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Posts posted by Brigog

  1. Okie basically what I need is my site has a static window of 1024X768 and everything outside that is black. Now I have red vector background I made etc and everything such as nav bar and fill is in that red background area. You make be confused here cuse im giving you a VERY basic idea of what the site looks like but what I need is for when I click on a picture in my gallery page that the background stays and the picture goes on it in the center. Now this would be very easy if i made a page for every picture but is there a way to make one page and it will swap the picture on it depending on the thumbnail clicked? I'm guessing its going to have to be done with php but I don't know php so if it cant be done with html/css/java please tell me.Thanks

  2. Does anyone know how or what its called when you have an image which in my case is a vector image of grass that I want to use at the bottem of my site that will stay at the bottem even when you scroll. Basicly my site is being designed for 800px wide and the grass image is 800px wide by 600 high and it fades from blue to white. I need it so that grass is at the bottem of the screen at all times and as your scroll down the grass goes down and where it fades up to white. White will be up at the top no matter what the window size. So if you are viewing at 1024x768 you would have the 800px image centered and at the bottem and then when the end of my image is reached going from bottem to top the white at the end of the gradient continues up to the top of the screen, in this case being 168 consdidering the image is 800 heigh. If anyone know even remotely what im doing or how to do it please tell me.

  3. I have to say before hand that you've done some nice work. Critic was done with only IE 6 since at work :)Table site:- Text size might be a bit too small for some people to read.- Link MMORPG News and Contact Us on hover changes the gradient (not sure if was supposed to do that)- copyright at bottom way too small- stylesheet and javascript should be external to save bandwidthCSS site:- Site completely on the right hand side and requires a bit of scrolling- Text size a bit small (see table site)- can only see half of horizontal nav bar- no doctype- javascript should be external (see table site)- padding should be added on the right and left of content text- maybe try another font familyThat should do it. Hopefully this will help you in getting better at web designing :)

    Thanks alot, its nice to be able to have someone tell me where I can improve but if you get a chance please check it in firefox. I had a big problem with IE working with some of that javascript and the alignment not being the same in IE/FireFox. The teacher graded in firefox which is why I made the alignment work for that BUT I know its bad pratice to have it only work in some browsers.
  4. Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am very new to html / CSS/ javascript and this is my first site ive ever made. I was hopeing that perhaps some of the most gifted people could give me some advice on things to change in the future. This page was done for a class of mine but I really wanna know what real world people think about the design, layout, graphics, etc. There is two version of the site because we had to do it useing tables and then useing CSS. Again im new to it all but please anything will help me improve.ThanksTables site: http://sulley.dm.ucf.edu/~jhennessy/DIG3001_MMORPG/CSS site: http://sulley.dm.ucf.edu/~jhennessy/DIG3001_MMORPG_CSS/one last comment, I know they are kinda dark and that I feel was my biggest flaw in the entire site. Idealy I would really have enjoyed doing more pastels with more vector work but didnt have the time to start over once I got going.

  5. Hello,I don't really understand. Would this page be on your root? (domain.com/) Or is it another domain? If the last option, then it would be impossible to do this. You would get an error. Choco

    Yes its another domain, example would be they are viewing my site and in that pagelet it opens www.google.com within that window within my site...not even sure if you can do it but im trying.
  6. Okie, I have the following code im useing to make pagelets if you will for my website. The code im entering is unedited for my needs but it will show you want im trying to do. Basicly the code below makes a window that you can put text/pictures in through javascript that can also minimize/maximize/close/resize. I need it so instead of having pictures/text in this window to actualy load another site not of my own in it: ex(my page) index.html - had pagelet from abovepagelet window - shows website I choose as if I were opening it in a new browers window except a minimized view and when I maximize it. it shows their website within my websites window that I have created with pagelets.I know this is probaly really complex but if anyone can help me PLEASE do so.

