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Posts posted by gongpex

  1. You want to become an ISP?
    I was said before, if I plan to use it only for myself, because ISP on my country really bad(I often disconnected from connection or connection very slow)
    to be an ISP you need a backbone connection (usually £10000 a year + install costs from my research)
    I don't live on UK Thanks for answer, But I need more answer that more clear...
  2. You only need one session
    Q : So if I using 2 session like this :
    <?php//this session for "temporary" datasession_start();if($_SESSION['mydata']){$test = "Welcome";}else{$test = "Bye";} //this is session for "user" data (this is not for auto log off)session_start();if(!$_SESSION['user']){$post = mysql_query("delete from user where name='user'");}else{echo"$post";}?>

    are prohibited? thanks

  3. Hello everyone, I think I must provide own internet connection, Because my ISP's service is very bad, I often disconnected and even I often lost internet connection, I'll try to ping, but it still same Q : What I must do so that I can provide own internet connection on my home? Q : Should I buy server or etc? Please tell me Many thanks

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  4. Sorry for late reply, my internet connection was got trouble lately. Q : So, in short I should create session for my data same as when I made login form?(from the first step till complete) (Because last night I had try to create it on my file but after the session run, it can't be destroyed (using session_destroy()), and, though I close my browser, it still run (the session still exist)) Thanks____________________________________________________________________________________________ OFF Q : By the way how many language that you can speak besides English?

  5. On a website that doesn't use cookies, a user is logged out as soon as they close the browser. They don't need to click on any links.
    Q : So session is more good than cookies? (because some browser not support cookie)
    Sessions can be used for more purposes than login forms
    Q : In other word I should create session for visitor? thanks
  6. Sessions get destroyed as soon as the browser is closed.
    Q : Though user forgot to click "Sign Out" ?
    They may have that information stored in a session
    Q : So they create session though there is no user who login? Thanks for answer
  7. You must design your system to work in a way that doesn't require this detection. A lot of systems have a time-out.
    if I using date() or time() as system timeout, it's must be wait till it has reached the time that set out, of course to run the php code. (I ever test about auto delete on hubert.com, I deliberate to buy something till the basket shown $1.25 , and then I close my browser. But when I open it again, the product on basket had back to $0) Q : Is they using the "Timeout System" ? Thanks for answer.
  8. Hello everyone, I had looking on google about how to delete php session or database after browser closed, I found it, but it must using ajax or javascript, to tell server to delete or set data so that it can logout or delete some feature, automatically after browser closed. My question : if browser disable javascript, Is it still can run that php code? Please the answer Many Thanks

  9. Hello everyone, I want to collect vote from all of you about these things : 1) Money2) Game3) Computer4) Book5) Entertainment6) Vacation7) Food8) Other (please tell) From all of these things on above, please give me at least 2 thing that you like. Please vote this Many Thanks

  10. I think on simple XML the example is clear for me But can I create link page using XML? for example : usually when we open link 'register' , when we saw it on 'view page source' (on chrome browser) like this :

    <a href="www.example.com/register">Register</a>

    but can I made it become:

    <a href="www.example.com/viewApplication-Register">Register</a>

    and the destination of link can give same results. Because I ever saw it on some website that using Intershop Enfinity Suite Sorry if maybe my question rather confuse But I just want to now what can I do with xml Thanks for answer

  11. Wow, that very fast, my average speed is 53 Kb/s, and maximum is only 100 Kb/s (this is seldom) and sometime if there is trouble it's down till 16 Kb/s or disconnected from connection And I pay every month only USD 5.5 (converted based on my country currency) Thanks for answer, maybe if I have a lot of money I will move to other country that have better ISP. ____________________________________________________________________________________ What's your occupation?

  12. Hello Everyone, How to work on PHP using XML? (please give some example) I think many person work on PHP using XHTML. I rather confuse with XML, because though on google, I didn't found XML example that clear and easy to be learned Please someone tell me Thanks

  13. Hello Everyone, How much you all maximum limit speed of your internet connection in your country? ISP on my country don't have good quality connection, I often disconnected from connection. (if you all not objection, how much you pay your ISP every month? (please convert it to USD) Thanks

  14. So I just move my work (code) to hosting on development server, then I test it , whether it's run or not right? Thanks for answer____________________________________________________________________________________ By the way , basedon topic : http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=44722 , how to prevent site from hacked? I use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent it from sql injection, but, Is there another trick to prevent site from hacking?(make our site more secure) please give me advice once again thanks.

