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Everything posted by benjy355

  1. How do you put/place a WYSIWYG editor into your html/php page?
  2. What do you mean 'get' a folder? Like grab a folder from a site?
  3. benjy355


    Schweet, I've been looking to do something with my spare time. I'll help you no problem.benjy355@gmail.com^__^ I'm pretty experienced... (Any actions I don't know how to do I look in 1 of my 20 references) :)As far as I know, PHP is easy once you can start remembering techniques and functions.
  4. Let's say PHP died on the server hosting you (for free, so no real tech support >_>) and the host is constantly busy, away, or sleeping... Is it possible to install PHP into a sub-domain of yours?-KThx(If not I'm going to try Remote Desktop some more )
  5. Oh it's possible to crack absolutely everything. Some things would just take long enough to a point where no single person could solve it in the time they would be alive. (Or they would fry their brain )
  6. You didn't end your form tag, that may cause problems.Why have a separate function to do move_uploaded_file()? <?php $upload_file = $upload_class->upload_file_with_validation(); ?>
  7. >_> I don't think you need a base path when checking to see if a file exists. $nr = 0;$folder = 'images/';$fn = $_FILES['lostimage']['name']; //Why you have '_{$nr}' is oblivious to meif (file_exists($folder . $filename . "_" . $nr)){ while (file_exists($folder . $filename . $nr)) { $nr++; } //move_uploaded_file($_FILES['lostimage']['tmp_name'], $basepath . $filename);} Are you moving the uploaded file? move_uploaded_file($_FILES['lostimage']['tmp_name'], $basepath . $filename);//move_uploaded_file(File temp name, path to new file (including filename)) The error I saw with your file_exists loop was that inside of it, $nr would be increased JUST for the name, and the variable would stay at 0.So if you increase $nr and check if the filename + _$nr exists, the variable will stay increased.
  8. Hehehe,spend($income, array('videogames', 'computerstuff', 'ninjagear');PHP would return "Unexpected ';' expecting ')' on line 11 of omfglolwtfbbq.php"
  9. It's working now I needed to fix that for my uploads page
  10. benjy355

    Quick Questions

    For a little while now, I've seen the =& operator in some PHP codes, and honestly, I have no idea what the frick' it means.And I don't know what $var-> means either >_> (The ->)
  11. CreateError(); is a function I made for posting errors without stopping everything and ruining the page >_>The database structure is: (phpMyAdmin ftw!)
  12. A query I'm using is returning no errors and no database update! $qtxt = "INSERT INTO site_uploads (uid, title, desc, file, uploaded) VALUES ('" . $UserID . "', '" . $Data[1] . "', '" . $Data[2] . "', '" . $_FILES['uploaded']['name'] . "', '" . date("Y-m-d") . "')";mysql_query($qtxt) or CreateError("Could not query database: " . mysql_error()); Anybody know why this is happening? After I printed the query this was basically what came up: (no errors I can see) INSERT INTO site_uploads (uid, title, desc, file, uploaded) VALUES ('1', 'Notepad 2', 'Try it!', 'Notepad 2.zip', '2006-08-03')
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