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Posts posted by CStrauss

  1. yea i sent another message i figured out the problem sorta it never was this way before specially few weeks ago i know its not a server problem but when people sign up for the site they get 0 for normal user level 1 for admin and 2 for mod for some reason it got changed to where you have to be a 1 or 2 post. Never was that way before so the bigger problem is some how thing got changed weather i did something accedently during a 2 am programming session or whatever now i just need to go back and check how people login and trace the way up from there. its kinda of a mess but its a start.On the other note of removing the form and nested form info i didnt know that. I know why thats there mainly for a cheap css style lol but maybe causing another problem i came across dealing with forms. I will deffently try that fist maybe that some how will magiclly fix the person having to be logged in as admin or mod to post stuff but i doubt it but never hurts to trythanks so much justsomeguy for all your help

  2. Okay I written my own script to allow people to upload screen shots of a game we play online. However the strange thing is I seem to be the only one to get it to work when I upload screen shots. The screen shots when taken are saved as jpg format so that is not the problem but when everyone else trys it for some reason triggers the error parts of the code not allowing them to process the screen shots and upload them to the site.Now I have used this script for years and worked fine until I switch hosting company. Then It worked for a bit now all of a sudden everyone gets errors saying the title field is missing or if i comment out that part of valdation code it says the file is field is not filled out and so on. So my thinking could this be something with the server on the host. I know my hosting company recently did some upgrading on the sever a few weeks ago, roughly the same time this problem started, but then again why am I the only one being allowed to upload images to my website and everyone else is getting field validation errors??????Below is the processing code I use to store the information in a database then move the file to a folder on the sever. Can some one look it over and perhaps see something I'm missing. Or if they have had a similar problem before with their hosting company give me ideas of what this abnormally could be. I though at first the person was doing something wrong but then about 10 other people tell me they have the same problem so I know this to be more then user error on their part.

    <?php	myheader(" - Uploading Image");		$userFile = $_FILES['imgFile']['name'];	$tempName = $_FILES['imgFile']['tmp_name'];	$fileSize = $_FILES['imgFile']['size'];	$fileType = $_FILES['imgFile']['type'];	$date = date("Y-m-d");	$title = $_POST['title'];	$description = $_POST['description'];	$username = $_POST['username'];	$gallery = $_POST['gallery'];	$viewed = 0;	$userFile = $username.$userFile;		// Check For Required Fields to be filled in before procesing	if(empty($title)){		$error = "<p>Error Missing Title Field! Please Use The Browser Back Button And Fill Out All Required Fields.</p>";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';		footer($footer);		exit();	}	if(empty($_FILES['imgFile']['name'])){		$error = "<p>Error Missing Image Field! Please Use The Browser Back Button And Make Sure You Selected An Image To Upload.</p>";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';		footer($footer);				exit();	}	// Check For Correct File Type	$UPLOAD_TYPES['JPG'] = 1;	$UPLOAD_TYPES['JPEG'] = 1;	$UPLOAD_TYPES['GIF'] =1;	$arrSegments = split('[.]',$userFile);	$strExtension = $arrSegments[count($arrSegments) -1];		if($GLOBALS['UPLOAD_TYPES'][strtoupper($strExtension)] !=1)	{		$error = "<p>Error! File Type Is Not Correct. Make Sure Your Uploading .jpg or .gif files only or you left this		field empty. Please use your browser back button and correct errors.</p>";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';		footer($footer);				exit();	}	// Check File Size	if($fileSize > 524288){		$error = "<p>Error! Image size is greater then 512kb. Please reduce file size and try to upload again.</p>";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';		footer($footer);				exit();	} // End File Size IF		//Path to where images are stored 	$MOVE_TO_PATH = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/gallery/';		//Moves Images to folders	if (! move_uploaded_file($tempName, $MOVE_TO_PATH . $userFile))	{		$error = "<p>Error! Could Not Upload Image. Please Try Again Later.</p>";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';		footer($footer);		exit();	}		$query = "insert into gallery values(NULL, '$title', '$description', '$date', '$userFile', '$MOVE_TO_PATH', '$username', '$gallery', '$viewed')";		$result = mysql_query($query);				if ($result)		{			if($gallery == "ffxi"){			$message = '<p>Image uploaded successfully. To return to gallery click'.			'<a href="screenshots.php"> here</a></p>';			include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/message_page.html';			footer($footer);			exit();			}			if($gallery == "Member"){			$message = '<p>Image uploaded successfully. To return to gallery click'.			'<a href="membergallery.php"> here</a></p>';			include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/message_page.html';						footer($footer);			exit();			}		}		else		{     		$error =  "<p>Error inserting your information into MySQL: ".mysql_error()."</p>";			include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/errors_page.html';			footer($footer);			exit();		}		?>