    <html><head><title>DHTMLCentral.com - Free Dynamic HTML Scripts - WindowScript Demo</title><meta name="Author" content="Thomas Brattli (webmaster@dhtmlcentral.com)"><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Designer:Thomas Brattli (www.bratta.com)"><meta name="KeyWords" content="DHTML, HTML, Dynamic HTML, Javascript, Cascading Style Sheets, Cross-browser, Cross browser, Javascripts, DOM, Scripts, Free Scripts,window,dragdrop,drag,drop,minimize,maximized,layers,windows,other,"><meta name="Description" content="Dynamic HTML Central - The ultimate place to find DHTML scripts, demos, tutorials and help."><style type="text/css">.clWin{position:absolute; z-index:2; visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden; background-color:blue}.clWindow{position:absolute; background-color:blue; overflow:hidden; z-index:15; width:200}.clWinHead{position:absolute; width:200; top:0; font-family:arial,arial,helvetica; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; color:white; background-color:transparent}.clText{position:absolute; z-index:50; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:11px; background-color:transparent}.clWinResize{position:absolute; z-index:30; width:30; height:30; clip:rect(0,30,30,0); background-image:url(resize.gif); layer-background-image:url(resize.gif)}.clLogo{position:absolute}.clUp{position:absolute; width:12; height:12; z-index:60;}.clDown{position:absolute; width:12; height:12; z-index:60;}.clWinButtons{position:absolute; font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:12px} .style1 {font-size: 24px}</style><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">/**********************************************************************************   WindowScript *   Copyright © 2001 <a href="/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp">Thomas Brattli</a>*   This script was released at DHTMLCentral.com*   Visit for more great scripts!*   This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact!*   We will also appreciate any links you could give us.**   Made by <a href="/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp">Thomas Brattli</a> *********************************************************************************/function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)	this.ver=navigator.appVersion	this.agent=navigator.userAgent	this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0	this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1	this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; 	this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;	this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;	this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6	this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1	this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; 	this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;	this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)	return this}var bw=new lib_bwcheck()var oWin=new Array; oWin.zIndex=10; oWin.dragobj=-1; oWin.resizeobj=-1; oWin.zIndex=100//Start Variables to set ******************************************************************//This script works in IE4+, NS4+ and Opera5. //Just remember that NS4 and Opera5 does not reflow the content when you resize the windows.oWin.bordercolor="#935591" //Remember that you have to change the images as well if you change this coloroWin.bgcolor="red" //Default background coloroWin.bgcoloron="blue"  //The "active" background coloroWin.bgscroll="#C1A9C0" //The background-color for the scroll area"//The rest of the style variables have to be set in the stylesheet above. //To change styles on the text change .clText//If