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Posts posted by Machiavelli

  1. ahh i wasn't showing him attitude... perhaps you should of asked me what was going on before making a assumption.. he had PM'd me to continue with that arguement we had earlier in the book thread... i replied to him to get over it and move on and i blocked him from PM... and I thought Mod's were suppose to be neutral and impartial... so other then this post i just wrote (and can't really blame me for showing attitude now since I want to forget that argument and just move on but yet both him and now you keep bringing it up) where did i show one ounce of attitude on this thread i created? i have been asking nothing but help on this thread about the bookmarking script... so if you do not mind... let's stick to the topic because thats what I am trying to do .... so if you do not want to help me with the script that is fine but no reason to post and goad me into another argument when i am trying to follow your forum rules.....

  2. nope.. just don't like being harrassed.. btw thank you for replying to this post that has to do with the title of the thread... as i've said the bookmark scripts aren't working for me and holmedwa... so do not know what is wrong with it.....

  3. No you didn't, you replied.You're assuming things about something you know nothing about (i.e., me)You think? What if a particular forum offers its members a challenge, and even a reward, if they were to hack a certain web-development forum? If that forum gets hacked, is it the fault of the individual that hacked it, the moderator who gave the challenge and reward, or the community that they are both a part of?If we become aware of our flaws, we should be greatful. But if some teenager uses a script to compromise forum software, and then proceeds to delete the database, that's not very responsible, is it? And it doesn't leave the people who it happened to feeling very appreciative, does it?No, alot of these people are immature children. Some of them, very few, actually turn it into a benevolent career.I'll say it again, replying to a post is not dropping the discussion. I realize I'm doing the same right now, but I'm replying to your etiquette, not about where is the best hacking forum. Computer security is not against the forum rules, we all need secure code. Discussing hacking methods, or passing on the information, is against the rules.I agree. So let me help you drop the matter. Now that you know how we feel, let me recommend some books, and feel free to reply about my recommendations.http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/progphp2/http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/phpsec/http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webdbapps2/It would also benefit you to read this thread:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...110
    I had dropped the matter you didn't so I'm sure you are breaking some forum rules... I meant you do not know their forums.. about you i don't care to know anything about.. i'm here to learn about web design not people personallyNot one and I do mean not one Particular forum where i hanged out at that hackers hang out offer any such challenges to break into a computer system... the ones i was a member of clearly stated in their forum rules that any illegal activity will be deleted and/or reported... as such it is not the fault of the community because we all have free will and should know right from wrong... if a individual makes a choice to do something illegal it is his choice.. no one made him do anything.. the ultimate choice is his/hers... I'm talking about the responsible hackers not the teenage ones that offline also probably break car windows for fun... most hackers do not intend to do any damage.. they are more curious about a system and how it works or what makes it tick then to do any theft or damage... the ones who do that are the teenagers who are not mature to posses such knowledge much like they shouldn't be driving a car at 17 IMO also... so again before you make such a detailed reply to me about a subject you know nothing about except perhaps that someone did damage to your computer.. you should read some of their forums before assuming they do this or they do that.. or they run this contest or they run that contest.. because seriously and i know this from experience because i used to hang out in those forums.. you are totally mistaken and are prejudging them without even investigating it yourself... so do yourself a favor... find a forum and read through them.. but most importantly read their forum rules.. then PM me sometime and let me know you were wrong... btw you are correct that very few make a career from computer security after being a hacker because mainly most arent hackers they are just script kiddies who can't even write in C++ or other programs... the true hackers eventually start their own consulting businesses in security or work for big companies in security which are the ones I admire... Again I did not at any time pass any "methods" or any other information.. i merely asked where on the web i can visit such places... I was told this was against the rules.. i replied then dropped it and then you picked up the confrontation after me and the Mod dropped it... then you accuse me of not dropping it because i "replied"... please spare me the double talk... you continued it not me... and what you have said is your own feelings... you cannot speak for others because only they can speak for themselves.... anyways we should both drop the matter with no further replies about your opinion or my opinion.. or they do this or they do that because it really is pointless and redundant... you made your case and i made my case and really no one cares either way... so we should both be gentlemen and just not discuss it further... because if we both do we are just showing the forum that we both have the need to be right about something stupid that should of been dropped long ago... i'll look at your books on a separate post if i like them or not... I like your book suggestions... especially #2 and #3 ... I just wish i had more room to put books.. I buy way too many books nowadays and I should really unload some of them to a used book store or something... I love ocmputer related books but problem with them is they are super thick at times... take up alot of space... thats what im going to do... get rid of a whole bunch of paperbacks i have to make room for books like the ones you suggested...
  4. this is another script someone else gave me but doesnt work also... In <head>:<script type="text/javascript">/************************************************ Bookmark site script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use* Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code***********************************************/function bookmarksite(title, url){if (document.all)window.external.AddFavorite(url, title);else if (window.sidebar)window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, "")}</script>In Body: <a href="java script:bookmarksite('Your Site', 'http://www.yoursite.com')">Bookmark</a>