    As you can see its a simple piece of code I have used in the past with no problems. So this is why im so complexed about the problem anyone have any idea please post a reply on what I can do to figure out if this is a sever problem or maybe something im missing in my code i might have missed when adding this code to my existing site. Thanks for the help in advance

  3. Yes I know what that means but it just makes no sense because if I remove my phpbb code (the code in red) in the login box code it works perfectly fine. There is nothing being printed to output at all in that code. all its doing is querying a database and updating data. This all leading me to believe it has something to do with the cookies and something in the phpbb sessions.php file on lines 182 and 183.I did modify that include on the login.php script on the first line that wasnt even suppose to be there but that didnt belong there that part was moved down to the else statment where login failed cause of wrong user name and password. and still had the same problem. It only seems to appear when I have cookies selected which points back to lines 182 and 183. If i remove my phpbb login code it works fine with cookies no warnings no errors. Im not sure about how the ob_start would work. And I don't see how adding code that produces no output but only querys and updates database would cause header errors. There must be something else Im missing?

  4. Hmmmm sounds like its not so much a php coding problem but more along the lines with the way your 4 other table fields are set up. Check to make sure they can accept the right type of data for example varchar, text, ect and make sure the length is set for those fields if length is 0 it probably wont except data. Thats all I can think of for now maybe you can post your table set up how you have your fields define and we can see more of what is going on those 4 tables that are not excepting the data.

  5. Okay I been working on my login script for a few months I got my script working perfectly (so far) to work with an option for members to use the a remember feature. Now I'm working on intergrating my login system with PHPBB login so when a user logs into my site it goes through the login in process from my site and then it checks to see if they are signed up for PHPBB if not it basicly copies their login info from my main login to PHPBB database and logs them in.This works perfectly if they choose the option not to be remember on my login system and basicly use session for this visit to my site. However if they login and check the remember to use cookies it still works as far as loging them in to my site as well as the PHPBB but it gives me a nasty little headers error that points to some cookies in the in the PHPBB files. here is the error message:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/cstrauss/layout.php:17) in /hsphere/local/home/cstrauss/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 182Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/cstrauss/layout.php:17) in /hsphere/local/home/cstrauss/phpBB2/includes/sessions.php on line 183

    However at first after login or in this case since its using cookies everything appears fine until I click on a link or refresh the page then the message appears in my login box where when login displays user name and logout option.I will all the login code as well as the PHPBB code refrenced in the above warning message in hopes someone can help me figure out how to fix. Usually I dont have a problem solving header problems but this one got me puzzled.Login Box Code.Code in red is the phpbb code in question