you change these variables I assume you would like to change the images, image sizes and the imagemap for //the windows. If so you'll have to do that manually in the addWindow function for now.oWin.bottomh=10 //The height of the bottom "border"oWin.headh=15 //The height of the head "border"oWin.bordersize=1 //The left and right bordersizeoWin.scrollw=13 //The width of the scroll areaoWin.scrollimgh=12 //The width of the scroll imagesoWin.buttonsw=39 //The width of the buttons imageoWin.resizeh=9 //The width of the resize imgoWin.resizew=13 //The height of the resize imgoWin.starty=5 //If you have a header or something on the page that you want the setWindows and the dragdrop to care about set it here.oWin.defwidth=200 //Default width for the windows if nothing is spesifiedoWin.defheight=200 //Default height for the windows if nothing is spesifiedoWin.between=15 //This variable controls how much space there will be between the windows when you use setWindows//Set this variable to 1 if you want to be able to control the area the windows can be scrolled.oWin.keepinside=0 //VALUE: 1 || 0	oWin.maxX=500 //This is the maximum X value the windows can go to. Set this to "winpage.x2" to keep them inside the window. VALUE: "winpage.x2" || px	oWin.maxY=500 //This is the maximum Y value the windows can go to. Set this to "winpage.y2" to keep them inside the window. VALUE: "winpage.y2" || px	oWin.minX=50 //This is the minimun X value the windows can go to. Set to 0 to keep them inside the window. VALUE: px	oWin.minY=50 //This is the minimum Y value the windows can go to. Set to 0 to keep them inside the window. VALUE: px	//In the next version of this script all variables can be set on each individual window as well//End Variables to set ********************************************************************function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)	this.ver=navigator.appVersion	this.agent=navigator.userAgent	this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0	this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;	this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;	this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;	this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6	this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1	this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1	this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; 	this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;	this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)	return this}var bw=new lib_bwcheck(); //Uncomment the next line if you want the user to be sent to another page if he's using an old browser//if(!bw.bw) location.href='sorry.html'function lib_doc_size(){ //Page positions - needed!	this.x=0;this.x2=bw.ie && document.body.offsetWidth-20||innerWidth||0;	if(bw.ns6) this.x2-=2	this.y=0;this.y2=bw.ie && document.body.offsetHeight-5||innerHeight||0;	if(bw.ns6) this.y2-=4	if(!this.x2||!this.y2) return message('Document has no width or height') 	this.x50=this.x2/2;     this.y50=this.y2/2;	this.x10=(this.x2*10)/100;this.y10=(this.y2*10)/100	this.ytop=140*100/this.y2	this.avail=(this.y2*(100-this.ytop))/100	this.origy=this.y2	return this;}function lib_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x;this.y=y; this.css.left=x;this.css.top=y}function lib_moveBy(x,y){this.moveIt(this.x+x,this.y+y)}function lib_showIt(){this.css.visibility="visible"}function lib_hideIt(){this.css.visibility="hidden"}function lib_bg(color){	if(bw.opera5) this.css.background=color	else if(bw.dom || bw.ie4) this.css.backgroundColor=color	else if(bw.ns4) this.css.bgColor=color  }function lib_clipTo(t,r,b,l,setwidth){ 	