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Posts posted by divinedesigns1

  1. You can see the issues if you just make the browser smaller, it's just an issue that the site doesn't scale down very well. Using a minimum width on the boxes on the right will cause them to wrap to the next line instead of staying over the slideshow. Removing the right margin on the bottom buttons or making the margin a percentage will squeeze them together more, but they are still going to wrap if the screen is too small. You can use your browser's developer tools to tweak the CSS styles that get applied to the various elements to see how they change when you resize the browser.



    didnt see this one, im reading the first link at the moment, thanks

  2. It's hard to guess without seeing the site, but maybe you need to set minimum widths for certain elements. If elements are ending up too small on the smaller screen then a minimum width would help that, but it's also going to cause scrollbars. If you want to avoid that then you'll need to change to a responsive design that will rearrange items on the page based on the available space. Bootstrap is the most popular framework that can handle a responsive design.

    ok, and this is the site sept2013

  3. I understand that. What I'm asking is what is different or broken on the mobile device that you want to fix. How does it look different?

    the slide show is taking up the space for the testimonial and recent news also the buttons at the bottom are broken away from being inline and the menu buttons doesnt display inline


    i know i need to change the menu buttons from pixels to percentage but my main problem is the slideshow that takes up the space for the news and testimonial

  4. define "mobile ready", or at minimum your expectations of the phrase. The only thing that I can think of that would fall under mobile ready is adding responsiveness to a site.

    ok lets try something else, how can i make my website compatible with devices such as phones, etc

  5. hey, i am trying to send a max about of words of 292 to be displayed on my site, and if the words are more than 292 i would like it to have a read more link at the end of it, soo i though it would be as simple as

    if($rows['decision'] > 292){   $more = '..read more';}else{   $more = '';}

    but that just add the read more to every section even if its less or more than 292 am i doing something wrong?

  6. 80% of font size defined in parent element, in this case the body


    body {
    color: #1D1D1D;
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS",Arial,verdana;
    font-size: 0.9em;
    text-align: left;


    if no font-size is defined, then it would be 80% of default font-size 16px

    ok got it


    another option

                #hv3 {                background: transparent repeat scroll 0 0;                font-size: 80%;                /* height: 230px;*/                list-style: none outside none;                margin: 0;                /*position: absolute;                left: 600px;                top: 494px;*/                text-align: left;overflow:hidden;                width: 265px;            }            #menuaffi {margin: 10px 20px; }            #menuaffi ul, #menuaffi li {list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin:0; text-indent: 0; text-align: center; clear: right; }            #menuaffi li {    line-height: 16px;                              margin: 5px 0;                              overflow: hidden;}            #menuaffi a, #menuaffi a:visited {                background-color: #49314D;                /*border-bottom: 1px solid #543958;*/                color: #856A8A;                display: block;                font-family: Arial;                font-size: 9pt;                /*height: 15px;*/height:auto !important;                letter-spacing: 3px;                margin: 0 auto;                /*padding: 0.7em;*/                text-align: center;                text-decoration: none;                width: 41% !important;                padding: 0 5px !important;            }            #menuaffi a:nth-child(odd) {float: left; text-align: left;}            #menuaffi a:nth-child(even) {float: right; }

    sorry for jumping into your post, but dsone how big would font-size:80%; would be?

  8. it depends. is it the filename of the current script? either way, it should be a relatively simple google search, but you may want to look into basename and the $_SERVER array.


    You can use basename() to get the filename out of the path.

    yeah i used basename and it worked perfectly now my active state is working awwsomeeeeee :) so happy over here.........thanks guys

  9. i was wondering how i can go about shortening the output of script_name, i keep getting the folder and the file name but i am just looking for the file name only.


    is there a way around this?

  10. .shadow{width:300px;height:100px;background-color:yellow;box-shadow:  0px 10px 15px -10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0),             40px  0px 40px -30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) inset,           -40px  0px 40px -30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) inset}

    1st shadow definition is to the bottom, 2nd is for the left inside gradient and the 3rd is for the right inside gradient. the bottom shadow won't be as nearly rounded, but you can come close to the effect.


    you could also use SVG to make a dynamically sized shadow. and through filters it should be quite possible to duplicate the effect in your image, though I don't know quite enough about SVG to walk you through it


    thats not giving me exactly what i want, but thanks tho, ill look into svg some more

  11. from what I read you want to run a simple state where the link in your nav that points to the current page "lights up".