    <?php	if(isset($_COOKIE['login'])){		$user = $_COOKIE['user'];		$password = $_COOKIE['password'];		$validate = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user' AND	        		password = '$password' AND activated = '1'");		if(mysql_num_rows($validate) == 1){			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($validate)){				$_SESSION['login'] = true;				$_SESSION['userid'] = $row['userid'];				$_SESSION['email_address'] = $row['email_address'];				$_SESSION['user'] = $row['username'];				// PHPBB Variables				$password  = $row['password'];				$activated = $row['activated'];				$userName = $_SESSION['user'];				if($row['user_level'] == 1){					$_SESSION['user_level'] = true;				} // End If					$login_time = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=now(),			ip_address = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' WHERE userid='{$row['userid']}'");				//include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/quick_stats.php';			} // End While				[color="#FF0000"]/*Check phpbb tables for user, update tables and login*/			$phpbb_user = mysql_query("Select * FROM phpbb_users										WHERE username = '{$_SESSION['user']}'");						if(mysql_num_rows($phpbb_user)==1){			   $phpBB = new PHPBB_Login();			   $phpBB->login($_SESSION['userid']);			}else{				$userName=$_SESSION['user'];				$email_address = $_SESSION['email_address'];				$user_id = $_SESSION['userid'];							$sql = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users(user_id,username, user_regdate,					 user_password, user_email)VALUES('$user_id','$userName','".time()."','$password','$email_address')");				$phpBB = new PHPBB_Login();				$phpBB->login($_SESSION['userid']);			}[/color]							}// End If		echo '<form><p>Welcome '.$_SESSION['user'].'</p>'.		'<p>To Logout <a href = "logout.php"> click here</a></p>';			if($_SESSION['user_level'] == true){			echo '<p><a href="/controlpanel.php">Administration Panel</a></p></form>';		}					}elseif(isset($_SESSION['login'])){			//include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/quick_stats.php';			echo '<form><p>Welcome '.$_SESSION['user'].'</p>'.		'<p>To Logout <a href = "logout.php"> click here</a></p>';		if($_SESSION['user_level'] == true){			echo '<p><a href="/controlpanel.php">Administration Panel</a></p></form>';		}							}else{					//include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/quick_stats.php';	?>		<form action="/login.php" method="post"> 			<p>Username:<input type="text" name="username" value="" /></p>			<p>Password:<input type="password" name="password" value="" /></p>			<p><input type="image" name="imagefield1" id="imagefield1" src="images/subpage1_06.gif"  />			<input type="hidden" name="req" value="validate"  />			<input type="checkbox" name="remember" checked="checked" />Remember Me! </p>		</form><?php } ?>

    My Login ScriptThis is the script that runs if they are logging in to the site for the first time with remember me set or not. If its not set it works fine with no problems, im assuming because no cookies are set but if remember me is checked the same problem occurs with the the header warnings in my login in box. Again I used red text for the phpbb code if that helps any

    <?phpinclude $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout.php';$req = (!isset($_REQUEST['req'])) ? 'default' : $_REQUEST['req'];switch($req){case "validate":	$validate = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{$_POST['username']}' AND		password = md5('{$_POST['password']}') AND activated = '1'");			if(mysql_num_rows($validate) == 1){		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($validate)){			if(isset($_POST['remember'])){				setcookie("login",true,time()+60*60*24*100,"/");                				setcookie("user",$row['username'],time()+60*60*24*100,"/");				setcookie("password",$row['password'],time()+60*60*24*100,"/");				//setcookie("admin_access",$row['admin_access'],time()+60*60*24*100,"/");				$_SESSION['login'] = true;				$_SESSION['userid'] = $row['userid'];				$_SESSION['first_name'] = $row['first_name'];				$_SESSION['last_name'] = $row['last_name'];				$_SESSION['email_address'] = $row['email_address'];				$_SESSION['user'] = $row['username'];				// PHPBB Variables				$password  = $row['password'];				$activated = $row['activated'];				$userName = $_SESSION['user'];								if($row['user_level'] == 1){					$_SESSION['user_level'] =true;				}// End If			}else{						$_SESSION['login'] = true;				$_SESSION['userid'] = $row['userid'];				$_SESSION['first_name'] = $row['first_name'];				$_SESSION['last_name'] = $row['last_name'];				$_SESSION['email_address'] = $row['email_address'];				$_SESSION['user'] = $row['username'];				// PHPBB Variables				$password  = $row['password'];				$activated = $row['activated'];				$userName = $_SESSION['user'];								if($row['user_level'] == 1){					$_SESSION['user_level'] =true;				} // End If			} // End Else			$login_time = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=now(),			ip_address = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' WHERE id='{$row['id']}'");		}// End While				[color="#FF0000"]/*Check phpbb tables for user, update tables and login*/		$phpbb_user = mysql_query("Select * FROM phpbb_users									WHERE username = '{$_SESSION['user']}'");				if(mysql_num_rows($phpbb_user)==1){		   $phpBB = new PHPBB_Login();		   $phpBB->login($_SESSION['userid']);		}else{			$userName=$_SESSION['user'];			$email_address = $_SESSION['email_address'];			$user_id = $_SESSION['userid'];					$sql = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users(user_id,username, user_regdate,				 user_password, user_email)VALUES('$user_id','$userName','".time()."','$password','$email_address')");			$phpBB = new PHPBB_Login();			$phpBB->login($_SESSION['userid']);		}[/color]	 header("Location: /index.php");   // echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="4;url=http://localhost/index.php">';    		}else{		myheader(" - Login Failed!");		$page_header = "Login Failed!";		include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/login_failed.html';		footer($footer);	}break;default:break;}?>