if(t<0)t=0;if(r<0)r=0;if(b<0)b=0;if(b<0)b=0	this.ct=t; this.cr=r; this.cb=b; this.cl=l	if(bw.ns4){  this.css.clip.top=t;this.css.clip.right=r  this.css.clip.bottom=b;this.css.clip.left=l	}else if(bw.opera5){this.css.pixelWidth=r; this.css.pixelHeight=b; this.w=r; this.h=b	}else{  this.css.clip="rect("+t+","+r+","+b+","+l+")";  if(setwidth){this.css.width=r; this.css.height=b; this.w=r; this.h=b}	}}function lib_writeIt(text,startHTML,endHTML){	if(bw.ns4){  if(!startHTML){startHTML=""; endHTML=""}  this.ref.open("text/html"); this.ref.write(startHTML+text+endHTML); this.ref.close()	}else this.evnt.innerHTML=text}//Default lib functionsfunction lib_obj(obj,nest,dnest,ddnest,num){	if(!bw.bw) return lib_message('Old browser')	if(!bw.ns4) this.evnt=bw.dom && document.getElementById(obj)||bw.ie4 && document.all[obj]	else{  if(ddnest){this.evnt=document[nest].document[dnest].document[ddnest].document[obj]?document[nest].document[dnest].document[ddnest].document[obj]:0;  }else if(dnest){this.evnt=document[nest].document[dnest].document[obj]?document[nest].document[dnest].document[obj]:0;  }else if(nest){this.evnt=document[nest].document[obj]?document[nest].document[obj]:0;  }else{this.evnt=document.layers[obj]?document.layers[obj]:0;}		}	if(!this.evnt) return lib_message('The layer does not exist ('+obj+') - Exiting script\n\nIf your using Netscape please check the nesting of your tags!')	this.css=bw.dom||bw.ie4?this.evnt.style:this.evnt;  	this.ref=bw.dom||bw.ie4?document:this.css.document;   	this.moveIt=lib_moveIt; this.moveBy=lib_moveBy; 	this.showIt=lib_showIt; this.hideIt=lib_hideIt;	this.bg=lib_bg; this.num=num; this.writeIt=lib_writeIt;  	this.clipTo=lib_clipTo;	this.obj = obj + "Object";  eval(this.obj + "=this")	return this}/*****************************************************************************Creating windows*****************************************************************************/function create_window(i,x,y,w,h,bg,bga){	if(!w) w=oWin.defwidth; if(!h) h=oWin.defheight	if(!bg) bg=oWin.bgcolor; if(!bga) bga=oWin.bgcoloron	oWin[i]=new lib_obj('divWin'+i,"","","",i)	oWin[i].oWindow=new lib_obj('divWindow'+i,'divWin'+i)	oWin[i].oWindow.moveIt(oWin.bordersize,oWin.headh)	oWin[i].oText=new lib_obj('divWinText'+i,'divWin'+i,'divWindow'+i)	oWin[i].oHead=new lib_obj('divWinHead'+i,'divWin'+i)	oWin[i].oButtons=new lib_obj('divWinButtons'+i,'divWin'+i)	oWin[i].oResize=new lib_obj('divWinResize'+i,'divWin'+i)	oWin[i].oHead.evnt.onmouseover=new Function("w_mmover("+i+")")	oWin[i].oHead.evnt.onmouseout=new Function("w_mmout()")	if(!bw.ns4) oWin[i].oHead.evnt.ondblclick=new Function("mdblclick(0,"+i+")")	oWin[i].oResize.evnt.onmouseover=new Function("w_mmover("+i+",1)")	oWin[i].oResize.evnt.onmouseout=new Function("w_mmout()")		if(!bw.ns4){  oWin[i].oHead.css.cursor="move"; oWin[i].oResize.css.cursor="w-resize"  oWin[i].oWindow.css.overflow="hidden"; oWin[i].css.overflow="hidden"  oWin[i].oText.css.overflow="hidden"	}  	oWin[i].defbg=bg; oWin[i].defbga=bga		oWin[i].bg(oWin.bordercolor); oWin[i].oWindow.bg(oWin[i].defbg)	oWin[i].oUp=new lib_obj('divWinUp'+i,'divWin'+i); oWin[i].oDown=new lib_obj('divWinDown'+i,'divWin'+i)	oWin[i].oUp.bg(oWin.bgscroll); oWin[i].oDown.bg(oWin.bgscroll); 	oWin[i].lastx=x;oWin[i].lasty=y;oWin[i].origw=w; oWin[i].origh=h	oWin[i].resize=win_resize;	oWin[i].close=win_close; oWin[i].maximize=win_maximize;	oWin[i].minimize=win_minimize;	oWin[i].regwin=win_regwin; oWin[i].checkscroll=win_checkscroll;	oWin[i].up=win_up;	oWin[i].down=win_down;	oWin[i].addZ=win_addZ;	oWin[i].state="reg"	oWin[i].moveIt(x,y); oWin[i].resize(w,h); oWin[i].checkscroll(); 	if(bw.opera5) setTimeout("oWin["+i+"].resize("+w+","+h+"); oWin["+i+"].showIt()",10)	else oWin[i].showIt()}/*****************************************************************************Window functions *****************************************************************************/function win_regwin(){	this.oResize.css.visibility="inherit"	this.resize(this.origw,this.origh)	this.moveIt(this.lastx,this.lasty)	this.state="reg"; this.addZ()	this.checkscroll()}function win_maximize(){	if(this.state!