  5. I had let it go... and i did that so this would not get confrontational but you had to reply to my post and make it confrontational... before you make a opinion about something you know nothing about ... visit some of the forums where they post... they self police themselves on those forums and delete anything illegal like they do on this forum... Btw so you get it right... websites do not break into websites or computer systems... individuals do.. websites do not have a mind of their own... and I didn't know this site was invaded but thats beside the point... it was a individual not a site that did it... if someone broke into my system to let me know i have a flaw and not to cause destruction then yes i would like to know that i have flaws... that to me is responsible hacking.. after all wouldn't you like to know you have flaws too? alot of these people have a career in computer security believe it or not and go on the forums to inform others of flaws in operating systems or whatever it may be... and yes i know C++ is used for other things other then that... I was merely pointing that it was used by them as well.. And me and the Mod had dropped the discussion but I suppose you could not help yourself and had to get your 2 cents in and stir more confrontation... so I'll say it again i'm not here to make enemies nor cause confrontations... I posted about something i felt strongly about (computer security), was told it is against forum rules, I was a little sarcastic about the C++ comment to the Mod because i do not like to be told in a public forum such things and thought he should of just PM me about it, but nonetheless i dropped the matter and so should you and anyone else so we can move on and talk about books... so again.. recommend me books that I should read or might be interested in... because after all that is what this thread is about.... and we all got off topic...

  6. Are you kidding?
    <script language="JavaScript" type="Text/Javascript"><!-- // Hide script from older browsers // script by http://www.hypergurl.com var urlAddress = "http://www.hypergurl.com/graphics.html"; var pageName = "Free Graphics,Hypergurl"; function addToFavorites() {   if (window.external) {   	window.external.AddFavorite(urlAddress,pageName)   } else { 	alert("Sorry! Your browser doesn't support this function.");   } } // --></script><a href="java script:addToFavorites()">Bookmark Page!</a>

    That's about as simple as it gets, and includes error checking. Make sure to remove the space in "javascript" on the link.