    The PHPBB Code Refrenced IN The Warning MessageHere is the code from the phpbb sessions file that is refrenced in the warning message the lines in red are the line numbers outputed in the warning message.There is more code before and after this block of code but to save posting space for now i just showed this block if more is needed I can post the full code in another post if that helps.

    	if ( $user_id != ANONYMOUS )	{// ( $userdata['user_session_time'] > $expiry_time && $auto_create ) ? $userdata['user_lastvisit'] : ( 		$last_visit = ( $userdata['user_session_time'] > 0 ) ? $userdata['user_session_time'] : $current_time; 		$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " 			SET user_session_time = $current_time, user_session_page = $page_id, user_lastvisit = $last_visit			WHERE user_id = $user_id";		if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )		{			message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Error updating last visit time', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);		}		$userdata['user_lastvisit'] = $last_visit;		$sessiondata['autologinid'] = ( $enable_autologin && $sessionmethod == SESSION_METHOD_COOKIE ) ? $auto_login_key : '';		$sessiondata['userid'] = $user_id;	}	$userdata['session_id'] = $session_id;	$userdata['session_ip'] = $user_ip;	$userdata['session_user_id'] = $user_id;	$userdata['session_logged_in'] = $login;	$userdata['session_page'] = $page_id;	$userdata['session_start'] = $current_time;	$userdata['session_time'] = $current_time;	[color="#FF0000"]setcookie($cookiename . '_data', serialize($sessiondata), $current_time + 31536000, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);	setcookie($cookiename . '_sid', $session_id, 0, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);[/color]	$SID = 'sid=' . $session_id;	return $userdata;}

    If anyone can help me figure out how to fix these header warnings I would appreciate it. I could however surpress the error message because the script seems to work fine as far as loging in to main site and phpbb and adding user to phpbb if they are not in database as well as show user name in login box. But that wouldnt be the most professional thing to do so I'm hoping someone has a solution cause im just about tapped out of ideas :) thanks for taking the time to read this long post and your help

  6. Are there any spaces between the links? Or is there just the links, and | inbetween?Try adding at least one space between each of the links. I read somewhere that if there isn't a space between content inside of a div, then it won't add a new line. So if I put this in a div:and there wasn't enough room for all of it in the div, then it wouldn't add a line break if I remember correctly. Hopefully that may work.
    Strange....it worked lol but seems kinda of silly something so simple causes so much stress lol. Thanks for the help i was going through every property possible in css to try to make it work and all i had to do is add the   before and after my links to get it to work. Any how thanks for the help
  7. I been fighting with this for a few days now before i thought it was something with my layout but it seems its the links being placed in between my div tags. The links keep overflowing to the right stretching my div tag out instead of the next links being moved down to the next line when the end of the width of the div tag is reached. To see what I mean here is a picture.helpimage.jpgI added a border around the div tag so you can see where the links should end and move down to the next line. At first I thought it might be something in the style sheet since im using a template I purchased, but I added normal text in the div tag and it worked just fine so process of elimination says its something with the links and how they are being outputed. So I'm asking if anyone has any solution on how i can correct this so it does not overflow like it is in the picture above.Thank you for your help

  8. If your using a hosting company then you will have to contact them to do this for you, since you manually dont have access to this file on their servers.Now if its a server you have access too then you just need to find the php.ini file open it and change this line to the value you want.

    ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.upload_max_filesize = 2M

  9. This sorta relates to another problem I posted in a diffrent forum topic, But I think alot has to do with the way I set up my database incorrectly. Basicly Im trying to set up my database to work like this store front.Click Here.Now as you can see you click one of the links and it shows more links with sub categories then click on of those to display the items related to that sub cat.Now i never set up a database of this magnitude so im a little lost on how to set up my tables. One tricky part is a single item in the database could relate to many diffrent categories . So product A could be used with Product B And C. Get my point?I been sitting down with a pencil and paper for days trying to figure out the relationship to my tables to achieve the above store front effect. So If anyone can help me get started on how my database should be set up I would appreciate it.Thanks

  10. Stick quotes around what my variables? they are already of type string when they are passed via the link i thought?What im trying to do if click on the link Victoria 3 it passes a varaible $item as Victoria 3 and itemType = 1 then performs a query and searches through the tags field for all items with Victoria 3. then display the item_name of those items.so im not sure what you mean by stick quotes around.

  11. Hmmmm I changed my code as you suggested and that didnt seem to work, your explination makes perfect sence to me but I changed my code replacing:if(stripos($item,$search) !== false){With:if($item==$search){And now I get no results when before I got something regardless they were incorrect. lol neither is acceptable but I rather see something then nothing when putting something together if you know what i mean,Any how here is my database scheme with two rows of sample data maybe it will help me get help.poser_item

    item_id				  item_name				   item_type	 vendor		  tags-------			  ------------					-----------	 ---------		 -----1					 Victoria Cloths					 1		   nobody		 Victoria,V1,V2,Clothing,Texture2					 Victoria 3 Cloths				  1		   somebody	 Victoria 3,V3,Clothing,Texture3					 Nice Cloths						1			nobody		  Aiko 3,Victoria 3,V3,A3,Clothing,Texture

    Thats the basics of my table. Now for my full code:

    <?phpinclude $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/database.php';$req = (!isset($_REQUEST['req'])) ? 'default' : $_REQUEST['req'];switch($req){	// 1=Figures 2=propscase "1":	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sub_cat_table WHERE itemType=$req ORDER BY sub_catName ");	if(!$sql){		echo "Error Performing MySQL Query:".mysql_error();	}else{		while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){			stripslashes(extract($row));			echo '<div style="display:inline;"><a href="inventory.php?req=display&itemType='.$itemType.'&item='.$_GET['item'].'&cat='.$sub_catName.'">'.$sub_catName.'</a> </div>';		}	}		// Display All Items For Selected Item	$search_array = array($_GET['item']);	echo $search_array[0];	//echo $itemType;	// Query Database	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM poser_items WHERE itemType=$itemType");if (!sql) {	echo "Error Performing MySQL Query: " . mysql_error();} else { 	while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){		foreach($row as $item){			foreach($search_array as $search){				//if(stripos($item,$search) !== false){				  if($item ==$search){					stripslashes(extract($row));					echo "<p>$item_name</p>";				}			}		}			}}		break;case "2":			break;case "display":break;default:echo "<div style>";	// Generate Inventory Links$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category_table ORDER BY cat_name");while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){	stripslashes(extract($row));	echo '<a href="inventory.php?req='.$itemType.'&item='.$cat_name.'" style="display:inline;">'.$cat_name.'</a> ';}	// Display All Items In Inventoryecho "</div>";	break;} // End Switch