  15. Hello everyone, I'm work currently using php version 5.1.2, But yesterday I ask on to my web hosting, what version of PHP that supported by them, They answer to me if they support only php version : 4.4.2 and version : 5.3.1 My work already created on php version 5.1.2, should I create my work again on version 5.3.1? if no need to create again, which setting that I must be choosed, 4.4.2 or 5.3.1? Please told me. Thanks

  16. You're testing if the entire subject is a single digit, that's all. None of those are testing for an email address, you are checking if the subject starts with, ends with, or is a single digit.
    This is not for email address but for phone number, I'm worried if there is user who ignorant and tried to input data like example on above So, what I must do so that only "Digit" that allowed to pass, and if "letter" not allowed? That's my purpose please help Thanks________________________________________________________________________________________ What's your occupation?
  17. Hello everyone, I tried to combine preg_match() on beginning (^) and the end($) but the result is still not true, this is all of my code that I had tried :

    $save_email ="abcdefg01345";if(!preg_match("/[0-9]$/i",$save_email)&&$save_email!=""){$warn14 = "<div style=\"color:red;font-size:9px\">Email should be contain "@"</div>";}

    This warn didn't works, but if $save_email ="012345abcdef"; the warn would be works again :

    $save_email="01234abcdef";if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]/i",$save_email)&&$save_email!=""){$warn14 = "<div style=\"color:red;font-size:9px\">Email should be contain "@"</div>";}

    same too, the warn didn't work, but if $save_email ="abcdefg01345"; the warn would be works and this is fatal error :

    $save_email="(everything whether a-z and 0-9)";if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]$/i",$save_email)&&$save_email!=""){$warn14 = "<div style=\"color:red;font-size:9px\">Email should be contain "@"</div>";}

    This cause warn running, even if $save_email="012345679", the result warn still running Note : I had tried without using /i character but the result are still same. I don't know what I must do now please help me Thanks

  18. Hello everyone, I tried to show all of my data using while and for function like this code :

    <?$sel = mysql_query("select * from book");$bk_array = mysql_fetch_array($sel);$b_id = $bk_array[id];$b_title = $bk_array[bk_title];$b_price = $bk_array[bk_price];$b_img = $bk_array[bk_img];$b_list = mysql_num_rows($sel); // total product?><?$x=0;while($product=mysql_fetch_row($sel)){$a[$x][0] = $product[0]; //id$a[$x][1] = $product[5]; //title$a[$x][2] = $product[11]; //price$a[$x][3] = $product[13]; //img$x++;}?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Our Product</title><link href="admin/adm-index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body><?for($y=0;$y<$b_list;$y++){echo"<div align=\"center\"><ul type=\"square\">  <li><div align=\"center\"><img src=\"".$a[$y][3]."\" width=\"auto\" height=\"auto\" /></div></li>  <li>Book Title : ".$a[$y][1]."</li>  <li>Book Price : <strong>".$a[$y][2]."</strong></li></ul><br /></div>";}?></body></html>

    When I check using command like this :


    it can display data But when I check using :


    It won't show anything, Usually for function always display data start from 0, but on my case it display data start from 1, What I must do? Please someone help me Thanks

  19. Hello everyone, I had tried to rewrite my web page address using .htaccess file, and this the code:

    RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(.*)\php$ $1. [nc]

    But, it shown "server error 500", What the mistake on my .htacess file code? Note : I looking from google I often found code like this :

    RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ $1.php [nc]

    But it's not useful. I want to rewrite from : localhost/test/index.php to localhost/test/index please someone help me Thanks

  20. I found php_mysqli.dll on folder extension,

    open your php.ini which is being loaded you will find lis of extensions there likeextension=php_mysql.dll make sure uncommenting the extension php_mysqli.dll if it is commented. if it is not there put it like extension=php_mysqli.dll
    About this step I didn't understand, what the mean of uncommenting? please answer Thanks
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