    $(document).ready(function (){    $("a[href='"+window.location.pathname+"']").addClass("active);});

    you don't even need the onclick event you've used in the other thread. Every time the page loads jQuery will do the check as to which link needs to be active. no <a> tag should have the "active" class nor the onclick="return false". and it should work.


    the only time the "current" link wouldn't light up is in that period of time between when the <a> tag is rendered and when the document is finished loading.


    theres numerous other more robust ways you can do this (PHP, cookie/session/localstorage) if what you want is more complicated than this. but if all you need is a simple link to change color based on the current page thats loaded, then this will suffice.

    ok i will try this, but just so i understand, dont put the class nor the onclick on the <a> tag

  12. for basic single level menu

    menu.php this adds active class to current page link

    <?php$links = array(    "link 1" => "page1.php",    "link 2" => "page2.php",    "link 3" => "page3.php");echo '<h1>'.basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']).'</h1>';?><div id="nav" style="overflow:hidden;">    <ul class="tabs">        <?php        foreach ($links as $key => $link) {            if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == $link) {                $active = ' class="active"';            } else {                $active = '';            }            echo '<li ' . $active . '><a href="' . $link . '">' . $key . '</a></li>';        }        ?>    </ul></div>

    style.php alternative option to use css to apply active styling to link

    ul.tabs li a[href='<?php echo basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])?>'] {color: red;}


    ul.tabs {margin: 0;padding: 0;float:left;list-style: none;height: 32px; /*--Set height of tabs--*/border-bottom: 1px solid #999;border-left: 1px solid #999; }ul.tabs li {float: left;height: 31px;line-height: 31px;border: 1px solid #999;border-left: none;margin-bottom: -1px;overflow: hidden;position: relative;background: #ddd;}ul.tabs li a {text-decoration: none;color: #000;display: block;font-size: 1.2em;padding: 0 20px;border: 1px solid #fff;outline: none;}ul.tabs li a:hover {background: #ccc;}ul.tabs li.active, ul.tabs li.active a:hover  {background: #f1f2f2;border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f2f2; }


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*//*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">       <?php include("style.php"); ?></style></head><body><?php include("menu.php"); ?><h1>Page 1</h1></body></html>


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*//*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">    <?php  include("style.php");  ?></style></head><body><?php include("menu.php"); ?><h1>Page 2</h1></body></html>

    page3.php i think you'll get general idea how it goes by now.

    ok i will try this and see if it works, im still checking google and youtube tho

  13. Does anyone know exactly how to create a active state, I have been trying to do so for a while without any success I have tried JavaScript and PHP. Hint, tip, and guides are extremely appreciated. Will post the new website ones I have complete it

  14. Sure, but if I ask for info directly in a forum I would like to have an answer, just because there are many guides on the web... if one cannot solve its problems with guides, he asks in forums... Anyway, I'm trying Ingolme solution ;)

    what is it do you not understand really? Do you know how to send a form information using mail()? If not I can give you a quick tutorial on how to do so
  15. It depends on what the value is going to be used for. If it's going to be used on a page use htmlspecialchars() to prevent people from messing up the HTML, if it's going to be used in a database you can use prepared statements or pass the value through mysqli_real_escape_string().

    oh ok, well i use mysqli_real_escape_string() for database

  16. Hey can someone point me in the right direct to secure and filtering PHP variables properly or the correct way....at the moment I am using stripslashes, etc.which to me seem a little basic, I learn a lot from when I first started using this forum, so I would like to learn securities for phpalso I would like to be pointed to a good source to learn JavaScript or a good book for such script.would greatly appreciate it, especially any advice or source for the PHP security

  17. For a brand new site, why are you using a transitional doctype? Surely by now one would be using at least a 4.01 Strict, or HTML 5 DTD.


    There are also usages of inline CSS, but you already using an external stylesheet.


    Services link is a 404



    JS/CSS 404's on the Photo's page.



    Aside from that, the design is rather uninspired, which I know you didn't do, but it might not hurt to have designer come in a breath some life into the design, which would also breath some life into the site itself, which feels very static and boring. Not something you really want to feel from a communications based services company, IMO.

    sorry, the owner forgot the domain again so it expired thats why you wasnt able to view the pages, also how you know this isnt my design?


    The onclick event targets the current page, it won't remember the change of active state on the loaded page that was chosen, you either have to apply active class name manually to the menu link related to current page, send a reference to selected page identifying which link to apply active class to OR you might get away with using css only, example: services page in that page add css to <head>..</head>

    <style type="text/css">   a[href="services.php"]{color: red;} /* add active styling required */</style>


  19. hey, im having a problem with this active state, when i click on another button the active state change to that button but the page itself doesnt. *not my code*

    this is the html code

    <div class="btn"><a class="cp_menu active" href="index.php" onclick="return false">Home</a></div>            <div class="btn"><a class="cp_menu" href="about.php" onclick="return false">About Us</a></div>            <div class="btm"><a href="index.html"><img src="images/DDS1 2012 logo.png" alt="DDS1" width="345" height="242" border="0" /></a></div>            <div class="btn"><a class="cp_menu" href="services.php" onclick="return false">Services</a></div>            <div class="btn"><a class="cp_menu" href="projects.php" onclick="return false">Projects</a></div>

    and this is the js code im using

    <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {    $("a.cp_menu").click(function() {		$("a.cp_menu.active").removeClass("active");		$(this).addClass("active");	});});</script>

    also when i remove the onclick="return false" it change the page but does not keep the active state, i would like it to be able to change the active state and the page as it should

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