    As you can see the values of the tags(keywords) its searching upon are comming via links. Maybe there is a better way to set up my database to make this easier or im just over thinking or someting. but changing the statment to if($item==$search) gave me zero results. Basicly what im trying to do is create a inventory system of some files i have and use often. so when it first loads its shows a serious of links such as Victoria Victoria 3 Aiko 3 and so on....Then when you click a link it passes some variables in this case the item type and the item name so for example it will pass 1 for the $itemType and Victoria 3 for the $itemThen more links display like this from the case 1:Clothing, Characters, Props ect as links then those values will be passed but i havent gotten that far yet this is where im at in my code where on this page it displays all items that relate to the $item.lol Follow me so far.So do i need to completely modify my code to use the if($item==$search){?Or do you see a better way to achieve what i tried regular expressions and it came up with the same problem the space between the a the 3 in "Victoria 3"

  12. Well the most common way I see it is a if statement Like this:

     // Database connection here// Query database$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE data=$data");if(!$sql){	echo "No Matches Found";}

    Not sure if that is what your looking for or if your actually pulling data out first then doing a check but if that is the case then you just do an if statment comparing your results to what your searching for and pretty much do the same thing as above code.Hope that helps

  13. okay I have a little problem with trying to get correct information out of my database. I have a field called tags which has keywords basicly for example one row my have this in the tags field.Aiko 3,Victoria,Victoria 3,A3,V3,Clothing,TexturesNow values are passed via links used to query the database and display all the information based on what keywords or (tags) it finds. Here is my code im using.

    		// Display All Items For Selected Item	$search_array = array($_GET['item']);		// Query Database	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM poser_items WHERE itemType=$itemType");if (!sql) {	echo "Error Performing MySQL Query: " . mysql_error();} else { 	while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){		foreach($row as $item){			foreach($search_array as $search){				if(stripos($item,$search) !== false){					stripslashes(extract($row));					echo "<p>$item_name</p>";				}			}		}			}}

    Now for the most part it works as far as pulling the data out of the database except that for example it treats "Victoria" the same as "Victoria 3".Now what I can conclude is that when its doing when it does the search and its evaluating Victoria 3 it stops after the a then goes on to the next word in this case its 3 and 3 is not a match. Get what im saying.So my question is how can I fix this to include the white space in a word like Victoria 3. Now an easy solution might be to go change all my data and remove the white space. But this is something interesting I might want to learn about for future uses.So what are my best options here to make my search work?

  14. I think your problem is that session_start() HAS to be the very first line of code after your <?php tag. In your code you have it following comments and includes and that might be causeing your header errors trying changing that around and see what happens.

  15. heheheh i remember one time in school i was taking my programming final and we were doing the lab part where we had to write a program. Any how i was to code through with ease took me about 45 min to get done then when I went to test it I got an error and sure enough it took me the remaning two hours of class to find that i forgot a quote somewhere in my program.It's seems to be just a basic human nature we tend to over look the small things while looking at the bigger picture.Another quick tip instead of setting a timestamp variable you could do something like this. Have your time field in your database set to datetime. then use the now() function to insert the current time and date. like this

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO PList (pName, sessionID, timeStamp)VALUES ('$string', '$session', now())");

    that will save you a line of program and insure more vaild data

  16. Okay i just set up a database table and ran your script and here is what i did to get it to work. Get ready to kick your self :) take your insert query:

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO PList (pName, sessionID, timeStamp)VALUES ($string, $session, $currentTime)");

    and put single quotes around the varaible names like this:

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO PList (pName, sessionID, timeStamp)VALUES ('$string', '$session', '$currentTime')");

    and that should make it work :)

  17. well not really variables inside your function are only avaible inside that function once you exit out of the functions your varibles used in there are destroyed hence the return at the end of the function. To clear it up a bit more basicly your passing variables from the main script in the above example ($variable1,$variable2).Those will be used inside the function to do what ever you need done inside the function. Now in order to use the results you get from inside the function you use the return $variable_name; statement to return it to the main script. and then that variable can be used through out the rest of your main script.So in esscence when you include your function it is part of the main script then, however you still need to pass it variables through the function call, so in other words the variables inside the function are not global they are known as local vararibles.Hope that clears up your question a bit more.

