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Everything posted by tones

  1. ok, solved it by using childNodes.
  2. I would be grateful if anyone could help out with this small query, or point me in the right direction (have read the w3shcools for loop pages but am getting nowhere).I am sending an XmlHttpRequest, and the response xml looks as follows:<ResultSet><Result>foo</Result><Result>bar</Result><Result>foo</Result><Result>bar</Result>etc....</ResultSet>I can get the textContent of the first <Result> tag, but wondered how to loop through and return each of the other <Result> nodes?Many thanks in advance.
  3. Doesn't seem to work, namely that the string contains ")" not the code for it. I have no control over the original string, hence trying to edit it using replace. I have been using the w3c schools replace demo and trying many things, and I cannot seem to replace the right bracket <script type="text/javascript">var str=")"document.write(str.replace(/)/,"W3Schools"))</script> EDIT: Have solved it, fyi: <script type="text/javascript">var str="(W3Schools)";var bracket=")";document.write(str.replace(bracket," Rocks!"))</script>
  4. Thank you golanlan, the HTML ASCII ref was the bit I was after.
  5. Is it possible, and if so, how would I replace a right bracket string ')' using .replace(/)/ 'foo') doesn't work of course as the bracket confuses the whole thingMany thanks in advance, tones
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