    Ok..so i tried the script hypergurl suggested and it's not working... IE says: Page cannot be displayed. so something is wrong with the script or it doesn't work in IE. Only works for other browsers. Doesn't seem to work in Netscape neither. Any ideas? Perhaps there is a error in the script somewhere.
  7. I'd just like to point out that what you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Nobody said you can't talk about C++. It's a hackers tool??? Okay I guess you can't talk about Windows, or Linux, or any operating system because those are hacker tools too...get real!You asked members to suggest sites to you that teach how to be hackers...That is what I said you cannot talk about!If we use your logic we should shut down the forum since you can use any language to hack with...so we can't talk about any of them...There are reasons that hacking site get shut down...they break into other peoples property and do illegal stuff (don't give me the white vs black hacker crap...it is still illegal). That is why these sites get shut down.
    I guess I must of struck a nerve because I never said I wanted to learn anything from them just that I like reading their posts like i like reading the posts on this forum (btw they probably get shut down because it takes $$ to run a site continously and they dont run it for profit... but there are exceptions like 2600)... just wanted to clear that up... I'm not going to get into a debate with you about this because you have your own ideas about what hackers are and it's just stereotyping.. this is like a Republican and Democrat debate... anyways there is no right or wrong just opinion... you have yours and i have mine and I don't know why we are still discussing this when I thought we both agreed this topic is over and I would move on to other topics that aren't against your RULES... so let's just move on... I said i wouldnt discuss it anymore so your RULES aren't broken.. and I made two book suggestions for HTML which I hope is not breaking your RULES...
  8. I don't suggest you push this....you are not allowed to talk about hacking and you are not allowed to ask about were you can talk or learn about it. This is part of the forum rules, if oyu don't like it, too bad...nobody is forcing you to stay here. If you wish to stay, please respect the forum rules. This is the last thing that will be said about this issue.
    Oh ok so you (the Mod) can discuss C++ programming (a hacker's choice of computer language & a tool used by them) on this board but no one else is allowed... but anyways I won't discuss it anymore and will google to find the sites/forums myself without asking anyone here, so I follow your forum Rules... I just wanted to point out the hyprocrisy... :) btw no need to reply to my post because I'll only discuss books on this thread as per your Rules... as far as im concerned the topic that i tried to discuss is over... i'll move on to other topics that won't break your Rules.... For HTML , books I recommend: Learn HTML In a Weekend by Steve Callihan Sams Teach Yourself HTML & XHTML in 24 Hours by D*ck Oliver
  9. I have to disagree in thinking only religious groups think there is no life out there. I'm sure there are non religious people also. Probably 60% of the population think there is some form of life out there but 40% would think otherwise and not all can be religious or religious groups... I believe there is life out there myself...

  10. What do you mean 'we'?There are definately signs of intelligent life on other planets:http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap061009.htmlIt's a really cool satellite that took that image, it can resolve objects 1 meter large from orbit and entered the orbit of Mars about 2 weeks ago. And, there's even a website where you can request places to image. And here is the same location from the ground:http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap061002.html
    I mean "we" as the human race not any one person in particular. As for signs of intelligence or other life on Mars. Till if and when we send astronauts or robots to retrieve whatever it is they see on that planet we will never know for sure what anything is that we see.
  11. That's very cool... 10,000 galaxies... all with possible planet systems revolving around their own Suns most likely and we still don't believe that there might or is life out there.. hmmmm

  12. Mod.... I wasn't discussing how to hack or anything.. I was just asking for site suggestions with forums that are well designed where I can discuss hacking. Not discussing anything illegal here or how to do something illegal. I did not know I couldn't ask others for a website pertaining to my interests. If someone asked me for a website where they can participate in forums on how to speak italian that would be breaking this site's rules? Afterall they discuss C++ (and other programming languages), computer security (to improve our own computers security) etc. You were discussing C++ in this thread and perhaps I want to learn more about that in Hacker forums where they are computer experts. Is that wrong to ask for a site suggestion where I can go discuss such things? ...

  13. To paraprase what justsomeguy is trying to say, hacker forums are for Skiddies and skiddies are not good people nor are they any "hackers". Don't be a bad guy... when you find a flaw, help fixing it, instead of exploiting it and reporting it to unsoliced parties that will abuse it. And don't exploit flaws found by others.
    I'm not a script kiddie nor a hacker. Not that I wouldn't like to be a hacker. A white one as opposed to a black one. Exposing computer flaws in a computer system and such to me is responsible hacking that should be done in order for IT administrators to correct those flaws. And believe me some of those people on those forums are hackers though the majority are really script kiddies because they do not take the time to learn computer languages etc. I was a member of Hackers.com till it was taken down with no explanations. I merely just read and participated in threads like I do here. I don't actively hack and such. I do not have the time for such things. I just like reading the forums and perhaps learn about possible flaws on my computer and such. Plus they also tend to have HTML/Web design threads on their forums like here. So just looking for suggestions as to what forums I can go that were similar to Hackers.com in it's heyday. Iv'e found other hacker forums but they were badly designed and such. Hackers.com forum was similary designed to W3school's forum.
  14. Nothing beats having a book in your hand... I hate reading online... except for forums.. but E-Books and such... nahhh btw any good Hacker forums? .... I like reading those... I used to go on www.hackers.com but that site shut down awhile ago.... anything similar to that site? ....

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