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Posts posted by andunny

  1. echo "      <font color=\"$text\" size=\"1\">Times are in $timezone</font>";  echo " </table>";//End of Master Table//Begin Content Table(sorry css fans:{)  echo '<iframe id="ifrm" name="ifrm" src="http://www.4studios.net/weblog/index.html" scrolling="no"';  echo 'width="500" height="100%" frameborder="0">';  echo '</iframe>';

    when i turn scrolling on, only the iframe scrolls which aint the desired effectmaybe a height variable?**if the page says the server is down: refresh f5

  2. Looking at a page/tutorial on SSI made me curl up into the fetal position and cry out for jesus. I only know some basic php stuff. Infact that php script im running looks ok but is actually still pretty far from done/working correctly.ssi sounds like a great idea though... add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.im not even sure what i just said there...let alone if its what im trying to do.I really dont mind looks(of the code anyway) or standards or browser compatability(except the psp's). This is just a fun page for me and my friends.Just want the whole blog page to show up and to be able to scroll the entire page from the far right side of the screen.I know it can be done...HELP!!

  3. Howdy, Take a look at my site TrainstationRight now ive got a php script that gets all the info from my server, echoing out an iframe that holds the index page of my moveable type blog.Reasons why that sucks. 1. The page reloads every 190 seconds to refresh the data, but its also refreshing the blog info and thats a waste.2. I cant get the entire length of the blog to show up in the iframe.as of right now number two is just beyond me.banner image on the root of the pageiframe under it calling the php script????I want to be able to scroll everything all the way down to the bottom of my blog and in the distant future id like to add a link bar...small only 3 links(see banner image)yeah...thats my problem wish i were smarter any help guys would be greatly greatly appreciatedthanks

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