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Everything posted by danm68

  1. K thanx...but thats the thing..i dont know a way around it..so does anyone? or just leave width auto or w/e..still thanks for replying.
  2. Hi all..im new round here..and have questions! :)first of all..my problem is with a css tutorial i found on a website..greycobra.com and the tutorial can be found by going to 'tutorials database' in the left hand nav section, and then clicking on html and css. and go to my first css website or something...part 1..ok right..found it so heres the link http://www.greycobra.com/tutorials/creatin...ite/page-1.html. and my problem is with a section in the tutorial..in either part 1 2 3 or 4. it tells you to insert a 'quote' style which is as follows...quote{ width:100%; background-color:#EEE; color:#000; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; padding:2px; border-bottom:1px solid #000; text-align:right;}i do get all this (believe it or not!) but when i view in mozilla firefox browser, i think it interprets it as..100% width and then the padding pushes the width out that extra bit...i did view this in IE and it works fine..but since it doesnt work in FF i know what to know why??? (i am one of those people..have to know whats wrong and how to fix it ) i tried 2 px right margin to keep it away from the border but that doesnt work because width overrides i think... and if you stick width to auto then it works..but i NEED to know why it does that..or if theres a 'legible' way to fix it..with width 100% and padding 2px...but if there is no way then ill just keep it auto....also the width doesnt make sense anyway...because text is aligned right and color goes for whole row...but still i would like to know so any ideas or pro help is greatly appreciated..and if you want i can stick the whole site up on a free host or something and give you link...or in part four of the tutorial is the full source code so just copy n paste away. Thankyou!Note: i think the links in the tutorials are broken.. so when at the bottom of page..it says 'part two' instead of clicking that link...just change ...first-css-website/page-1.htm.. to first-css-website-part-2/3/4 (whichever your up to)/page-1.htm...all done...
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