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Jack McKalling

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Posts posted by Jack McKalling

  1. If you have made your site, but want to upload it to the Internet without having an empty wallet, go to Dhost.info.It is for European sites ONLYBut is is FREE, and without any annoying adds, banners or flash movies automatically inserted to your pages. Even not after trial. There is NO trial :)At this very moment the submissions have been closed temporarily though because of the submissions running into thousands. After all those applications have been approved or rejected you may submit your sites request. When approved, you get the host, but still need a FTP program to upload your site, eg. FTP Commander.After upload, without a domain, your site will be something like:http://dhost.info/Your_SiteName/Have fun! (BTW, this server is not mine :) )

  2. It would be a little more advanced than average, but i'll explain some bits that might be used:An area with display="none"<span onclick="do display the area, but only if not already there">linky</span>areas content will be the form you want :(Am I not too difficult? :) It is just a SPAN, that displays a form area, and hides it after second click :)

  3. In Xhtml tutorial, it says the "name" attribute has been replaced by the "id" attribute. In HTML4 specification also I guess.In Xhtml it is not prohibited to use HTML forms instead of Xforms. But in there, in HTML forms the "name" attribute is all over the place :) What to do with it?What does the replacement mean for the use of it in HTML forms when using Xhtml transitional?

  4. But the capitalisation is not necessary, you may if you want,but for future use it is recommended to use lowercase elements and attributes. See the Xhtml tut HERE.So this would be nice:

    <html>  <head>    <title> Your Name </title>  (any other tags you want to include)  </head>  <body>  (any other tags you want to include)  </body></html>
  5. Edit: correction, two little ones :)Seeing the forums, the QUOTE button has a blue border.The rest don't, so I assume there is a difference between the definition of those images and this one?It can change from a "+" sign into a "-" sign but does not do anything.Second, the "Proceding, wait a moment"-page has its content left-aligned, which may look better when centered? :( not? :)

  6. Very much I like it! Also all the rest of the tutorials. Very good indeed :)But for PHP, comparing it with the other tuts, there are only syntax lessons and some references to functions on a other site... Why can't we learn more? :(:)

  7. Hello, good to see you :) *correction, read*FunLinks is my own site. It can be found here, and is Dutch. Click hereBut it has been shut down for the time being.I want to have a visitor counter, which I have but not implemented on the site yet, and it has a bug to be fixed. Can any one help me with the following?

    Count = "<?php$txtbestand = "bezoekers.txt";$content = fopen ($txtbestand, "r");$num = fgets ($content, 1000);fclose ($content);echo ($num);?>"
    It should result as:
    Count = "7"
    As for the blue, is some number in file "bezoekers.txt".It leaves the quotes blank :)Ps.: the file that was opened consists of only that number.
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