  18. Okay i been playing around trying to get this to work and I seem to have a solution but with a problem here is my code I came up with.

    <?phpinclude $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/database.php';	// Get Number of Categories In table to count how many cases I need$sql = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as number_items FROM category_table");$total = mysql_result($sql,0,'number_items');echo "number of records is: ".$total;// Set Loop variable and create an array with the range of the total number of records retrieved above.$count = 1;$case = range($count,$total);// My switch statement checking the value passed through the link $req = (!isset($_REQUEST['req'])) ? 'default' : $_REQUEST['req'];switch($req){	// Generate Caseswhile($count <= $total){$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category_table WHERE cat_id='$count'");$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);stripslashes(extract($row));$case[$count]=$cat_name;//echo "<p>".$case[$count] ."</p>";case ($case[$count]):echo "<p>".$case[$count]."</p>";$count++;break;}default:	// Generate Inventory Links$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category_table ORDER BY cat_name");while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){	stripslashes(extract($row));	echo '<p><a href="inventory.php?req='.$cat_name.'">'.$cat_name.'</a></p>';}	break;} // End Switch?>

    Now the problem is im getting this error:Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_WHILE, expecting T_CASE or T_DEFAULT or '}' in C:\wamp\www\PoserInventory\inventory.php on line 16Which line 16 is the while statement while($count<=$total){Now something is telling me that the switch statement dose not like the { inside switch and before a case is made is that a correct assumtion. If so what is something else i can do to parse my array to make cases.I did a test and my array works as i want it to if i take that whole while loop and place it outside my switch and test the values by commenting out my code so I know the problem is with that while loop inside my switch any ideas?????? thanks

  19. I think that is possible but be alot of extra unneeded code. you would have to run a query to your database to store the field name into your varaible $artikkel before you run the query you just posted. But like i said basicly your sorta doing things twice when you can do it once just by using the field name instead of $artikkel and this putts more overhead on your server. if that makes any sense

  20. How do you call a function from a different PHP script? I'm a little confused on this topic. Thanks,Supertrucker :)
    you can do something like this have two seperate files we call one page.php and another called functions.php. We will start with the functions page which as you can assume will have all your functions. and will look like this.functions.php
    <?phpfunction somefunction($varaible,$varaible){code here.....code here......code here.....return $varaible}?>

    Okay then on to calling the function from another php page in this case it will be called from our page.php.page.php

    <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/functions.php'; <-------- this includes your functions$variable = somefunction($variable1,$variable2);?>

    The include keyword allows you to include the functions.php page for use on this page. It must be on every page you want to use the functions.Next i used $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/functions.php'; as a personal prefence this makes it portable on any server i upload this script to. You can alternativly just do:include '/functions.php';Then the next line of code is calling our function passing $variable2 and $variable2 as arguments for the function to use then storing it into our a variable called $variable.And that is basicly it to calling a function from a diffrent php page.

  21. Well yes its possible and should be the goal of every programmer, to write a script with no errors other wise you just making something that is not stable.When I sit down and write a script i usually have several errors to fix some very simple mistakes such as not closing a bracket on a control structure or typing a varaible a diffrent name then how i used it before. But dont think of errors as bad things its a good way to learn and expand your knowlege. When I come across an error i do several things. First I stop and think why is that an error, is a logical error, syntex error. Then I step through the code line by line to see why its producing and error. If i have to i get out a peice of paper and write out what my variable is doing. And If i still cant figure out what is going on thats when i come to forums to ask, for other. Sometimes a second pair of fresh eyes is what needed to see where you went wrong.Errors are just a process in programming we have to deal with but they are also a good learning experaince to understanding the rules of a speicific language. Thats my take on it .

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