="max"){  if(this.state!="min"){this.lastx=this.x; this.lasty=this.y}  mw=winpage.x2 - 10; mh=winpage.y2 - 10 - oWin.starty  this.moveIt(5,5+oWin.starty,30,10)  this.resize(mw,mh); this.oResize.showIt(); this.state="max"  this.addZ()	}else this.regwin()}function win_minimize(){	if(this.state!="min"){ couns=0  if(this.state!="max"){this.lastx=this.x; this.lasty=this.y}  y=winpage.y2-oWin.headh; ox=winpage.x2-126; a=0  for(i=0;i<wins;i++){  	x=i*125; ok=a  	if(a*125>ox){if(ox>126) i=0; a=0; y-=oWin.headh; x=0}  	for(j=0;j<wins;j++){    couns++; if(oWin[j].x==x && oWin[j].y==y) a++  	}if(a==ok) break;  }x=a*125;  this.moveIt(x,y); this.oResize.hideIt()  this.state="min"; this.resize(125,oWin.headh)	}else this.regwin()}function win_close(){this.hideIt(); this.oUp.hideIt(); this.oDown.hideIt()}function win_resize(w,h){	this.oButtons.moveIt(w-oWin.buttonsw,0); this.oResize.moveIt(w-oWin.resizew,h-oWin.resizeh)	this.oWindow.clipTo(0,w-oWin.bordersize*2,h-oWin.bottomh-oWin.headh,0,1); this.clipTo(0,w,h,0,1)	this.oHead.clipTo(0,w,oWin.headh,0,1); this.oText.moveIt(2,3)	this.oUp.hideIt(); this.oDown.hideIt()}function win_checkscroll(w,h){	this.oText.height=this.oText.evnt.offsetHeight||this.oText.css.pixelHeight||this.oText.ref.height||0	w=this.cr; h=this.cb	if(this.oText.height>h-oWin.bottomh-oWin.headh && this.state!="min"){  this.oWindow.clipTo(0,w-oWin.scrollw-oWin.bordersize*2,h-oWin.bottomh-oWin.headh,0,1);   this.oUp.moveIt(w-oWin.scrollw,oWin.headh)  this.oUp.clipTo(0,oWin.scrollw-oWin.bordersize,h-oWin.bottomh-oWin.scrollimgh-oWin.headh,0,1);   this.oDown.moveIt(w-oWin.scrollw,h-oWin.bottomh-oWin.scrollimgh)  this.oDown.clipTo(0,oWin.scrollw-oWin.bordersize,oWin.scrollimgh,0,1); this.oUp.showIt()  this.oDown.showIt()	}else{this.oUp.hideIt(); this.oDown.hideIt()}}var sctim=100;var winScroll;function win_up(){	clearTimeout(sctim);	if(this.oText.y>=this.oWindow.cb-this.oText.height-10 && winScroll){  this.oText.moveBy(0,-8);   setTimeout(this.obj+".up()",30)	}}function win_down(){	clearTimeout(sctim);	if(this.oText.y<=0 && winScroll){  this.oText.moveBy(0,8);  setTimeout(this.obj+".down()",30)	}}function noScroll(){clearTimeout(sctim);winScroll=false}function win_addZ(){oWin.zIndex++; this.css.zIndex=oWin.zIndex}/*****************************************************************************Initiating winpage*****************************************************************************/function win_init(){	if(document.layers){  document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.DBLCLICK)  document.ondblclick=mdblclick;	}	document.onmousemove=mmove;document.onmousedown=mdown;document.onmouseup=mup;}/*****************************************************************************Event functions*****************************************************************************/function w_mmover(num,resize){if(!resize) oWin.dragover=num; else oWin.resizeover=num}function w_mmout(){oWin.dragover=-1; oWin.resizeover=-1}function mup(e){ //Mouseup	if((oWin.dragobj!=-1 || oWin.resizeobj!=-1) && oWin.setposition) setPos();	if(oWin.dragobj!=-1){oWin[oWin.dragobj].lastx=oWin[oWin.dragobj].x; oWin[oWin.dragobj].lasty=oWin[oWin.dragobj].y}	oWin.dragobj=-1		if(oWin.resizeobj!