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heidi elkinton

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Posts posted by heidi elkinton

  1. OK. So if your going for a fixed side nav and scroll content like frames...you'd want something like this...in your style sheet...
    #leftmenu{width:px;                 height:auto;// smaller then full screen height...otherwise you'll                                  // never see the full link bar..                 position:fixed;                 float:left;}#content{width:px;               height:auto;               float:right;}in html..<div id="leftmenu"><a href="#">Link</a>etc.</div><div id="content">Welcome to this site...</div>

    havent tried it :) and if it is wrong (..please dont shout....) then tell me and i'll actually test it.. but that should....work if that is the desired effect you're after.If not then I didn't understand first few posts...

    I am new at this and am not sure I know what you are talking about. I can fiddle with it tomorrow. What do you think about what I have done so far. Like I said. Their are no links yet but I am just starting my home page over. Here is the link to my new page www.littleflowergoldens.com/littleflowernew/index1.html and her is my old frames site ,www.littleflowergoldens.com, I am trying to change from frames to CSS
  2. OK...I don't think I know exactly what you want to do..make a copy of your frames site...but with css?. If this is your site...then check out your 'contact' link...your using a hover image...except your 'src' is going to the wrong place..or you've moved the image...take a look and you'll see what i mean.
    I haven't linked any pages yet. I just started with my home page. You are correct about doing a frames page but with css. I know about the image. I have to put it in. I am new at this css stuff and in fact have used frontpage for everything until about six motnhs ago. I only use frontpage now to view and that's all. Heidi
  3. I tried and tried but I can't seem to get my menu fixed to look like my frames site. Here is my frames site www.littleflowergoldens.com and her is the practice page I am trying to make a fixed menu with using the sitepoint book Titled The CSS Anthology www.littleflowergoldens.com/littleflowernew/index2.html I tried to get on their forum but they won't send an activation e-mail. Can anyone help. Thanks, Heidi
    I did figure it out but now I have 29 errors so I guess I have more work. Thank you so much. Check it out at www.littleflowergoldens.com/littleflowernew/index1.html
  4. I tried and tried but I can't seem to get my menu fixed to look like my frames site. Here is my frames site www.littleflowergoldens.com and her is the practice page I am trying to make a fixed menu with using the sitepoint book Titled The CSS Anthology www.littleflowergoldens.com/littleflowernew/index2.html I tried to get on their forum but they won't send an activation e-mail. Can anyone help. Thanks, Heidi

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