty($sub)){// define the receiver$to = "dwayne@divinedesigns1.net";$subject = $sub;$from = $fullname;$message = $opinion;$headers = 'From: $from';mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);echo '<div id="errors">We will response to you as soon as possible</div>';$fullname = "";$company = "";$email = "";$opinion = "";$sub = "";}
  14. hey, im having a problem with making a form into a sticky form, the script works perfectly fine but when i try to make the form into a sticky form its saying the variable is undefine, the form is outside of the script but that shouldnt matter so this is the script im using if(isset($_POST['submit_contact'])){ // define the variables $fullname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['fn']); $company = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cn']); $email = $_POST['email']; $sub = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['sub']); $opinion = $_POST['coc']; // filter the variable $fullname = strip_tags($fullname); $fullname = stripslashes($fullname); $company = strip_tags($company); $company = stripslashes($company); $email = strip_tags($email); $email = stripslashes($email); $opinion = strip_tags($opinion); $opinion = stripslashes($opinion); // define the errors $errors = array(); // check if the variables are empty if(empty($fullname) && empty($company) && empty($email) && empty($opinion) && empty($sub)){ echo 'all fields are requested'; }elseif(empty($fullname)){ echo 'Please Enter Your Name'; }elseif(empty($company)){ $cn = 'No Company'; }elseif(empty($email)){ echo 'Please Enter A Valid Email'; }elseif(empty($opinion)){ echo 'Text Is Required'; }elseif(empty($sub)){ echo 'Subject Is Requested'; }elseif(!empty($fullname) && !empty($company) && !empty($email) && !empty($opinion) && !empty($sub)){ // define the receiver $to = "dds1@dds1.net"; $subject = $sub; $message = $opinion; $from = $fullname; $headers = "From:" . $fullname; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); echo 'We will response to you as soon as possible'; } } as you can see i define the variables making sure everything is in place "ignore the mysqli_real_escape_strings at the top, im just messing around to see what will happen" but this sticky form should be working right?
  15. it can also mean that you have a white space in the config file or you can try including the config file at the very top of the page like <?phpinclude 'config.php';?><html>etcetc but if you have a white space in the config file try pressing the define button on the end of every line so if you have something like this peacepinkapplecherry?at the end of peace hit delete and if pink comes up hit enter also do this for the <?php and ?> php because sometimes you might have a white space somewhere in between there. just saying from what i have experience
  16. i meant when you visit the website the div slides downward from the top to a certain fix height, but ill check that out tho
  17. hey guys, i want to try slide a div when the page is open, but i do not know how to start the script or have much basic knowledge about it, anyone can point me in the right place so i can learn how to do this quickly? if any extra article ill make time to read but for now i need to learn this part as quickly as i can
  18. sorry to say but i wouldnt even go next to that book, it say one thing but inside of it it say something else, if you want a html n css book try the oreily books, plus why would you purchase a book like that? the cover alone tells you stop think dont buy me
  19. hello, i have came to another stop, can anyone give me tips or ideas of how to display the username in the url like how you have twitter.com/username and it takes you to the user profile how can i do that?
  20. so i got it working, by taking part of what you guys said to do and using the date(); function in php, i created a variable for the date(); function then i placed it into a while loop then i echo out the new user name, soo i did $mdy = date('F d Y');the query();if($mdy){while($toshow = mysqli_fetch_array(the query variable here/ result variable however you code)){echo $toshow['column'];}}
  21. yeah that works, imma have to test it out when i wake up to see if its gonna pick up the ppl who join by each dated
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