=-1){  oWin[oWin.resizeobj].checkscroll()  oWin[oWin.resizeobj].origw=oWin[oWin.resizeobj].cr  oWin[oWin.resizeobj].origh=oWin[oWin.resizeobj].cb  	}else if(bw.ns4) routeEvent(e)  	oWin.resizeobj=-1}function mdown(e){ //Mousedown	x=(bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageX:event.x||event.clientX    y=(bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageY:event.y||event.clientY	if(bw.ie5 || bw.ie6) y+=document.body.scrollTop	id1=oWin.dragover	id2=oWin.resizeover	if(id1>-1 || id2>-1){  if(id2>-1){ id=id2; oWin.resizeobj=id;  }else{   	id=id1; oWin.dragobj=id  	oWin.clickedX=x-oWin[id].x;   	oWin.clickedY=y-oWin[id].y  }  oWin[id].addZ()  //Setting background-colors	  for(i=0;i<wins;i++){  	if(i!=id1&&i!=id2){    oWin[i].oWindow.bg(oWin[i].defbg)  	}else oWin[i].oWindow.bg(oWin[i].defbga)  }	}else if(bw.ns4) routeEvent(e)	if(!bw.ns4) return false    }function mmove(e,y,rresize){ //Mousemove	x=(bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageX:event.x||event.clientX    y=(bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageY:event.y||event.clientY	if(bw.ie5 || bw.ie6) y+=document.body.scrollTop	id1=oWin.dragobj	id2=oWin.resizeobj	if(id2>-1){ //Resize  nx=x; ny=y  oldw=oWin[id2].cr; oldh=oWin[id2].cb  cw= nx -oWin[id2].x; ch= ny - oWin[id2].y  if(cw<120) cw=120; if(ch<100) ch=100  oWin[id2].resize(cw,ch)	}else if(id1>-1){ //Move  nx=x-oWin.clickedX; ny=y-oWin.clickedY  if(ny<oWin.starty) ny=oWin.starty  if(oWin.keepinside){  	if(nx+oWin[id1].cr>eval(oWin.maxX)) nx=eval(oWin.maxX)-oWin[id1].cr  	else if(nx<eval(oWin.minX)) nx=eval(oWin.minX)  	if(ny+oWin[id1].cb>eval(oWin.maxY)) ny=eval(oWin.maxY)-oWin[id1].cb  	else if(ny<eval(oWin.minY)) ny=eval(oWin.minY)  }  oWin[id1].moveIt(nx,ny)  if(oWin[id].state==0){oWin[id].lastx=nx; oWin[id].lasty=ny}	}	if(!bw.ns4) return false      }function mdblclick(e,num){if(num>-1) oWin[num].maximize(); else if(oWin.dragover>-1) oWin[oWin.dragover].maximize()}function setWindows(placeit,rez){	between=oWin.between	oWin.rows=Math.round((wins/3)+0.2)	oWin.columns=1	j=0;a=0;c=0;	for(i=0;i<wins;i++){  if(j==oWin.columns-1){  	oWin.columns=wins-a<3?wins-a:wins-a==4?2:3  	if(wins!=1 && a!=0) c++; j=0  }else if(a!=0) j++  oWin[i].origw=(winpage.x2-between-(between*oWin.columns))/oWin.columns   oWin[i].origh=((winpage.y2-3-oWin.starty-(between*oWin.rows))/oWin.rows)  oWin[i].lastx=oWin[i].origx=oWin[i].origw*(j)+(between*j)+between  oWin[i].lasty=oWin[i].origy=oWin[i].origh*c+(between*c) + oWin.starty  oWin[i].resize(oWin[i].origw,oWin[i].origh); oWin[i].moveIt(oWin[i].lastx,oWin[i].lasty)  oWin[i].showIt(); a++;	}}/*****************************************************************************Adding window to winpage!*****************************************************************************/var lastx,lasty,lastw,lasthfunction addWindow(heading,content,x,y,w,h,bg,bga){	var num=oWin.length; wins=num+1; var str=""	str+='<div id="divWin'+num+'" class="clWin">\n'	str+='<div class="clLogo"><img alt="Window Script from DHTMLCentral.com" src="win_logo.gif" width="19" height="18" alt="" border="0" align="top"></div>\n'	+'<div id="divWinHead'+num+'" class="clWinHead">       '+heading+'</div>\n'	+'<div id="divWinButtons'+num+'" class="clWinButtons">\n'  +'<map name="map'+num+'">\n'  	+'<area shape="rect" coords="26,2,35,11" href="#" alt="Window Script from DHTMLCentral.com"  onclick="oWin['+num+'].close(); return false">\n'  	+'<area shape="rect" coords="14,2,23,11" href="#" alt="Window Script from DHTMLCentral.com"  onClick="oWin['+num+'].maximize(); return false">\n'  	+'<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,11,11" href="#" alt="Window Script from DHTMLCentral.com"  onClick="oWin['+num+'].minimize(); return false">\n'  +'</map>\n'  +'<img usemap="#map'+num+'" alt="Window Script from DHTMLCentral.com"  src="buttons.gif" width="38" height="14" alt="" border="0">\n'	+'</div>\n'	+'<div id="divWinResize'+num+'" class="clWinResize">\n'	+'</div>\n'	+'<div id="divWindow'+num+'" class="clWindow">\n'  +'<div id="divWinText'+num+'" class="clText">'	if(content){  str+=content+'</div>\n'  +'</div>\n'  +'<div id="divWinUp'+num+'" class="clUp"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmouseover="winScroll=1; oWin['+num+'].down();"  onmouseout="noScroll()"><img src="arrow_up.gif" width="11" height="12" alt="" border="0"></a></div>\n'  +'<div id="divWinDown'+num+'" class="clDown"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmouseover="winScroll=1; oWin['+num+'].up();" onmouseout="noScroll()"><img src="arrow_down.gif" width="11" height="12" alt="" border="0"></a></div>\n'  +'</div>'	}	document.write(str)	if(content) create_window(num,x,y,w,h,bg,bga)}function endWin(){	num=wins-1	str='\n</div>\n'	+'</div>\n'  +'<div id="divWinUp'+num+'" class="clUp"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmouseover="winScroll=1; oWin['+num+'].down();"  onmouseout="noScroll()"><img src="arrow_up.gif" width="11" height="12" alt="" border="0"></a></div>\n'  +'<div id="divWinDown'+num+'" class="clDown"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmouseover="winScroll=1; oWin['+num+'].up();" onmouseout="noScroll()"><img src="arrow_down.gif" width="11" height="12" alt="" border="0"></a></div>\n'	+'</div>'	return str}</script></head><body marginleft="0" marginheight="0"><!-- START DELETE --><div style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0"><a href="#" onClick="self.close(); return false"><img src="/images/logo.gif" width="165" height="54" alt="" border="0" alt="Click to close window"></a></div><br><br><br><!-- END DELETE --><script>win_init()winpage=new lib_doc_size()/*Arguments for the AddWindow function:heading  - Heading for the windowcontent - The content for the windowleft - The left position for the windowtop - The top position for the windowwidth - The width of the windowheight - The height of the windowbgcolor - If you want another backgroundcolor for only this window you can spesify that herebgcoloron - If you want another active backgroundcolor for only this window you can spesify that hereThere are 2 ways of adding windows.1. Use the addWindows and send the content as a variable or as a string:*///VARIABLEcn2="<h3>This is content!</h3>So is this.<br><br>More content is coming right up!<br>More content is coming right up! More content is coming right up!<br><br><br>More content is coming right up! More content is coming right up!"addWindow("Test window 2",cn2,100,100,250,300,"green","silver")//String - With all variablesaddWindow("Test window 1","My - content - my - content - my content",300,150,100,200)</script><!--2. Start the window first and then close it, that way you can have regular HTML in between.I had to make some strange workaround to get this to work correctly in Netscape4, but it should work:--><script>//Start windowaddWindow("Test window 2")</script><!-- Content for the window goes in here --><span class="style1">My content, my content my content My content, my content my content</span>My content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my contentMy content, my content my content My content, my content my content<script>//End windowdocument.write(endWin())//Create window (this have to be done manually. Just leave wins-1 in there)create_window(wins-1,400,400,300,300)</script><script>//Placing windows.//setWindows()</script><a href="#" onClick="setWindows(); return false">setWindows()</a>hello</body></html>

    EDIT: Thank goodness for codebox :)Please dont use codebox, makes its VERY hard to read over code.Choco says that we need to use codebox. Whoever wants to help can copy and past the code into a text editor and then read it. It deforms the page otherwise.

  7. Im trying to figure out how to make small windows for news etc on my website that people can move/close/minimize/maximize etc. I found a page that has sorta what im looking for and it is:http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/index.aspThey have 6 of the windows but im only looking to do it with two. If anyone knows how to do this and or good resources on how to do it please tell me.

  8. On another note, only the first page is really "done" but any advice/options would be greatfully appreciated! Also can anyone tell me when on the main page the three pictures on the right are aligned in IE but the top one is off in Firefox?

  9. Okie this is my first site ive ever done so bear with me on this one. If you go to my page at http://sulley.dm.ucf.edu/~jhennessy/DIG3001_MMORPG/ and click on "The Games" tab scroll down till you see the dark age of camelot logo. The problem is in the table I have it aligned center as you will see here:

     <td height="148" align="left" valign="top"><div align="center"><img src="Images/DAOC_Logo.jpg" alt="DAOC Logo" width="385" height="132" /></td>

    The problem comes when it doesnt align the logo from top to bottem. If anyone could please tell me how to align it in the middle of the box please do so. I also tryed making a container/style up at the top if you look at my source. It is style 9 and I just tryed putting:

    .style9 {	margin-top:10px;}

    and then putting it in with a <div class="style9"> but that didnt even effect it... Please help!

  10. nm, got it with this:<th width="200" height="25" scope="col"></a href><a href="#" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Contact Us','','Images/Contact_Us_Button_Over.jpg',1)" onclick="self.location='mailto:jburns@htmlgoodies.com'" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"><img src="Images/Contact_Us_Button.jpg" alt="Contact Us" name="Contact Us" width="200" height="25" border="0" id="Contact Us" /></a></th> </table></td>

  11. Actually, don't remove the anchor, add this<th width="200" height="25" scope="col"><a href="java script:void(0)" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Contact Us','','Images/Contact_Us_Button_Over.jpg',1);self.location='mailto:jburns@htmlgoodies.com'" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"><img src="Images/Contact_Us_Button.jpg" alt="Contact Us" name="Contact Us" width="200" height="25" border="0" id="Contact Us" /></a></th>

    Okie that works but I wanna make it so it only opens e-mail when they click rather then mouse over. Sorry I should have said that before.
  12. Remove the anchor and add this onmouseover to your current one.<input type="button" value="Hover"onmouseover="self.location='mailto:jburns@htmlgoodies.com'">EDIT use self.location

    Can you show me where in the script I posted it would go, I think I know what you mean but not positive.
  13. I am new to html/javascript but what I currently have the following:<th width="200" height="25" scope="col"></a href><a href="#" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Contact Us','','Images/Contact_Us_Button_Over.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"><img src="Images/Contact_Us_Button.jpg" alt="Contact Us" name="Contact Us" width="200" height="25" border="0" id="Contact Us" /></a></th>Its a simple rollover from one image to another but instead of linking to another page I would like it to link to my e-mail. Ive tryed many things but no dice, please help if you can and thanks.

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